Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read 2 Peter 3:9
* Show the wordless book and share the plan of salvation
* That is God's promise to us - that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life!
* It may seem like it takes a long time to get to go to Heaven - but God's timing is perfect!
* Learn the sign for patience.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read 2 Peter 3:9
* So, what is God's promise that we talked about yesterday? (All who believe in Him have eternal life.)
* This verse says that God is patient with us! He wants as many people as possible to be with Him forever in Heaven. But, some people don't do things that make God happy. His patience gives them another chance.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read 2 Peter 3:9
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read 2 Peter 3:9
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Fourteen: Patience
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Psalm 37:7a
* What does it mean to be still?
* You know when Mama tells you we're going to a friend's house to play? You get excited and it is hard to wait! You run around and ask Mama lots and lots of times when we will go? Being still is waiting without all the running around and asking. It is asking one time and then quitely waiting for the time I said.
*It's the same way with God - let's talk about it more tomorrow!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Psalm 37:7a
* What does it mean to be still?
* Sometimes we ask God for things and He is teaching us in this verse to wait with a quiet heart and to wait patiently.
* God is never late! His timing is always perfect!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Psalm 37:7a
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read Psalm 37:7a
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Fifteen: Patience
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14
* It says to be patient with who?
- only those who are always nice? NO!
- only those who don't take toys? NO!
- only those who give you what you want right away? NO!
- it says EVERYONE!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14
* Let's think about some ways you can show patience with others:
- If you go to the park and there is a line for the slide or swings - what can you do?
- If you ask your Mama for a snack and she says, yes, in just a few minutes - how can you show patience?
- If your brother, sister or friend has a toy you want to play with - how can you show patience?
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Sixteen:
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read James 5:7-8a
* Sometimes it feels like a long time until we can go to Heaven! Remember? We talked about this a couple of weeks ago! (Show journal page of watch.)
* God tells us here in His Word that this is the same kind of patience we see on a farm or in a garden.
* Let's talk more about the garden idea tomorrow.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read James 5:7-8a
* How do you plant a garden?
- plan, prepare soil, plant, water, pull weeds, take care of, pick!
* Does a garden take time? Yes, after you plant the seeds you have to be patient for the seeds to grow!
* God told us this is the same way we should be patient and wait for Him!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read James 5:7-8a
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read James 5:7-8a
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
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