David got a call Friday that he was going to receive a promotion at work on Monday! We all went and got to see the Sheriff present him with his new title, stripe and certificate!

And, although he had to work through dinner that night - I thought it would be fun to celebrate his hard work with a special dinner the next night! This was a great opportunity to thank him as a family for working so hard so that we can be at home and focusing on all the things God has for us here.
I made his favorite dinner:
BBQ Brisket,
Twice Baked Potatoes, Green Beans and Homemade Bread plus
Pumpkin Pie for dessert!
The girls had made signs to hang - one on the front door and one on the table!

And, my Mom found these police officer Potato Head goodies, so I thought it would make a fun decoration on the table. It has since found a new home in David's office!

Even though we were celebrating a promotion, it reminds me that we don't really need a reason to thank those who work hard to allow many of us moms to be at home with our littles! Who can you thank this week?
Great! It should have been announced at work.
Congratulations, David! That's awesome. Love the signs you and the girlies made. The potato head is so cute-my husband has the Darth Tater! LOL!!!
Congratulations to all of you. What a special way to celebrate a promotion.
Congratulations, David!
Monica, as usual, you created a fun celebration -- I'm glad you were able to use the Officer Potato Head! :)
Love to all, Mom
Congratulations to your husband! Your hair looks so good, too!
I think it is very important to encourage and celebrate as a family. Congratulations!
Tell David "A Big Congratulations" From the Carmichael family!!! I know you are so proud of him. Does he get a new rank? Is that what you were pinning on?
By the way you look great!!! and I just noticed the title so I answered my questions about rank ;)
Congrats to your husband!!! That is fantastic! I love the lil celebration you had at home!!! The signs and the Mr. Potato Head Police Guy are tooo cute! :)
You are all such a sweet family.An ispiration, a reminder to celebrate every day.
*We have a SSG Daddy too :)
I am in thanks of you sharing your family with us. I don't think that your realize how great of an example you are for us. You are such a loving mother and wife and also a child of God. Thank you so much for bing an inspiration to us! God bless you! Congratulations to your husband!
Congratulations to your husband! I keep hoping that the more I read here the more my brain will learn to use every opportunity to build people up. You are a master at this! thanks for the inspiration. You haircut looks great too.
That's such exciting news! The special meal looks like a lot of fun, too.
Love to see the pics of your family - congrats on the promotion (and the new haircut!). We are thankful for my husband/kids' daddy especially this morning. He came home from work at midnight last night after starting at 8 a.m. He is awesome!
Congratulations to David and his "support staff." In these uncertain economic times, it is such a blessing to have a stable job. I'm trying to remember to give thanks when my husband has to work late these days. What a wonderful family dinner you planned. Sgt. Daddy must feel so appreciated.
Congratulations to David and the whole family. Wonderful celebration supper Monica!!
What a blessing for you all! I to need to thank my wonderful husband who also protects people every day and flies around the world to do it. I often joke about his "hard life" of getting to eat out a lot and sleeping in quite nice hotels. I do have to remember, though, that he is away from us at least 3 nights a week. I wouldn't trade places with him for anything.
Thank you for the reminder to be thankful for his sacrifices!
Have a blessed day~Cindy
Congrats to David! What a great way to thank him for all his hard work for your family and the citizens. I always enjoy hearing about our heroic officers at the committee meetings when they get their promotions.
Congrats to David! That's awesome. And also, you are looking pretty sassy there with your cute new haircut. *wink*
Congratulations to David ! My father was a city cop for 30 years, so I know how hard they work and how meaningful and fulfilling it can be. Love the family photo's ! The little on'es grin is just too precious !
Congratulations. What a blessing in this economy. I am thankful for my hardworking husband that allows me to stay home, too.
Congratulations, David! What a fun celebration for your family! I love your hair, too!
You have such wonderful ideas and a beautiful family!
Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Congratulations to David!
And to you for creating such a clever and neat way to celebrate his promotion and express your thanks to him. I agree you are a master at that.
Cute potato head...leave it to your mom to find something like that.
You are indeed an inspiration.
I like your haircut, too!
Love, Grandma
Officer Potato Head! Love it!
Congrats David!
My friend's husband is an officer at our local department and I know that it is a great personal sacrifice to be a public servant... Thank you!
I also thank my hubby for working lots of overtime and crazy second shift hours to allow us to homeschool!
Monica, I just want to say that you are sincerely the kindest person I think I've ever met. How do you manage to stay so kind and loving with your family despite having three little children? Does focusing on a Bible verse or praying throughout the day help? Any tips? I really really really struggle with having a good attitude as a stay at home mother. so often, I grumble in my head and way more often, with my mouth for all of my family to hear! I just wondered if you have any tips on keeping your attitude in check because you do such a great job.
Thank you!
Congratulations on your husband's promotion! I never realized that Potato Heads came in different careers. I always learn something here!
These were precious pics of a special moment for your whole family. I really liked them. You are blessed to be home and a blessing at home! I wanna live that out here in my home as well. I will make a point to make a special day for our hard working man of the house here too. You are Such an encouragement for many women like me and I am sure a joy for your hubby and littles. I am glad the lord made you like you are and to have this blog. Hugs, Angelia
Congratulations to your husband! I'm a military wife and know first hand that promotions are always a fun event to celebrate.
I love the Mr. Potato Head!
Congratulations to your hubby. Your family is beautiful. And again... love the new hair-do!
The flags were found here (if my memory serves me correctly):
We have been doing the Pledge of Allegiance every day for over a year. This year we added in the Pledge to the Christian Flag and I just last week added the Pledge to the Bible.
Emily knows the two flag pledges. Rachel knows the Pledge of Allegiance and is working on the Christian Flag Pledge!
Congrats! That's wonderful news. :)
Congratulations and Thank you! My husband was a police officer before he was a pastor, and now an Army Chaplain... so I want to say THANK YOU, your husband and your family for service!
Many congrats to your hubby! :)
Great job, David! We're so glad you received some encouragement!
Congratulations! So glad you and the littles were able to be there for your husband's promotion. You always encourage me to celebrate and make every day special. BTW, your haircut looks great!
Congratulations ~ to all of you. I know what it's like to have to stand by your man in long hours away from home, etc. - so in a real sense you deserve a real honor, too.
Love the Mr. Potato head... how fun!
Congrats to your husband! This is a great reminder to thank my husband for all that he does. Although we weren't blessed with kids of our own, he works so hard for our little family, and has steadfastly stood by and actively encouraged my decision not to work full-time!
YAY! My dh is an EMT and works closely with law enforcement. He really appreciates all that they do! Your hair is sooooo cute, Monica! :)
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