If you're interested in making your own set of bunny ears - here is how I did it: (I sort of adapted
this idea)
Use this template to cut out two ears (white), two "inner" ears (pink), two stabilizer pieces (green polka dot), one piece of elastic, one piece of felt for the front of the band and one piece of fabric to encase the elastic.
Gather the above pieces plus one wooden skewer:

Pin one pink "inner" ear to one bunny ear (white):

Stitch around the edge of the pink felt:

Pin one of the smaller fabric pieces onto the back of the ear. Line up the bottom edge with the bottom edge of the pink felt on the front.

Stitch around three sides of the fabric leaving the top edge open:

Slide in a piece of a wooden skewer (maybe one third) and then stitch the top edge closed:

Repeat for second ear. Pin ears onto the felt headband. Place bottom edge of ear along the bottom edge of the headband.

Zig-zag stitch from edge to edge catching both ears in the stitching:

Next, press the remaining fabric piece in half lengthwise with wrong sides together:

Then open the piece back up and press one side toward the center and press:

Repeat for the other side:

Then press back in half:

Lay one end of elastic in the middle crease. Then refold and stitch the short end to hold the elastic in place:

Pin elastic inside fabric until you get to the end of the elastic - place a pin here to mark the end.

Edgestitch up to the pin marker:

Unpin elastic and bring it to the end - stitch the end to hold the elastic in place. Then finish edgestitching the side.
Last - stitch the elastic band to either side of the felt headband. Enjoy your little bunny!

It looks awesome Monica! Great job!!! Oh...how I wish I could get the knack of rethreading my machine! LOL that is what always holds me up when I want to sew! BLAH!
Oh well! I love to see your creations! I bet the kids loved them! :)
You are just too crafty...I can't wait to see the SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT they do when they are 15!!!!
Those babies are absolutely adorable!!
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