How to Be God's Little Princess: Royal Tips of Manners and Etiquette for Girls would be a fun book for your daughters or a gift!
Topics include everything from how to make the best pink cookies and wear a tiara to how to earn money at home and be respectful. This book is suggested for little ladies ages 6-10.
Two winners on this one!
To enter, leave a comment telling me your favorite way of teaching manners to your little lady (ladies). Comments will be open until Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 9pm EST.
Disclosure: I received a copy of the God's Little Princess to review and share with you here. Because we don't really need it, I'm agreeing to give my copy away plus one more copy that is being supplied by Tommy Nelson. I'm not being compensated in any other way and am just sharing my opinion with you.
I love to teach our daughter how to be a little lady by using Godly examples of young women she knows personally.
a_heart4home at yahoo
I think one of the best ways to teach conduct is walking beside each other through all of life. By example, good manners are taught. lovemylittlefamily at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this! My e-mail:! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
The best way to teach my daughter is through example. I try to remind myself of that on mornings like this one when I had to resist the urge to pull my hair out!
I wanted my kids to say, "My pleasure" when asked to do something, so I gave them a little treat each time they remembered. It got them excited about using great manners!
We are teaching by example, and teaching her what the LORD wants from us. In this day, this is very tough!!!!!!
We just taught our little ladies some manners by having over a bunch of little girl friends for a party and discussing how to be a good hostess before they came. They did a good job being a blessing to these girls.
brian amy 10 at hotmail dot com
I love to teach by example. I also like to point out when others are having good manners (or not so good).
I think the best way to teach manners is by example. Thanks for the chance to win
I think that the best way to teach my daughter (and son) manners is to involve them in most functions. They learn by example and by setting high expectations.
I don't have any little ladies but I do have two nieces who would love this!
What an adorable book! One thing we've always insisted on with our daughter is that she calls her elders "ma'am" and "sir". (We live in the South, after all...) Saying "yes, ma'am" and "no, sir" and learning to speak respectfully to others is something that will serve her well all of her life. We always remind her about how Jesus would want us to speak to started with gentle reminders and has become a habit - a very good one!
I have a six year old i think would really appreciate it!
What a cute book!
My daughter is only 2 but I think all the other ladies are right in saying we teach through example primarily. I also enjoy doing little tea parties and such with my daughter to give her at home lessons on manners. =D
(cmprice2281 at gmail)
I think tea parties have been a fun way to teach table and hostess manners. I would like to have the kids get drinks for company more often. When we talk about manners I tell them the whole point is to make other people feel more comfortable and noticed. This looks like a great book!
We talk about manners regularly in the context of life, but nothing much formal. It would be fun to see what they had to say!
My favorite way of teaching manners to my girls is through role play and real life practice.
My daughter is only 9 months, but I try to lead by example. I already tell her please and thank you, etc so that hopefully it will be second nature when she starts talking more.
My little lady is very small (9 months) but I have twin Goddaughters who are 6 and I'd love to pass them on to them. They are at the age when school friends have introduced things that I'd wish they didn't and I would love to do anything I can to help my sister keep them focused on the right things!
I don't have any daughters yet, but I would love to win this book to use with the girls I teach at church. I hope I am teaching them with my example!
We talk about how princesses act, and lately we've used dollies to practice saying "After you!" instead of going first. :)
Our two little girls would really enjoy this.
I can tell you some of things we tried, but after this morning I feel like a colossal failure in the please speak kindly and say please and thank you area.
This looks like a fun book for m littl princess:)
Teaching by example is a great way of learning! My daughter and I would enjoy this book!
I like to have a tea party with my girls so we can practice our manners. This books sounds really practical.
We teach by example and when they forget I usually just whisper in the ear.
Thanks, Heather
We are working on saying "No thank you" instead of a rude "NO" with our 2 year times!
We love teaching lessons by having other friends over and learning together.
BethAnn_97 AT hotmail DOT com
We have the children saying "yes, sir" and "no, ma'am" and the obvious please and thank you. I think tea parties are great for manners, but we also try to work on them every day in all the things we do.
blessed.mama4 at
I don't have a daughter but think this would be a great gift for a friend who's expecting her first daughter.
I think one great way of teaching manners is by playing "pretend" - acting out different situations, having teatime, playing dress-up, etc.
We, too, are from the South and so saying ma'am and sir is a must for our family. We learn manners by practicing at mealtime and by example. We also have a heart chart, where the kids earn hearts when they willingly and cheerful exhibit positive character traits. And vise versa, lose a heart when a negative trait is shown.
Thanks for doing these giveaways. What a blessing!
I have three little princess and one on the way, this book would be well used in our home.
We are working on manners and would love more ideas.
I would love this for my 6 year old princess. I think the best way to teach manners is through example and role play (with princess dolls, of course!). Thanks for the opportunity!
I've found that leading by example is very effective for teaching my little girl! My mom was a great example for me and my three sisters!
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