Monday, September 02, 2019

August/September Goals

Having low expectations of August was very beneficial and helped me feel successful in light of getting back to so many other routines! I was also reminded of the blessing of having as little planned on the weekends as possible. It feels so much more manageable and restful when our weekend is low-key.

I'm already looking forward to September because we have some fun things planned! With that, my September goals are:

- continue our Autumn in Avonlea tradition: we typically watch Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea over Labor Day weekend when the beauty berry bush in our backyard starts to produce the bring purple berries. It always reminds me of the first time I hosted friends to watch this movie when all of my littles were teeny. And just like that it became a tradition that I now share with my girls especially.

- go apple picking over my Dad's birthday: we have a little cabin rented and my Mom is going to join us - can't wait to be together over this time.

- see the Downton Abbey movie!

- go to Colorado during our Fall CC break. I've been writing a lot offline about my need for closure in Colorado as that area of our lives just really changes. And, I haven't been there since last Christmas so I'm just finally feeling the need to be there. I'll be sharing more about this here on my blog this week.

- make a Fall bucket list: Fall is one of my very favorite times and I actually love that it is a season we get for several months. Christmas is another favorite but much shorter. Staying intentional about the Fall things I want to do is key in helping me not feel let down when it is over but that I have enjoyed it to the full! And one of the ways I do this is make a mental or even written list of things I want to do this Fall. Even if I write this list out now - things may still get added to it as it is fluid and I think of other things. But when I have a window of time and want to bake pumpkin muffins or something it will help me to utilize the opportunities I have.

What are your September goals?

1 comment:

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Thanks for sharing each month. I've been saying I can't do this because of some recent family difficulties. However, I think it will help. Here it is:

Finish Beauty Maker, begin Good Morning Girls fall Bible study, plan my daughter's birthday party and make/try 2 Pinterest gift ideas.