I'll be taking at least the rest of the week off from my blog - look forward to being back Monday, Lord willing. I'm not quitting - just taking a short rest this week. Thanks!
Enjoy a much-needed break -- love and prayers, Mom
Glad you're taking a little break. I've sensed a weariness in your posts the last few weeks. I hope you will find some rest and refreshment through your time away.
I like your title "Quieting my heart..." It reminds me of my time as a missionary in the Netherlands when I would "quiet my heart" every morning by a huge Dutch picture window and listen for God's voice as I read my Bible, listened to music, and prayed. One song that I always enjoyed to quiet my heart with was Bryan Duncan's "When I Turn to You." Though I'm not normally a Bryan Duncan-style fan, this song really ministered to my heart and helped me quiet my heart to listen for God's voice. Here's a link to the Maranatha Singers' version of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU5XiYTx7AM
We all need to take a break now and then. Sometimes getting away from the internet can help us re-focus - and with your darling littles, I am sure keeping all those balls in the air can be tiring! I hope your break brings you peace ;)
Enjoy a much-needed break -- love and prayers, Mom
will truly miss your posts, but rest, dear friend, and be refreshed! :-)
~eunice b
I find it refreshing to quiet my heart from time to time. Enjoy your time away, my friend!
Glad you're taking a little break. I've sensed a weariness in your posts the last few weeks. I hope you will find some rest and refreshment through your time away.
We'll be here when you get back. :-)
Understood! :o)
Enjoy your break Monica! Let God Refresh and Revive you! Sending hugs to you! :)
Enjoy your rest Monica. Thank you for being a faithful encourager!
Sounds like a good thing to do!
I have a self planned blogging break myself because I think it's occasionally necessary! And GOOD!
I'll miss you. Yours is the only blog I read these days. I hope your rest is refreshing.
He will provide rest for your weary soul...
Wishing you peace and refreshment!
Monica, May you be blessed with His refreshment for your soul.
In Him,
Terri in Wisconsin
Take a break from garland making too, if you can. *wink*
Monica....rest in the Lord and His covering. We all love and appreciate you so much. I pray that you would be refreshed dear sister!
Exodus 33:14 (New King James Version)
14 And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Love in Christ,
I like your title "Quieting my heart..." It reminds me of my time as a missionary in the Netherlands when I would "quiet my heart" every morning by a huge Dutch picture window and listen for God's voice as I read my Bible, listened to music, and prayed. One song that I always enjoyed to quiet my heart with was Bryan Duncan's "When I Turn to You." Though I'm not normally a Bryan Duncan-style fan, this song really ministered to my heart and helped me quiet my heart to listen for God's voice. Here's a link to the Maranatha Singers' version of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU5XiYTx7AM
Enjoy your break... and rest in the Lord.
Sorry, I must enter a correction from my comment: The song "When I Turn to You" on the YouTube link is sung by the Heritage Singers.
Enjoy your rest! I'm back at blogging after quite a long rest. We need it sometimes...
Enjoy the time away. I have enjoyed reading your blog for refreshment myself, spiritually. Thank you for the inspiring myself and others.
We all need to take a break now and then. Sometimes getting away from the internet can help us re-focus - and with your darling littles, I am sure keeping all those balls in the air can be tiring! I hope your break brings you peace ;)
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