Friday morning, I thought it would be fun to go for a walk and be on the lookout for any tiny sign of Spring. I didn't really know if I would find anything or not - I've seen a few Daffodils, but that's it.
Despite the abnormaly consistant cold we keep having here in South Georgia, the plants don't seem to care. The trees around our pond have buds. The plum trees are going to have blooms very soon. BUT we are expecting more freezing temps so I am afraid it is going to be a poor fruit year! Only time will tell. It is beautiful on my front porch right now though!
I had to laugh when I read your post. I'm a bit north of Philadelphia and we're still looking at about a foot of snow covering everything. (Except for the driveway and the back patio steps which we had shoveled.) Yet I noticed for the first time on Sunday that I can see the grass on the edge of the driveway. Some of the snow is melting! Thank you for sharing your pictures!
A flock of robins yesterday- all we have to hear now are redwing black birds and we will *know* that winters end is finally coming. More snow today though :0( I also know, that before all this 2+ feet of snow came, that the tips of my daffodils were poking up! Can't wait to see those again!
I live in W. Michigan and for about 2 weeks I have heard the birds singing. This seems like they are early but it so lifts my spirit and I praise Jesus for even the "small" things. Your blog is great Monica. Keep up the good work.
Isn't it wonderful! We found so many sweet things peeking through in our garden this weekend... "Spring will arrive" these little darlings whisper! Love, love, love visiting your blog. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
How wonderful! up north we still have LOADS of snow! So no signs of spring here yet! :) We have had a couple days of beautiful sunshine though!!! Woohoo! :)
Not for about another 6 weeks here in Connecticut... but looking forward to going on a "signs of spring" walk with the kids once it finally warms up enough! :)
I live in the Philadelphia area, like a previous poster, and if there were any signs of spring I wouldn't be able to see them because of the foot of snow still covering the ground!
But, I am hopeful that spring will be here soon. I just love seeing those first little shoots and buds!
We found a bunny come out from under our back porch... s/he keeps popping in and out from it's home, down under there. (reminded me of the golden book "Home for a Bunny".
The kids were so cute this morning... they were having a blast hanging out at our dining room windown waiting for it... basiclly having silent conversations because you know - "bunnies say nothing at all". (a line from another children's book we have) Although I must say, it was not quiet inside the house...too exciting!! :) - I'm surprised the rabbit didn't run for his life.
Just today on the way home from Wal-Mart, I saw daffodils trying to poke thru and some of the trees look to be budding out. I cannot wait for Spring!! Elise
Alas, despite the snow here in PA, I spotted the very tippy tops of crocus' popping out above the ground in a snow melted spot under my front window. It makes me happy to see this- as it reminds me of what they looked like when we bought the house... :)
I'm up in Washington state and we have had full on spring weather for about two weeks now. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom, croucus are popping up and all the birds are singing. It's just beautiful to take in creation here!
I have noticed some green peeking out "here and there" as I have been out and about. I think I even saw some weeds growing in the garden...and so it begins :)
well, here in Canada, spring is about 2 months was -30C this morning. no signs of spring....unless you count the days are getting longer.....
Despite the abnormaly consistant cold we keep having here in South Georgia, the plants don't seem to care. The trees around our pond have buds. The plum trees are going to have blooms very soon. BUT we are expecting more freezing temps so I am afraid it is going to be a poor fruit year! Only time will tell. It is beautiful on my front porch right now though!
I had to laugh when I read your post. I'm a bit north of Philadelphia and we're still looking at about a foot of snow covering everything. (Except for the driveway and the back patio steps which we had shoveled.) Yet I noticed for the first time on Sunday that I can see the grass on the edge of the driveway. Some of the snow is melting!
Thank you for sharing your pictures!
I heard birds chirping this am-but it's still fridgid in KC. I've never been SOOOO ready for spring in my life!
A flock of robins yesterday- all we have to hear now are redwing black birds and we will *know* that winters end is finally coming. More snow today though :0(
I also know, that before all this 2+ feet of snow came, that the tips of my daffodils were poking up! Can't wait to see those again!
I live in W. Michigan and for about 2 weeks I have heard the birds singing. This seems like they are early but it so lifts my spirit and I praise Jesus for even the "small" things. Your blog is great Monica. Keep up the good work.
Lucky you. as i sit and type this morning, it is snowing outside. We already have four inches from yesterday. So, no signs of spring yet here in IL.
rain...melting the snow away...oh, to live in the SOUTH!
Its less than one month away, though! Thank goodness!
Isn't it wonderful! We found so many sweet things peeking through in our garden this weekend... "Spring will arrive" these little darlings whisper! Love, love, love visiting your blog. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
How wonderful! up north we still have LOADS of snow! So no signs of spring here yet! :) We have had a couple days of beautiful sunshine though!!! Woohoo! :)
Not for about another 6 weeks here in Connecticut... but looking forward to going on a "signs of spring" walk with the kids once it finally warms up enough! :)
I live in the Philadelphia area, like a previous poster, and if there were any signs of spring I wouldn't be able to see them because of the foot of snow still covering the ground!
But, I am hopeful that spring will be here soon. I just love seeing those first little shoots and buds!
We found a bunny come out from under our back porch... s/he keeps popping in and out from it's home, down under there. (reminded me of the golden book "Home for a Bunny".
The kids were so cute this morning... they were having a blast hanging out at our dining room windown waiting for it... basiclly having silent conversations because you know - "bunnies say nothing at all". (a line from another children's book we have) Although I must say, it was not quiet inside the house...too exciting!! :) - I'm surprised the rabbit didn't run for his life.
Thanks for sharing! We're still covered in snow here but you've reminded me that spring isn't too far away!
Colorado snow!
Just today on the way home from Wal-Mart, I saw daffodils trying to poke thru and some of the trees look to be budding out. I cannot wait for Spring!!
Alas, despite the snow here in PA, I spotted the very tippy tops of crocus' popping out above the ground in a snow melted spot under my front window. It makes me happy to see this- as it reminds me of what they looked like when we bought the house... :)
I'm up in Washington state and we have had full on spring weather for about two weeks now. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom, croucus are popping up and all the birds are singing. It's just beautiful to take in creation here!
Her in SC, I saw my first spring daffodil this morning!
I haven't seen anything waking up, but rather falling asleep! It's late summer here in New Zealand, so we're heading for Autumn!
Nope, as a matter of fact, we are getting a foot of snow dumped on us here in New England!!
I have noticed some green peeking out "here and there" as I have been out and about. I think I even saw some weeds growing in the garden...and so it begins :)
no "waking up" here. There is so much snow on the ground and then we got another 8" over the weekend with more in the forecast tomorrow.
well, here in Canada, spring is about 2 months was -30C this morning. no signs of spring....unless you count the days are getting longer.....
Well, I'm a little late since we live in Ontario, Canada, but here's what we've seen this past week...
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