Monday, January 22, 2018

Homemade Elderberry Syrup

I first heard about Elderberry Syrup through Beeyoutiful and their Berry Well product. I tried the Berry Well one time but did not love the taste and at another time got a bottle of the Berry Well Spice on a great sale. I loved the spiced version and enjoyed using that bottle.

When I felt like I was coming down with something I'd take a teaspoon or so about three times a day to really attack the symptoms I was feeling and it helped!

All that to say, I'm sort of new to the elderberry syrup game and I really still don't know a whole lot about it but, I do know that it helps!

After trying unsuccessfully to order the Berry Well Spice again {discontinued flavor} I was very interested in learning to make my own.  I received some great advice from Beeyoutiful on how to flavor my syrup and then mentioned to my sister about wanting to make it and she shared a recipe from our mutual friend Katie. She mentioned it was not her original recipe but from a friend and also found on the Mountain Rose Herbs website and in Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health.

What I'll share here is what I do - I have not consulted these other sources to see how this compares.

Homemade Elderberry Syrup
1/2 c. dried elderberries
3 c. water
4 Tbsp. honey
1 drop cinnamon Essential Oil
1 drop clove Essential Oil

Boil the elderberries and water together and after it comes to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer for 30-40 minutes. Strain the liquid into a canning jar and press the berries in the strainer to remove any extra juice. Stir in honey and essential oils.

Store in the refrigerator. Makes about 2 - 2 1/2 cups.

This is great to have on hand in sickness season! Tell me your experience with elderberry syrup!

* Amazon affiliate links above.


Mary Ann said...

I have tried Berry Well and homemade elderberry syrup. I thought Berry Well worked better but I liked the price of the homemade better. ;-) I have since run out of the ingredients but need to make this again! The flu is rampant around here!

Down Cedar Lane said...

We are on our 4th bottle of elderberry gummies and I want to try to make it ourselves. So far all 7 of us are healthy, even though we have been exposed to the flu several times. I don't know how much this helps, but my husband does not want to give it up.:) I want to try your recipe, but I need to find a place to order essential oils. I was ordering from one company several years ago and paid my fees, but I really don't want to do that again. It would just be easier to order through someone else. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi @Down Cedar Lane! :) My sister sells Young Living if you would like me to connect you with her. Otherwise, I order from either her, Amazon or Beeyoutiful!

*carrie* said...

Glad you found a recipe that works for you.

I noticed in the most recent Beeyoutiful newsletter a product called Super Immune, and elderberry was one of the ingredients. Sounds like an interesting blend, so I may try sometime.

Kristin said...

I started making my own elderberry syrup a couple of winters ago. I also feel like it has definitely minimized sickness. If I feel something coming on, I up my dosage and I have rarely ever gotten whatever it is, or at least not full force. I have followed the recipe on

Frugal Friend said...

I order EOs from Plant Therapy. Well priced and free shipping. They offer a coupon when you sign up for their newsletter

Jessica Knapp said...

Elderberry syrup was completely new to me when reading your post, then I heard about it from 2 other friends that same week! The flu is terrible here and one friend said the local stores were all sold out of elderberries. Crazy! So fascinating - I may look into making some. Thanks for introducing this to me!