I had a big huge gigantic post split into two parts scheduled to be posted here the last two days, but just didn't have peace about sharing that - so I took a couple more days off! Hope we're back to our regularly scheduled programming around here. I've been relaxing and resting like I never do and enjoying it soooo much! Plus, I'm getting my chores done since I'm more refreshed! Imagine that ...
Anyway, here are a bunch of miscy things that I wanted to do an update on:
* My friend Megan has started a fun weekly feature on being a Tourist in Your Own Town. Fun idea - check it out or add your own post too!
* Friday afternoon, I received a very welcome phone call from Compassion International. They were informing us that after 67 days, they had confirmed our sponsor child was uninjured during the earthquake. Christele, her family and her home all are fine and unharmed. We are rejoicing!!! It was an emotional few moments on the phone, but I was so thankful for the call. God be praised for protecting her and keeping her safe!
* I have completed all Easter garland orders and have four extras already made - so if you still want one before Easter, I can send out these four right away. Garlands are $10 each including shipping. You can e-mail me at thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com if you are interested.
UPDATE: The four extra garlands are SOLD!!!!! Plus a couple more - if you still want one and are open to waiting until after Easter, please e-mail me! THANK YOU!!!
* Speaking of garlands - I'm at 66 of 100 towards my goal! I have a few Christmas garlands to finish up - but have just about completed all of the orders. Thank you SO much for your sweet encouragement and support!
* Oh, and one more thing about garlands - Erin is giving one away, so if you want to get one for free head on over and find out how to enter!
* Looking for some Easter ideas? I'm working on my plans and will be sharing all of these and some links to other great ideas in a post tomorrow, stay tuned for that and please share your ideas in the comments!
* And, because several of you have asked - I'll be sharing how David and I met in a fun series of posts. I'm guessing it will take me about a week - you know, I'm wordy and there is a lot to say on this. Hope you'll enjoy reading that and will be encouraged in how God has worked in our lives. I'll post this right after Easter.
* Meanwhile, my laptop screen has decided black is its new favorite color - I'm not opposed to black, but it is impossible to read black type on a black screen! It's with the Geek Squad now getting fixed! So, the picture content may be extremely low around here for about two weeks!
How have you all been? I'm eager to reconnect this week!
I've missed you but am SOOO glad you are refreshed! I look forward to all of your upcoming posts. Yours helps to keep me somewhat grounded in this crazy world I live in. (inside joke)
We've been busy...very busy. But Good. God is always good!
Wow, 66 orders--that's great! Glad you've been getting so much done and that you're feeling refreshed. Look forward to catching up soon.
My word verification is "mater," which of course makes me think of the movie Cars. Funny!
I'm glad your back and refreshed!
Good to hear from you again...
I excited to hear how the two of you met. I can't wait for those posts.
Glad to see you back!
I've missed your posts, too -- but I'm thankful for this time of rest and refreshment for you (which I could hear in your voice last night). :) We rejoice with you about the news that Christele and her family are safe. And I'm looking forward to your report of how you and David met -- even though I know the story, I'll be interested to read your description. :) Love you, Mom
Rejoicing with you that your sponsor child and family are safe. My family has prayed for you and them in this matter. God is so good!
welcome back! I've missed reading! I love coming here every morning... :)I don't know how you do it every day with 3 kids! I'm soon to be mom to 3 and I'm already busy with 2! yeeeeee!
So, what I'd really like to hear about is your report on MFW Kindergarten. I am very interested in doing this next year with my daughter who will be turning 4 in the fall. What do you think? if you want to post or email, whichever works best! email is ozarkrose (at) yahoo (dot) com
Glad you are back Monica! :) Always love to see a post from you! :)
Guess what? I may be going to Relevant10 as well! My church may sponsor me! I am only a 4 hr drive from the conference. They are having a meeting tonight and will let me know soon! It would be great to meet you in person!!! :)
Glad you were able to step back and be refreshed. Isn't God good? Praising Him with you that your Compassion child is safe. We just paid our first three months on a little boy in Kenya. We can't wait to start writing to him!
Thanks for all the updates, Monica, especially regarding Christele ~ praise God!! You must've just been beyond thrilled and relieved to hear the good news. We are rejoicing with you.
Looking forward to the "love story" posts...so fun!
Welcome back! I am glad that you were able to rest and refresh. So important!
I am looking forward to hearing all the details of how you and David meet.
Good to see your post this morning. Glad to hear that you are feeling rejuvenated. Looking forward to your Easter ideas, as always!
66! Woo hoo! I will update the chart tonight. I'm really close to that number as well! (Which could be why the chart is buried under mounds and mounds of fabric right now...)
Just found your blog a couple of days ago, and I'm excited to explore a little bit more! Have a great Wednesday!!
I took my girls to a nursing home this morning and we joined them for an exercise time with a parachute. We all enjoyed it so much! While I was there I thought of you and how you took your girls to a nursing home, too. I'm glad we have the opportunity to bring joy to "Grandmas" and "Grandpas." :)
Missed ya Monica! So glad that you had some time to feel relaxed and joyful.
It will be nice to read about you and David. :)
Welcome back!
glad you are back!
I am so glad to hear that your Sponsor Child is okay - AMEN!!!! I used to work for World Vision Australia, so I know how difficult it is when disaster strikes and you don't know what's going on. I'm very relieved for your family, and of course your Sponsor Child's family.
Glad you are having a relaxing time, Monica! :) So great to hear about your Compassion child. I called them recently to see if children from Haiti could be sponsored and at the time they could not as they were still in the process of looking for everyone! GREAT NEWS!
Blessings to you and yours!
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