Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mini Slow Day


Day two of the major deep clean dawned and I announced we were cleaning for our school that day! We cleaned the Living Room from ceiling to floor - literally. All the pillows and quilts are in quarantine so this is bare bones but it is clean and done. We were working for the reward of a picnic lunch and a little crafty fun outside. Sharpie art - ridiculously simple and yet they loved it - thank you once again to Shannan FPFG! My littles were all shocked that I managed to sneak the Fall Party cakes in without them noticing! Ha! I didn't even really try to be that secretive - but it was fun to pull it off!

I started a glitter garland but after finishing one letter my spray adhesive stopped spraying. I just set it aside for another day. Littles pretended to camp and made baked potatoes {magnolia cones} and salads {above} a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

There is an up side to having to deep clean the house. The house is clean. Lovely.