My time alone in the car is much less these days - but it is still something I value. This weekend, I had the opportunity to be in the car for quite a while by myself as I drove to and from a training on Saturday.
"I know, O God,
that wherever I travel,
You will be with me.
There is nowhere I can go,
no situation I can face,
which is outside Your love and strength;
and so I commit myself
into Your care and keeping
on this journey,
knowing that at all times
I am in Your hands."
(St. David's Episcopal Church - Baltimore, MD)
I had my Audio Bible ready and some great music (note: I love this CD, it was done by a group that used to lead worship at my church in Colorado and also I was involved in a mission trip with the leader and his wife. They recorded this album live in Beijing China - a first. It is very powerful to listen to the music and worship along with considering the hardship that the Chinese endure to worship):
Lovely post! I saw a bumper sticker recently that said "My car is my prayer closet." Thanks for sharing -- love you, Mom
I cherish my alone time in the car. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is wonderful! Many times I turn off the radio and just enjoy the quiet. Funny how clear your thoughts are when it is quiet and there are little distraction.
Love the idea of a traveling prayer.
I love time in the car, especially when I am alone. I listen to Fernando Ortega sing scripture and reflect on that. It is soothing and refreshing!
I, too, liken my big Jeep to a prayer closet... like you, I sing, I reflect, I pray, I listen to bible studies, and spend time alone with my God. Thank you for the prayer!
I have been listening to different series that Audrey has done in the past. I also like to listen to Chip Ingram series. I've been re-listening to Workers At Home which Audrey did in 2000, and it is encouraging me all over again!
I'm planning to drop nearly 100$ and get it super duper cleaned. That's a great start. Then we'll have NO food or drink (except water) allowed, and hopefully I can keep it clean for about 5 minutes. HAHA
I rarely get time alone in the car so I know what you mean. I try to make the best use of it when I have it. I listen to Christian music, listen to a book on CD or catch up with my mom (on my bluetooth, of course).
My husband and I are taking a mission trip in a few weeks with our church. We are going to Thailand, but our focus is on reaching the Chinese tourists who vacation there. Since Christianity is underground in their country, the organization we are working with provides bibles for us to put into the hands of the Chinese. Each bible can reach as many as 10 people once it goes back into their country. Sorry - just an aside after your comment about the Chinese and their struggle to worship.
Loved this Monica! :) The travel prayer is lovely! :)
When in the van alone...I sing praise to Him and pray sometimes as well! :)
I really enjoy your blog. Where can I get a copy of the cd? Thank you. Susan
I like this idea. I usually drive to a gym and back by myself most mornings, and I could make better use of my time in the car. Thanks!
When I was first married and before children I worked. I had to travel to work abuot 30 min away. I had some of the best "quiet times" in my walk then. Thanks for the reminder.
Though I rarely get alone time in the car, I usually engage the children in some worship or prayer while driving. We have several local christian radio stations that have a childrens show on usually during those evening- off to gymnastics, play practice, girl scout, library time commutes.
Thanks Monica for reminding us that we can always be in prayer and worship, no matter the task!
I love to pray and sing to God in the car too! (BTW, I'm a Colorado girl too! Where did you live? I was in Denver and the Springs.)
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