Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Everyday Beauty

When Spring spun off into a crazy Summer and Fall last year, Winter gave way to exhaustion. Now that Spring is back upon us again - I am purposing to feed my heart with simple everyday beauty that also blesses my family and those around me.

After reading this post, I made Snickerdoodles - yep, just for fun!

We had a picnic at the park with our CC friends {love my plaid metal lunchbox - it makes me so happy!!!} and Emily brought me these blooms. They were so soft and full of simple sweet beauty!

Sitting in the car waiting for the girls at ballet - the sun began to set and the sky was so pretty!

For Awana, Rachel made a diorama and chose the story of the Ethiopian man and Philip along the road. She used all little scraps and bits to make her chariot and angel in an old Coke box.

A bowl of Lucky Charms and a few facts about the history of St. Patrick.

Slow Saturday morning ginger-lemon tea making - I don't drink the whole batch by myself while it is fresh so have started making it once in a while and freezing in portions that are easy to pull out when I want some soothing tea!

Met a friend at the boat landing to hand something off and enjoyed a few minutes of beauty at the same time.

We've had the curtains on our porch closed for weeks to help keep the pollen down and it has felt like a cave. So happy to get it all cleaned off and opened back up for enjoyment and light!!!

For at least a week, I've been eyeing the blooms on our neighbors tree! But day after day I forgot to take pictures - I finally wrote it on my daily do-list and made it happen as they are beginning to fade.

After working hard all day, it is nice to light a candle and pick up a book and just relax!

This candle holder is one of my very favorites! It is a vintage potato ricer with the handle taken off :)

What everyday beauty have you been appreciating lately?

* Amazon affiliate link used.


Wendi said...

I've been enjoying watching a new season come to life. The birds are back with their daily song, the grass is turning a vibrant green, lilac bushes are budding out and we even had a morning thunderstorm yesterday. Spring is my favorite season!

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

Beautiful post, wow look at those dogwood blooms. Its good to know it is heading this way.
We have enjoyed the blooming of the pear tree and seeing daffodils bloom. Enjoy your beautiful spring day.