A place I don't want to be - yet, a place my fears seem to want to keep me. I'm reminded of II Corinthians 10:5 and I remember a thought from years ago -
I would literally picture walking the "thought" or "fear" to a jail type of building where Jesus was the jailer and I would picture myself handing over the fear/thought to His care. It didn't need to burden me anymore - Jesus had it. And, He kept it locked away from returning to me.
Then, I thought about getting even more realistic with this image - and so I created a small place of captivity to place these things as a visual reminder of His power over them and His peace through them.
Would you like to make a place like this too? Please join me ...
I grabbed the first small container that I could find that was not being used! Mine came from some jewelery I wore in a wedding last year - but anything you have will work.
Fantastic idea Monica! I love the creativity God has put in you! :)
Monica this is a wonderful idea.
I love that little box and the way you've creativly...repurposed it.
I also thought of the verse;
Perfect Love casts out fear. John 4:18
I would probably use a pewter heart in place of the key, or along with the key. - Just a thought/idea for myself.
What a great idea Monica! Now I'm going to be on the look out for a container.
Awesome idea! Thanks!
Love this! I like idea of actually leaving it with the Lord by writing it down.
I LOVE this idea; very powerful. I tend to worry about things that are out of my control. This is a real reminder that Jesus wants to carry our burdens for us!
Kim from Philadelphia
How timely our God is! I've been struggling especially the past few days with taking my thoughts captive. mainly fear being my biggest issue. Thank you so much. I will be doing this.
I was reminded of a story in a book I read once when the mother overheard the daughter say how she (being the daughter) was ugly. Being the overreacting mothers we can be at times she dropped what she was holding, turned around and in a very loud voice said "That is a lie from the pit of hell! Replace it with the truth!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and then started laughing but it stuck. And now that's there family saying.
Long comment but it's a good story :)
This is now on today's to do list! Thanks!
Wow....and funny (or not) how you just happen to show one of my worst fears, something that is always in my mind regarding my husband! WOW!!!
That's a good visual reminder. I can't picture myself having a physical place to put my written-down fears, but I really like the mental picture you provided. Thank you!
I love your idea of putting a verse with each worry. Worry is my biggest problem. I recently heard some very convicting sermons the sin of worry.
See "What the Devil Likes for Dinner" and "Don't Worry, Be Humble."
Oh Monica you are just amazing! This reminded me of a box I made to put 'what I can give away today'. Into the box went cards where I wrote things like "a smile", "kind words" and "words of encouragement". Think I will get my box down and add something to it today : )
Dorothy in Arizona
Great idea Monica! I DO have a box with bears on it (I am a teddy bear person) and I keep a post-it pad and pen near it. When I get upset about something, or someone, I write it down and fold it shut and in the box it goes. On Friday (trash day) it gets dumped in the garbage. I LOVE the idea of replacing the thought with scripture :-) great visual aid! Love in Him, Lynnebee
Oh, my gosh--love this. Making one tonight!
I love this!
I've been reading Paul's letters and this really exemplifies the whole captivity issue.
On a side note- I could fill the box in one week, I worry excessively.
I guess I should pretty up a laundry basket then?!? :)
Wow, this is just what I've been dealing with. I needed this. Thank you.
very cool idea!
This time of year our church has a night when we get to nail notes to the cross. A simple wooden cross and some thumbtacks would work at home. Remembering what He conquered and nailing it there has a strong impact. :) Great idea with the jar!
I so love this idea. For our anniversary, my beloved bought me a round pewter container that is lovely and I have been wondering what to do with it. I read this and now I cannot wait to use it to take my thoughts captive! Brilliant! Thanks for sharing!
I just came across your blog from something on Facebook, and really liked what you had to share. I lead a women's ministry and that's certainly an idea I'm going to use with them. Thanks for sharing it!
This is so beautiful, thank you!
I had such a fear of sickness when I was pregnant and when my kids were newborns. I knew, for me, it was a lack of trust in God to care for me and my family. I finally started giving up the fear and even got rid of the hand sanitizer!
My first visit here. A friend, Martha, got me to it. I LOVE this idea. It's hands on, visual and oh so cute. And I think even little ole moi (non-crafty gal) can do it. Thanks, Monica.
Brilliant! I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it! :)
Have a beautiful week! :)
this is a great visual! thanks for posting this. my sister and i are reading a few books where the author talks about this verse alot and how fear is a sin we must repent over becuz we aren't trusting in the Lord which he commands over and over that we must do. that was a huge eye opener for me as i never considered that i was sinning when i was racked with fear.
i will be forwarding your post over to my sis so she can see it too. now to go find a container!
I love this idea Monica. I'm going to make one of these for my daughter and I to use. You have such wonderful ideas for our walk with God. Thank you and God bless!
I love this! What a wonderful idea! Thankyou for passing along!
You inspired me to try this idea at our MOPS meeting tonight! I know it will be a blessing to us! Thank you!
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