I saw
this post linked on a friends Facebook page and if you scroll waaay down you'll some cookie baking photos. It is hard to explain how those photos hit me.
The first thing I thought of is that I have never given my kids a bowl of cookie dough and allowed them to scoop out the balls of dough themselves. I've only allowed them to help in a very um, controlled environment, shall we say. Usually this means that I let them help pour in the ingredients and then I scoop the dough or I scoop the dough and then they do the decorating or something like that.

Why on earth have I never let them just scoop the dough? Don't answer that - there are practical reasons galore for why I have never done this and one reason is probably also that I just didn't think of it. But, now that I was thinking - I could not get it out of my head.
So, dough was made and scooped by little hands ~ and the entire thing went off without incident! And, yes - of course it was tasted too.

Until ... it was my turn. Ahem - I knocked a nearly full bag of M&M's to the floor. Yes, we picked them up - no, they did not make it on the cookies. We'll just eat them plain thankyouverymuch.

Am I the only one who controls kitchen help? Do you let little hands scoop dough? I will definitely do this again, now that I'm aware of the fact that
I'm the one who bears watching in the kitchen.
I am VERY guilty of this, and I realize how much I have hindered my littles from learning and doing ... just because I didn't want to reliquensh control! Thank you for this post! IT's good to know I am not the only one, but it is better for me to realize this now BEFORE I squelch any more.
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I shall let my girls make cookies on their own THIS WEEK!
I'm guilty too . . . but I have been trying harder lately to let go and let them develop skills - they certainly enjoy the freedom and they seem to enjoy helping more :)
Just this morning, I allowed them to decorate for Thanksgiving. I NEVER allow anyone to do my decorating! I must say, they did a fantastic job :)
I'm guilty too . . . because I don't want a mess:( I tend to like to have control of how things go. I am trying to make an effort and let them to more.
I've never let them scoop either. Thank you for opening my eyes to this! Tonight we may do things differently, as baking chocolate chip cookies is on the agenda :)I'm glad we aren't the only 2~smile~
A few years ago I saw these cute little metal cookie scoops (Oneida makes some) that measure out a perfectly portioned cookie every time. My little ones love using it, although I think I need to invest in some more to cut down on squabbling!
For some really good fun (and lots of calories) ice cream scoops work as well.
Thanks for the reminder to let them help even when messy!
I have always let my littles help in the kitchen, especially when it comes to cookies! In fact, when my biggest little was very small, like 18 months old, I invited his 12 year old Auntie and his 5 year old cousin over to make Christmas cutout cookies...they had the best time and my little boy rolled flour with his little roller and used the cookie cutters in that! He had a BLAST!! Best time ever! :)
My 4 kids are ages 15yrs down to 8 yrs. I'm finally learning to give, some, on the control issues. :) One day I just let them loose and let them do everything to make the cookies...turned out great! It helped open my eyes to letting go, and now they are learning and doing a lot more, and I get to do a lot less. Very rewarding!
I have my moments where I let Megan have freedom in the kitchen. Mostly I control the environment. I am sure for the same reasons as everyone else. I will have to work on letting go, and letting her create. Thanks for sharing!
Love the post, Monica. I'm slowly getting my kiddos more involved and embracing (tolerating with more grace for now) the mess. I often have a too highly controlled environment it zaps the fun out. Ugh. thanks for sharing!
I am far too guilty of this! Unfortunately my kids are all now teenagers and not as willing to be in the kitchen. Our middle son has decorated the table for years but it is just now that I am letting them really help in the kitchen. And yes it has been very hard as I do enjoy being in the kitchen but am far too controlling. So this Thanksgiving weekend we are getting in the kitchen together... in fact mom may even just pick up a book and let them take over for a while!
I have three "older" kids 15, 13 and 11. then two "younger" 5 and 3. Sadly, most of our cooking is out of necessity and it isnt practical to have little ones experimenting during the process..YET somehow (maybe only Gods Grace) the older ones have learned to cook. Not until about 10 did I REALLY let them. My 11 year old daughter made a pie for Thanksgiving: dough from scratch pie from scratch etc. I have never made a pie :) Children are always there and always watching and they do pick things up. I give my littles the unmessy jobs. "Could you help me? Could you get me a plate? Could you hold the spoon?" once in awhile crack eggs but there needs to be time for clean up and hand washing:) The fun times of scooping and making cookies together need to be planned. They are good good memories and I usually need a nap after ;)
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