I recently received a copy of
The Handmade Marketplace: How to Sell your Crafts Locally, Globally, and Online. Honestly, I haven't had a chance to even look at it yet! And, since I've had it a few weeks - I think I should pass it on to someone who has time and motivation to read and enjoy it!
If you'd like to be entered to win, please leave a comment on this post by midnight (EST) tonight. Winner will be drawn tomorrow at random and posted here!
ooh! Sounds interesting!
This book has caught my on on other blog posts, but I've not read it. I think it would be helpful. Thanks/1
This sounds like a great book.
I'm interested!
I would love to win Monica -- thank you!
I would love to read this!
Hi Monica,
I would be very interested in reading this. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh Monica, I did not even know that a book like that exists! I would love to get it. So I will also leave a comment *lol* And by the way, I love your posting about your quiet corner and the peace chair.
count me in!
I'd love to win...would love to learn what's involved in selling goods.
Sounds like a great read! Thanks for sharing!!
Holy skittles!! This looks like a fab book!! I'd love a chance to win it.
cool! thanks for the giveaway!
Count me in!
I heard about this book last week and it seem fantastic!
Have a nice day!!!
I'd love to read it then share it with a friend who makes beautiful jewelry!
Would love to win this! Thanks for being so generous! :)
Sounds like a really neat book! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I'd like to enter. I saw it at the book store--it looks great.
This would definitely be an asset to my library :)
Oh my... I would love to have the book! Something I've always wanted to do, but need a jumpstart. Thank you for offering and your inspirational blog. I pop on every morning. :) Valerie
I would love to read this book. I have been thinking of starting to sell some of my crafts but have no idea where to start.
This sounds like a book I need to read. I've considered going back to work part time to help around the house. But feel if I do it will take away time from my littles. I would love the chance to win it!!! Thank you for being a generous soul!
Looks like a great book. should be very informative.
I've not heard of this book...now it's on my list to find...if I don't win it first!!
Thank you!
Hey Monica!
I would love to take that little gem off your hands!
this would be great =) nystraldjo at hotmail dot com
I so want to win this book... :)
I've been curious about this book--sign me up :)
Sounds llike a good book. In fact I have been looking to sell on line just not knowing how to start. Hope I win.
Oooh, yes, please! People keep telling me I should sell my stuff. Of course, I'd have to seriously up my production...
Looks like a valuable book to read, thanks for entering me!
Sounds like a great book with some resourceful insight for SAHM's! Thanks for the opportunity to win it! (I'm having a giveaway on my blog today too ~ my very first one ~ nervewrecking!!)
Just what I need. I am trying to decide whether to sell online r in a craft fair situation.
Now *here's* something I really would like to win! I've wondered how to get more involved in selling things locally...
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