I first knew Joanne's mom - she was one of the receptionists in the church office when I was working at the attached Christian school.
Then, I read and reviewed one of her books here. We both love La Baguette, Avonlea, Little House on the Prairie, crafting and the Lord! Plus, we had a Navigators connection as well.
My heart has been so very heavy for Joanne and her family. And, as I was crafting this past weekend - God gave me an idea.
As I was wrapping balls of yarn (you'll see them soon!) and thinking about how God wraps Himself around us and hides us in the shadow of His wings.
Then, I thought about yarn. How cozy and comforting it is. It is warm, it is soft. It has possibility. You can make it into something or just enjoy the pretty color of it.
These thoughts just created a beautiful picture in my mind and hands of how God surrounds us ~ how He is wrapped around us and all that happens to us.
As Joanne and her family have been heavy on my heart ~ God gave this idea. I pray He will use it according to His will. And, I'm thinking of Emma and Audrey (Joanne's daughters) who are returning to Christian school today after a year and a half of homeschooling. If God brings them to mind ~ would you join me in prayer?
* * *
You don't know me, but I am one of the many who are praying for your mom and your family right now. As I was making a simple Valentine craft this weekend, God gave me this idea ~ so I obey and trust He will use it in His own way.

It is just a little ball of yarn ~ deep inside, all the way in the middle, there is a heart. Your heart. You can hold this little ball in your hand and remember that God holds you just like this and He surrounds your heart with comfort and protection.
When you are starting to feel like you are coming apart, feel free to unwrap the yarn. You can wrap it and unwrap it as many times as you want. Inside you will find reminders of what God surrounds you with and wraps your heart with.
As I wrapped it, I prayed for Him to surround you with:
And, seeing your name on the outside - may it remind you that He holds you and surrounds you. He wraps Himself around you and provides you with everything good. I hope this does not seem trite in your time of hurt and struggle. But, instead - a tangible reminder of who God is. The way He holds you.

You don't know me, but I am one of the many who are praying for your mom and your family right now. As I was making a simple Valentine craft this weekend, God gave me this idea ~ so I obey and trust He will use it in His own way.
When you are starting to feel like you are coming apart, feel free to unwrap the yarn. You can wrap it and unwrap it as many times as you want. Inside you will find reminders of what God surrounds you with and wraps your heart with.
As I wrapped it, I prayed for Him to surround you with:
And, seeing your name on the outside - may it remind you that He holds you and surrounds you. He wraps Himself around you and provides you with everything good. I hope this does not seem trite in your time of hurt and struggle. But, instead - a tangible reminder of who God is. The way He holds you.
* * *
I share this with you in hopes that you will join in praying and perhaps even be able to comfort someone with a crafty little ball of yarn someday.
PS: I apologize for the photo quality! Very early morning + poor lighting = grainy photos. Hopefully the photos will at least be able to walk you through the process of creating the yarn ball!
Don't think I've ever read that blog but thank you for the link. I read the update and am now praying for this family.
My mom suffered a stroke in December and while not nearly so severe, one day she was sitting at the sewing machine sewing a Christmas gift for her granddaughter and the next day, lying in the hospital unable to swallow or walk. Life is so uncertain, but I am so glad that I can trust my Mom and Joanne(another mom) to the One who knows and sees all things and loves them so very very much.
I really love the yarn idea- a tangible symbol of God's love. I hope that I'll be able to use this to bless someone else some day.
This is a beautiful, HEARTfelt idea. I am sure the girls will be blessed by this.
I've been following the updates and praying, too. So much going on right now in the lives of others we care about!
Our church is under attack from Satan in that many members are suffering from cancer. This is a great gift that I will make for Thames. Thank you.
I've been praying for Joanne since the day of her stroke...I read her blog, much the same that I read yours! I love this Valentine day idea:)
Dear Monica... what a tender heart you have! I know that these will be a blessing for the girls. So simple, yet so full of love and caring.
This is absolutely beautiful! I will be praying for that family.
