Even though I wasn't always patiently waiting, those days hold a sweetness in my memory. A sweetness I want to remember, to cherish - and to pass on to my daughters.
One of the sweetest things about these days in waiting was the time I was able to spend with God. I had time with Him in the morning before work, on my lunch break and in the evenings. I practiced the verses I was memorizing in the car, listened to uplifting music and had Scriptures posted at my desk and in my home.
I still enjoy spending time with God of course, but during this season - not as much time is available for enjoying with Him.
I enjoyed the Navigators Topical Memory System - I'm horribly out of practice now ... but what a treasure to have those words of God in my heart.
I participated in Beth Moore and Navigators Bible Studies (like this one). And, I read God's Word and spent time really thinking about how it applied to my life.
Waiting gracefully by spending time getting close to God! Do you have a sweet memory of spending time with God during your time of waiting? Or, if you are waiting now - how are you getting closer to God?
We are in the waiting right now, and although it's been difficult at times, we've seen God working. He's been so faithful! He keeps pointing me to Scripture that ministers and soothes, and even to other written sources that have brought hope and comfort.
It's been a very, very sweet time with my Lord & I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I can remember much of the same. A nearness to God *depending on HIM and Crying out to HIM* like never before...and, as much as I still do, it's not the same - with the availablity of time, etc.
I read and reread so many books to "help me"... and one I love so much (I think I gave both of my copies away) was "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debbie Jones.
Excellent Book and rescource to have...
I have several Bible verses memorized as well, as I would just cling to the promises of God - waiting.
This series looks like a wonderful read and I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. I love the picture, you choose. Beautiful!!
I'm not a very patient person by nature so waiting is always a strain. I usually acknowledge it's God's way to teaching me to be more patient. =)
As a single, waiting for God's choice for my life partner was hard because not everyone shared the vision I had for the type of man I knew I was supposed to be waiting for. I didn't make sense to a lot of people that I knew and so probably one of the sweetest things I remember about waiting is that other people's doubts caused me to dig into God and my faith in His promises all the more. It made the reward all that much sweeter!
Waiting is still a hard issue for me in various ways but each challenge has a certain beauty to it.
Good thoughts to think on today! Thanks.
God has taught me a lot about waiting - first several years ago when I also wanted to be married. Then again when Jeff and I were trying to be pregnant. Even though those months felt long and painful as I watched friend after friend with growing tummies and beautiful babies, God was still so good to us. And he just gave us our own little blessing - who was definitely worth the wait. I have always prayed for patience, but it is sometimes a dangerous thing to pray for, because to get patience, you usually have to wait for something. I usually clung to the verse in Romans 8 that says, "He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things."
that was long comment - and now my little blessing is waking up and needs to be fed. Thanks for the great post
Your story so much mirrors mine! :)
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