Have you found this new blog yet? I am really enjoying reading all the ideas about hospitality! And, I've over there this morning sharing about birthday parties!
** OOPS! Looks like it hasn't posted yet, I think today was the day! Will update with a link later if I find it!
Here is the link!
I didn't know about this blog - thanks for the link! I love the authors. :)
By the way, here is the link to your article: http://offeringhospitality.blogspot.com/2010/04/hospitality-with-littles.html
=D Sorry! I put things up 6 a.m. MY time which is 3 hours behind you. =X
Thanks for sharing with us over there!
I left you a comment over there. I am half joking on it, too, so don't think anything offensive. :)
Hope you have a great week!!
Thanks for the link and the article. I am just getting into planning the details for a June little girl's birthday party and some of your ideas are really useful for us!
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