Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Slow Day

Rain, rain and more rain from Julia provided us a cozy gray day!
Homemade donuts from refrigerated biscuits for a breakfast picnic.
We brought some caterpillars home from our friends house when we went apple picking and two of our cocoons opened up while we were gone to CC on Tuesday. Patience and Lightening were happily welcomed and enjoyed!
I made Apple Cider cake! I baked in an 8x11{ish} pan and made only half the frosting. We agreed more frosting would have been waaaaay too much! So yummy!
Playing CCopoly! We were excited to find an updated edition for Cycle 2. For CC families: find on CC Connected under user name heatherreg.
Christmas movies are happening here - this evening I watched A Very Merry Mix Up and then served hot tea and a read aloud when my kids came home from church.


Unknown said...

Awesome butterfly pics!

Anonymous said...

Can you list all your favorite Christmas movies?

Tina Leigh said...

Looks like good times to me.

Mom said...

Great photos - as always! I love the autumn touches, playing in the rain, and I am amazed at the butterfly photos!

angie said...

I spy with my little eye...some fall crafting happening in this post!
That book looks like a good series for my daughter to start. She is stodying Phillipians in youth and I just started a study of Acts. Do you and your kids like it so far?

Simply Handmade Farmhouse said...

I love your home life..what an inspiration.