Monday, May 23, 2016

May and Slow

At my birthday party, I was talking with a couple of friends about my book and slow - and it popped out of my mouth that May is not the month to decide to begin this journey of slow!

You know what? It has been a crazy month for us and likely for you too - it is the end of sports seasons, recitals, finishing up the school year, parties, get-togethers and on and on.

We just finished the girls dance recital, end of Samuel's soccer season, CC Practicum, my birthday, and are now in Colorado beginning a time of slow and rest. I have been looking forward to this time and the difference in pace and expectations.

The picnic shown was from Mother's Day where Rachel set out lots of lunch ingredients and we each built our own! After lunch, I spent the entire rest of the day on this porch. It was absolutely glorious! It was quiet, reflective, outside {but with no bugs, the perfect combo!}, peaceful and with no agenda.

Even in the busy of a month like May - we need days like this!

Speaking of my book {were we? Oh yes, up at the top!} there have been some delays that I'm struggling to be patient with. It is out of my hands now and waiting on proofing processes to be completed - I'm eager and excited {and a little impatient!} to share it with you!

How are you slowing in May? I have a slow idea for summer coming up soon - stay tuned!


Unknown said...

You make everything beautiful and I love seeing the pictures:)

Wendi said...

I am right there with you on the crazy that is the month of May! We have a jam packed week with a birthday, p-k graduation, dinner with friends and family (3x!), dentist appointments, and a garden to plant before the rain comes on Wednesday. Just thinking about it makes me tired. All Chuck asked for as birthday present was a weekend at home. Once we leave the dentist on Friday we will hit Home Depot and spend three glorious days at home! I do believe it will be a gift to the whole family. :)

Shelby said...

My May has been the busiest ever. Finally planted the garden. Kids schooling is almost done. This weekend the husband and I are going to Chestertown, MD B&B for the first time in 10 yrs. hard to find a sitter:$

Mary Ann said...

May is most certainly a busy month!