Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Slow Day


Kimberly Lottman said...

So, I'm curious about the January best of my days . . . ., where could I find one?


Ginger said...

Ok....I see Scout rules the house!

Leanne said...

what bible study are you doing in the top picture, Monica? :-)

angie said...

Looks like the coziest of days! Inspiring to see you continuing with meal planning and grattitude listings.
I've read Kingsbury off and on in the past. Every time I pick up a title it seems to be part of a series. Do you like this series? For now, I have 6 books from the library to work my way through.

Monica Wilkinson said...

@Leanne: It is called Breathe - a Well-Watered Women study on prayer.

Monica Wilkinson said...

@Kim: Yes! It is a free download! Look here:

Monica Wilkinson said...

@Angie: I thought this Kingsbury book was excellent. It was about religious freedom. Yes, the main characters continue from the Baxter family series, but you can pick this one up without being caught up! Quick read.

Leanne said...

I ordered it this morning!! thanks, Friend!!

Kim Lottman said...

Thank you! :)