Friday, July 14, 2017

Simple Summer Pleasures

Hanging clothes on the line.


The smell of nectarines ripening on the counter. 
Collecting new memories: my Mom bought me this lovely colander at the Freckled Hen Farmhouse!

Long summer evenings - sitting in a quiet room with the diminishing light.

Blue canning jars filled with blooms from my yard!

Lesser expectations, watermelon slices, family visits, margin to think about and process things, watching movies from the library at lunch time and cleaning out/organizing! What are some of your favorite summer pleasures?


Unknown said...

Mornings outside to read my Bible,flowers blooming,slower pace,sleeping in, kids all home,picking things from the garden, treasures at the beach, porch sitting and sweet tea drinking. Too much to name!:) christina

Wendi said...

Swimming, spending time with my nieces, eating outside, sitting on the back porch, hanging laundry on the line, the smell of a summer shower, my daughter with sun kissed cheeks, picking fresh veggies from my garden, walking hand in hand with my husband through the yard as the sun sets... I could go on and on. So many simple things to love in the summer!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Book reading, sleeping in, and just relaxing.

Mom said...

My favorite summer pleasure in recent years includes visits from our sweet daughters and their families!! :)