How fun!! Did you make the donuts for the little game? (If you did, please share the recipe as time permits). :) I have little girls that would LOVE that!
Wow, what a great turn out you had! It looks like so much fun. It takes a lot of work to pull something like that together, what a blessing you are to all of your friends!
Wow, those pictures were wonderful! That looked like such a fun party- you certainly know how to celebrate those seasons! It looked like beautiful weather too!
That looks like so much fun!! Oh, I checked my email this morning and found out who my partner for the swap was. Very exciting!! Can't wait to put together a package for you!! Elise
I think I'm going to start a colorado franchise of the homespun harvest party next year. Isabelle's not old enough yet, but I think it would be perfect for her friends next year.
I may email you next summer for ideas. :)
And, I love the donut eating- we used to do that growing up and it always brings fun memories.
this looks so neat. I have to start putting away these ideas for the future.
Regarding your "evening in avonlea"--what do your hubby and kids do on those evenings? I'd like to put something similar together, but not sure what to do with the 3 and 1 year olds.
It has varied what we do - last year my hubby was out of town and we started at 8pm so my girls were just going to bed.
This year - Samuel was here with me, and David took the girls out for the evening - they went to the park, to visit his parents, and out for a quick dinner.
You are sweet to think the donuts looked good - they were a LOT of work and I think the consensus was that they were not the most tasty donuts. So, for the work and sorrow of not being tasty - I'd purchase them next time. These were apple spice donuts - they smelled heavenly cooking and I guess they were good with frosting - but not so hot plain. If you still want the recipe, I will be glad to share, but I'm not sure it is worth sharing :)
We don't celebrate Halloween. I do let my girls carve a pumpkin just for fun and tie in the spiritual application of Jesus' making us a new creation in Him, putting His light in us, etc... I'm thinking about having a family night costume party this year - again just for fun. We'll see...
It's good to hear I'm not the only Christian that doesn't celebrate Halloween. I'm looking for "alterntive ways" to spend Halloween and was hoping you'd have some ideas to share with us. In the past we have just had "family fun night" but, I'd like to do something different this year.
How lovely!
I wish I could have been there!!!
oh my looks like it was such a blast! I wish I lived near you so we could have come as well! What a great time!!!!! :)
How fun!! Did you make the donuts for the little game? (If you did, please share the recipe as time permits). :) I have little girls that would LOVE that!
Looks like so much fun!
Looks like great fun -- I see lots of happy faces! :) Thanks for sharing these photos! Love, Mom
I think I need to move down south. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time! I'm going to file that away for next year.
Your hospitality always blows my mind : )
It looked like a great time.
Another successful harvest bash! Great job on all the details. All those kids--wow!
The individual pix of R and S are darling! And the donuts look so fun lined up--even after all that work. Cute invites, too.
Wow, what a great turn out you had! It looks like so much fun. It takes a lot of work to pull something like that together, what a blessing you are to all of your friends!
Girl, you have SOOO much energy! I wish I had half of what you have!
Wow, those pictures were wonderful! That looked like such a fun party- you certainly know how to celebrate those seasons! It looked like beautiful weather too!
Well done, Monica! It looks like an amazing party. I bet all those kiddos had a wonderful time!
WAAAHHHHH!! I so wish we could have made it. Next year for sure!!
Wow, wow, wow. That looks like so much fun. I cannot imagine how you go about organizing something like that.
Great pics!
That looks like so much fun!! Oh, I checked my email this morning and found out who my partner for the swap was. Very exciting!! Can't wait to put together a package for you!!
I think I'm going to start a colorado franchise of the homespun harvest party next year. Isabelle's not old enough yet, but I think it would be perfect for her friends next year.
I may email you next summer for ideas. :)
And, I love the donut eating- we used to do that growing up and it always brings fun memories.
Wow! Those children looked like they had so much fun! My children would have be so excited to eat doughnuts like that :)
what fun!! bobbing for donuts! love it!
Oh, looks like you all had a blast!
You're amazing, Monica! I don't know HOW you do it all!!!
Everything looks so fun. What a treat for the moms, too!
beautiful photos. Those dounuts looked yummy. Have a gareat week.
Katrina in AZ
this looks so neat. I have to start putting away these ideas for the future.
Regarding your "evening in avonlea"--what do your hubby and kids do on those evenings? I'd like to put something similar together, but not sure what to do with the 3 and 1 year olds.
That does it. I am putting the house up for sale and moving to your neighborhood. Think my family will be okay with that?
Hi Lee -
It has varied what we do - last year my hubby was out of town and we started at 8pm so my girls were just going to bed.
This year - Samuel was here with me, and David took the girls out for the evening - they went to the park, to visit his parents, and out for a quick dinner.
Hope that helps -
You are sweet to think the donuts looked good - they were a LOT of work and I think the consensus was that they were not the most tasty donuts. So, for the work and sorrow of not being tasty - I'd purchase them next time. These were apple spice donuts - they smelled heavenly cooking and I guess they were good with frosting - but not so hot plain. If you still want the recipe, I will be glad to share, but I'm not sure it is worth sharing :)
I am so glad we got to be there again this year. We had so much fun. We miss you.
Love, Grace
Looks like such fun!!
FUN! I love the doughnut idea. How cute! The sack race----love it! Reminds of Anne & Diana winning the sack race!
I finally posted about my Autumn in Avonlea. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. We had a great time!
What cute kids! They looked like they were having the best time!
How beautiful! I LOVE the donuts on strings! I have to say, my baby has the exact same
Oh what fun that looks to be!
What a fabulous idea!!! The pictures were great and It looks like many, many families were blessed!
I was wondering if you celebrate Halloween?
We don't celebrate Halloween. I do let my girls carve a pumpkin just for fun and tie in the spiritual application of Jesus' making us a new creation in Him, putting His light in us, etc... I'm thinking about having a family night costume party this year - again just for fun. We'll see...
wow! you're incredible.
It's good to hear I'm not the only Christian that doesn't celebrate Halloween. I'm looking for "alterntive ways" to spend Halloween and was hoping you'd have some ideas to share with us. In the past we have just had "family fun night" but, I'd like to do something different this year.
Thanks for keeping Christ first on your blog!
Wow. You continue to amaze me with your hospitality ideas! Thanks so much for sharing inspiring ideas! :)
I have some ideas swirling for a post on alternative Halloween ideas. Be watching - I will get to it asap.
Wow, Monica:
Looks like everyone had a GREAT time. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
You are AMAZING!
Love you, Grandma
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