It's true, isn't it? When we have something that God is doing in our hearts, we tend to notice it more everywhere around us!
This is how it has been for me with seeing. Friday morning found me on the way to the eye doctor (again) with Samuel. This time, to pick up his glasses. On the way - I was nervous about how it would go and if he would even wear the glasses that it has taken us weeks to get.
God opened my ears and I heard this on the radio:
Give Me Your Eyes lyrics
Songwriters: Heath, Brandon; Ingram, Jason David;
Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black tar
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos
All those people going somewhere
Why have I never cared?
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach?
Give me Your heart for the one's forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide what's underneath
There's a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
Too ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work, he's buying time
All those people going somewhere
Why have I never cared?
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
I love that video - showing the stop motion of people in their daily lives and knowing that God sees each situation and scenario we are in with that much detail. We can't hurry past God! We can't hurry beneath His radar...He is always watching and He truly sees.
Because I am reminded of how He sees, it makes me want to see like that all the more. I've been amazed at how God continues to remind me of this theme - see.
And, in the car on the way to the eye dr. I thought back to where this theme began. And, why it was so meaningful to me. Oh, yes - to see myself and others the way He sees me.
To see myself the way He sees me.
Let that soak in for a minute. It is still soaking in with me - I know I haven't learned all there is that I need to learn on that. And, I'm not claiming for a minute that I see others the way He does, yet if I don't see myself the way He sees me how can I even begin to see others the way He does? If I don't believe it for myself how will I be able to encourage others in the way God sees?
I see people smiling at a little boy who looks handsome and yes, even adorable in his little glasses.
I see how many other people really wear glasses - I am instantly aware. And, it changes the way I see.
Listening to the above song again - letting it seep in. Praying to see.
Thanks for sharing... Samuel looks adorable in his new glasses:) Christy S.
Thanks for sharing that video - I've heard the song, but it really hits home to "see" it. :) And your little guy does look very handsome with his glasses.
aw he does look adorable! I hope that he will wear his glasses without too much heartache.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Joining you in trying to let this "soak". Thanks for the encouragement to do so...this is also a struggle for me.
Sweet sweet Samuel ~ those specs make him look just as handsome as his cousin Nathan in his new ones! So glad God is helping each of them to see better. Precious boys!
Blessings on your day!
He looks amazing in his glasses! You did a great job picking them out and he will see as he was meant to and so he will want to wear them. The song really was at the right time for you wasn't it. God is so good.
I just wanted to let you know that your posts have touched my heart on so many levels recently. You see we have been dealing with a similar issue in our home recently... about seeing others through Christ's eyes! It is something I struggle with daily but because it is a "struggle" God keeps it in my foresight!
And sweet Samuel... he looks absolutely adorable in glasses! This coming from a woman who is rather partial to boys/men in glasses as her dear sweet husband has worn them since he was just barely 2 years old. Thankfully the glasses ought to correct Samuel's eyes!!
Samuel, You are such a handsome young man. I love your cute smile, your beautiful hair, your glasses, and the picture of you. Have a great day.
Mommy's blog friend,
Samuel looks like such a little man! Cute.
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