Monday, March 20, 2017

Signs of Life

Saturday morning I wandered outside to look at the forsythia blooms and was struck by the beauty of the imagination and energy to pretend of my children: our porches frequently see sights like this as they gather a plethora of ingredients and then come up with all sorts of adventures with them.

I want to remember these scenes and yes, they are a sign of the lives who I share home with. The first sign of life I encountered. Then as I ventured into the yard - more signs were apparent in nature.

The theme of this entire week of posts could probably be labeled Signs of Life - from Spring to children playing, baptism to more blooms, enjoying Slow Day and candlelight. These are the signs of life. And I am grateful!


Mom said...

Lovely photos and thoughts :)

I so enjoy this time of year as the earth awakens from its "long winter's nap" - our forsythia and daffodils are blooming, and trees are budding out. I know we will likely have more winter before spring officially arrives, but I am happy to see these signs of life!

Wendi said...

If you decide to go with the signs of life theme it would be delightful to see! Sometimes we need the reminder from our children of slowing, enjoying and simply living the life given to us.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...
