Thursday, June 19, 2008

Upcoming Posts

Hi Ladies! (and the occasional male who visits too!)

I'm a bit behind in responding to all the questions and ideas for posts lately! So, I thought I'd let you know that I have posts in mind on the following:

* my bathing suit: where I got it, why I love it, answering your questions
* books I've read lately, especially after you gave such great suggestions
* book review of A Life That Says Welcome
* hospitality with littles

Am I forgetting any? Want to add an idea to my queue?

Thanks so much for your friendships and for reading here regularly! I appreciate you!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm thinking of buying A Life That Says Welcome for my daughter's birthday later this year.

I'd love to know what you think of it.

Carolina Mama said...

Sounds great - love the family night. Now you have the pass you're good to pop over !

Lynn said...

I bought "a life that says welcome" - it has changed my outlook considerably - thank you!
I look forward to your posts about it.

Nearest and Best said...

Would love to learn more about "hospitality with littles" as I have three children also :).

Like you, two girls and a boy, though mine are now 8,5, and 2.

Do you ever host "playdates" specifically for your children (and moms), or primarily entertain adults and provide ways for children to be helpful/entertained?

Crystal Paine said...

Is there a limit on how many topics we can suggest?? I have about 200 things I'd like to pick your brain on!

I'd love to see a post or series of posts on:

--How moms of littles can avoid burnout.

--Thoughts on keeping your marriage strong with littles underfoot.

--Ideas/suggestions for nurturing a vibrant relationship with the Lord.

--How to make the transition between two children to three children somewhat smoothly.

--Keeping young children productively occupied.

--Keeping a quiet heart when it seems like everything is falling apart.

--Balancing outside friendships with family priorities.

I love everything you post on; keep it coming!

I'd love to know more about your bathing suit (cute!), I'd love to see more book reviews or suggestions, movie reviews or suggestions, ideas for training daughters, favorite recipes, organizational tips, sanity-saving ideas...

Is that enough for one comment?? :)

Anonymous said...

When I saw the bathing suit pic, I wondered about it too. It looks great on you! I look forward to hearing about it.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to the posts Monica, thank you! :*) tammyp

Anonymous said...

As always, looking forward to your posts! Your blog has had such a positive impact on my life and I appreciate all the time you put into it!

Mrs. K said...

I found A Life That Says Welcome at my library and just started it last night, I am really enjoying it so far!