We have an elder in our church who was just diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer....stage four. His wife is in my small prayer group and I think this would make such a wonderful gift. You are truly amazing! Thank you.
((HUGS)) Tasha
What a BEAUTIFUL idea!!!!! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure many of us could make these for hurting ones... God WILL use your obedience.
We have been praying for this family since the day of the stroke. I have a daughter the same age as their oldest. My daughter has prayed for them everyday on the way to school. She especially prayed for the girls today... knowing that it was their first day back to school.
What a constant reminder to live every moment we are blessed to have.....
What a beautiful idea! The little ladies will be blessed by it!
What a lovely visible reminder of our hearts and lives being wrapped in God's love, peace and strength. We've been praying for Joanne and her family as well. (Her dad was the elder we interviewed with when we joined our church.) Love you, Mom
I think your yarn ball is simply beautiful, and I will join you in praying for Joanne and her family.
What a wonderful idea. You are truly a caring, wonderful person!
I have been praying for this family since I was led to her blog last week.
I LOVE this idea - it's just perfect! What a blessing a little ball of love can be.
I was just so disappointed to realize I hadn't seen a new post from you in some time and when I checked my reader your subscription wasn't there. I must have unintentionally unsubscribed from you. Bummer... so much to catch up on.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Yes, I am also lifting up Joanne and her family to our mighty Lord!
I really can picture Audrey and Emma, unwrapping and re-wrapping these balls as a way of occupying their hands during this very trying time. It really does seem therapeutic to do so.
I am going to tuck this yarn ball idea into the back of my head. I know that I will be able to use it to comfort another. Thank you for sharing. And since I can't knit/crochet, it will give me something to do with skeins of yarn I have purchased for crafts.
God bless you for listening to His calling and being obedient to His instructions. By doing so, you are His loving hands extended.
Thank you so much for sharing this. Not only have I added this precious family to my prayer list, but I have been inspired to make one of these for several of my children. Four of our local high school students died in a car crash this past Sunday, and my chidren knew these students. They were fellow athletes and friends. I am hopeful that I can make one of these for each family, but I know right now these four families are overwhelmed with so much. And my children are hurting too and so I will start there. Thank you very much for this precious reminder of God's everlasting, neverending love. I can't wait to share this with my teens today.
Dear Monica,
Such a beautiful expression of love. I'm thankful for the idea. We will be visiting my sister-in-law this weekend, she has been in cancer treatment for some time and far from us. I'm going off to buy some yarn and make a love ball for her.
I had never read Joanne's blog before, but I will be praying for her and her dear family. I believe your creativity in sharing God's comfort and love in such a symbolic way will mean so much to those precious girls at this time. I just wanted to be sure to thank you for being a clean vessel for the Lord to use in such special ways ~ the lives you touch by reaching out in so many unique forms are a blessing and inspiration several times over!
Thanks for being you and for sending along this urgent request. Joining you in lifting Joanne up in prayer.
You continue to bless me with your God given creativity! What an incredibly special idea! Thank you for sharing it. I am eager to bless someone in my life with the promise of God's love!
What an awesome idea. I too have just come across that blog and am praying for Joanne, her girls, her husband and other family members during this time. I am a nurse and have seen such things before. I am a believer and witness to the healing of our Mighty God. I also wanted to tell you that I too needed this ball today. I plan to make me on and many others. Thank you for sharing His idea. :)
Thank you SO much for sharing this! I spent the morning making one for a dear friend who is going through chemo and is an ocean away from me. It was the perfect thing for me to work on and hopefully the perfect thing for her to receive! As I worked I prayed for her and for Joanne and her family as well. Again, thank you for letting God use you and being obedient in sharing it.
Thanks for this great idea, Monica. I too have been praying for Joanne and her family and I'm sure they were blessed by your thoughtfulness!
Last night I made one of these for a friend's sister who just had a heart transplant on Wednesday. I pray that it will be a blessing to her as well.
Have a great weekend!
I love this idea. I have several friends who are feeling very alone right now going through struggles. I will be making a few of these over the weekend to bless them!
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