A couple of days later - I was struggling again. Fearing again. Not feeling good. I ate a pitifully small dinner and snuggled on the couch with little Samuel while the others were out for the evening. I read my Bible - studying all those times He taught about blindness. I watched Thomas the Train and exclaimed over Percy being frozen by Jack Frost and Thomas being buried in the snow.
It was one of those places where I couldn't decide if I really didn't feel good or if I just needed a fresh perspective. You know those times? When you're just really down and a friend calls and you feel so much better after talking for just a few minutes? Yes, that is where I was.
I called my mother-in-law and asked if I could bring my children over to play for a little while so I could run some errands and catch my breath. She graciously agreed. We made it through the morning somehow and I dropped them off. She said she was going to take them out to lunch and to play so I would have several hours and she'd just bring them home later. We switched cars and I was flooded with thankfulness - just for the provision that God made.
Sometimes we need help on this journey. And, I'm usually slow at asking for help - but look at the response I received.
I did my errands with a slower pace than I usually have the freedom to take. And, it was like the time alone and the quiet were restoring me. Sometimes we really do need time to refresh.
Grocery shopping. Check.
Pick up pictures. Check.
Lunch. Check.
Craft Supplies. Check.
I headed home with a lighter heart and got things settled in quickly. I gathered my crafting things and a movie from the library. Peaceful lights, sitting on my bed, looking out my window, being restored in all these things.
So, for the rest of the afternoon - I worked and I could hardly stop. It was so therapeutic.
Ask for help.
Step out of my tunnel vision and get a fresh perspective. All of these things help me in seeing more clearly.What clears your vision when things are getting muddy?
Hi Monica,
Great post! I can so relate! Thanks for sharing! I love the heart you made--so pretty!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow... Wisdom and Humility that allow to ask for help; a very generous and loving mother-in-law who helps you and provides a safe and loving environment where your children can spend some time; the gift of creativity that flows from the Master Creator Himself allowing us to find joy in using our hands to create beautiful things; peace and restoration that comes in those quiet times when we seek Him and rest wholly in His care... I greatly appreciate your post today! It has been a blessing to me.
Oh yes, I concur. We all need to find the act that centers us again. For me, it is writing or doing a craft, so long as it can be completed in one sitting. (Having a project undone just leads to more unrest!) Last night, I made some cards and envelopes using the idea you have posted.
More great Valentine's Day craft ideas. The doily idea is so simple, yet so eye-catching. I still have yet to do the yarn balls or the pom-pom flowers you suggested. I bought the yarn and hope to find time this weekend.
Hi Monica, Your post was awesome. It reminded me of what my pastor has stressed every Sunday "We need to make sure we're spending daily time at the well.." The well of Jesus Christ...reading our Bibles, prayer etc..even when we're tired ;) :) h, I'm so glad that your MIL was able to watch your kids for awhile. What a blessing to get some hours to yourself to slow down a bit :) :)
Okay, I LOVE your Valentine's project, especially that red felt heart :) :) Red is my favorite color :) :) Very cute!!! Love and hugs form Oregon, Heather :) :)
Great advise! A little time for myself usually helps me get a fresh perspective.
Your idea of stringing doilies along with another blog post's idea of attatching scripture verses to gifts gave me the idea to make a Vday garland of scriptures. I would like to back these with heart doilies. I love the pattern on yours, they are different than those I've had in the past. Can you tell me where you found them?
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