Mornings have been getting rougher and rougher around here it seems as the little ones in my home are waking earlier and earlier. I love quiet mornings to get ready for the day - and some things were just not working.
I've tried quite a few things - but God brought this idea to mind as something I'd never tried. One of the things I especially want to accomplish in the quiet morning is my time with God - my Quiet Time with Him. So, I decided to create a basket of things that my children could use to have some of their own Quiet Time with Him.

I did not buy anything to do this - just went around our home and pulled out things that I thought might work. I explained it to my girls and have watched them head back to it morning after morning over the past week. They've also been interested other times of day - but I'm hoping to reserve it for our morning needs.
We've only been at this a week - but already I'm so encouraged by their interest and the help it has been in our mornings!

How do you manage mornings?
I've been struggling too, in the mornings to have "any quiet time".
So, at breakfast,right after were finished eating, we will sit and read from one of the kids books - that are chock full of Bible Stories, verses (we memorize), and valuable lessons. We sing and pray, too.
In doing that, I feel like even I can take something away from it for myself... at a very simple, easy understand sort of level.
It may sound silly, but sometimes you do what you got to do. And everyone is getting "something".
My current struggle is to remain faithful in this precious time together.
I too love a quiet morning, but it seems the girls quickly grow bored with being told, "sit quietly with a book" so I love the idea of giving them a special go-to basket!
I love this idea!! My "baby" is 18 and so my mornings are a little different. He does get up early, but only because he has Cross Country practice, so this makes my mornings a little broke up, but I am getting my quiet time in between making sure he is up and on his way and then when he gets home to get ready for school....it is hectic, but very manageable. This is his Senior Year, so I am trying to make the most of every experience.
Hope you have a Blessed day,
I've found mornings to hard with the kiddos competing for attention. Since we still have a rest time built into the day I use that for my devotions. TV off, phone off, computer off, kids in rooms quiet for at least an hour. It works for now!
I wake up early but all the little ones too! So I go for a walk while they all read. My youngest is 2,5 yo but he just read or play alone while I go for a walk. Then we are all ready for breakfast. During winter. I go on the threadmill and close the door so they know they still need to stay in their room and read.
What a great idea. I actually get up really early to do mine, but I have a friend that does her quiet time with her children. She saves her meaty studies for later in the night, but her morning quiet time she has her kids do something similar. Good blessings with it.
Our children are grown and gone and my husband is either still sleeping or not home from work yet. He is a polive officer and works different shifts. So I have the morning to myself. I find that it is easy to become distracted even though I am alone. Riding the exercise bike, checking email before I go off to work, start laundry - you get the idea. So I find that while I'm still in bed, with my eyes still closed I ask for help to plan the day and invite God into my day. I find that if I start before I get out bed then I am more aware of him and can pray while I start the laundry or pray and sing to him while I ride the exercise bike. I just to invite him every morning.
Monica - This is a great idea. I've been looking for something to replace "go watch cartoons" in the mornings. I, too, like to begin my day quietly...especially after long nights with 2 little fellows who have trouble sleeping. Would you mind elaborating a bit on what you put together? I'm thinking of what we have that might work...
Well,I was copying you when I started having my kids stay in their rooms until 7:30! They know they can't come out until their alarm clock goes off, but since they rise early I thought this was a great time to get them started with a time to praise and worship God. I gave them each new Bibles and a pretty (or cool) prayer journal. I told them ways they could worship God in the mornings before it's time to get up. My daughter (5) likes to look at every page of her picture Bible and my son (6) likes to sing Amazing Grace and read a couple of verses from his "real" Bible. They've been staying in their rooms until 7:30 since June, and I just suggested the praise time a week and a half ago. But they like it!
My boys have always gotten up early. We MAKE them stay in bed until 6:30. But we quit wasting time with cartoons and stuff in the morning...we're usually doing our "school" bible reading/discussing by 6:45 now.
I usually try and pray that last time I'm nursing Judah in the bed in the early morning, and do my own bible reading at night...sometimes very, waaay too late.
Honestly though, with 7 children, I find the need to switch and change things around fairly consistently...so who knows what the fall/season change will bring.
Very good idea you have going right now though!
Great idea! Love the photos of Emily concentrating on reading and writing! Thanks for sharing - love, Mom
Great idea! When my daughter was younger (2-4'ish) she got up really early (like 5 am!) which really threw me off since it is hard for me to get up much earlier than that! I got a digital alarm clock and told her she had to stay in her room quietly until the 7 was the first number(harder to do @ 2 than 4!)
Now that she is in school she gets up at about 6:30 when my husband leaves for work which is perfect for getting ready for school without rushing. I have to say that when she started kindergarten was when I appreciated that she was an early riser. :)
Nice idea, Monica. I'm curious how much earlier they're waking up, and how much time you're alotting to this.
Mornings never worked for quiet time for us. We did bedtime Bible story and devotions and I stayed up after everyone else to do my own quiet time. Things are a lot easier now that my son is 11yo and in school!
That is a great idea! I love quiet mornings too but rarely get them! Thanks for sharing!
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