Thursday, May 22, 2008

Daily Schedule

If there was one question I am asked over and over it is about how our daily schedule runs around here. How I get the things done that I do and what that looks like practically with three small children.

I decided to track my time all week this week and will post it all week next week. I do want to say a couple of things in advance though.

Everyone has to figure out what works for them! By sharing this, I am not pretending to have it all together or even hoping to come across that way. I actually prayed that God would help my week be as realistic as possible so that what I share will reflect reality.

Also, just because I use my time in a certain way does not make it THE way or even right for me. I am accountable for how I spend my time as each of us are. This does not mean that you take someone else's schedule and assume it is how your home should operate. Each of us must come up with what works for us, and my purpose in sharing this is to be real about how I spend my time and be open about sharing it.

Of course I hope that it provides a good idea or help to someone who might want to adjust part of their schedule or just needs ideas on getting going in their home. But, please do consider what is best for your family and season.

I will say that I have struggled with a daily schedule more since Samuel was born than I have for a long time. We are just now getting things smoothed out and now that he is sleeping through the night, I am feeling more energetic - naturally!

I do not want anything about sharing my schedule to come across prideful or boastful and hope you will see my heart in just sharing openly of myself.

One last thing - I think that one reason I am asked this question so often is because I do lots of crafty things, read and like to cook and bake. I am of the opinion (not necessarily right or wrong, just my thoughts) that doing these things makes me a better mom. When I have things I can participate in, while still at home and still contributing to our family, that are refreshing and energizing ~ it simply helps me keep going in the things that aren't as fun to do!

I did not take pictures of everything like I often do - because I did not want to be worried about making everything look fun and pretty - I wanted this week to be as real as possible.

With all that said, I hope you might actually enjoy this series next week and if you'd like to contribute your schedule or what works in your home, please let me know in the comments! I'd love to visit your post and see what works for you!


Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing what your schedule looks like, and possibly sharing it with a friend. Just yesterday, I was encouraging a friend who is struggling with getting things done to try to get some sort of schedule or routine to her day/week. I was hoping that once she was able to make some progress it would help her deal with the depression that she is also struggling with.

Wendi said...

I am looking forward to this series. When we first brought Megan home you were so generous to share your schedule for Rachel. I can not tell you how much that helped me!

Now that I am caring for niece and nephew (ages 2 & 10 mos) I am stuggling with my daily schedule. Granted this is only the second week I have had them four day a week, but even so I feel out of sorts. I am looking forward to seeing how you run your home and seeing if there are some things I can incorporate into my schedule. Keeping up with three littles is lots of work!

Jenny said...

I am looking forward to seeing what your schedule is like. I would love to be able to get more done in a day, but is never seems to work out that way. I think I may spend too much time reading blogs. Ha!

Unknown said...

I'm an organizing/compulsive list maker kind of person, so I'm gonna love this series.

I'll try to track my schedule and join in...I'm sure it will look much different from yours since my children are teenagers (16 & 13). I think it might be fun to see the difference in schedules of moms to teens vs. moms to preschoolers!

GeonHui's Bakery said...

I look forward to seeing what you have to offer. I had a great routine before our daughter was born and we have a very very loose routine now but I think a little more structure (flexible of course :) would help us.

Thanks also for your honesty!

Katy said...

How fun!!! I look forward to reading about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Your sincerity & transparency are such a blessing! I struggle w/ a schedule, too, and it's just the 2 of thing helps to much if I turn off the computer after checking "my" blogs in the am! I'm a little late today since I had to run errands first thing. :-)
Looking forward to seeing what your week looks like!

LynnMarie said...

I'm one of those type A people so this series is something that I will look forwarded to big time! Thank you so much for your willinness to share with all of us. How kind of you.

Christi said...

Monica, I am really looking forward to this! I was just working today on a post about what (pre)dinner hour looks for other people - mine feels like chaos.

Can't wait to read what you have to share!

Catherine said...

Can you fit it in to your schedule to start posting it all today? I can't wait! Your introductory post was very useful - thank you!

Angela - Life w/ Two Busy Boys said...

I really look forward to this series!

The Liberty Belle said...

Anyone familiar with your wonderful blog would have a hard time thinking you are being prideful. The things you share really inspire and motivate. I look forward to seeing what you have to share with us regarding your schedule.

Susan said...

I am always a student in this area. I am eager to learn how others schedule their time.