Week Seventeen: Kindness
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Ephesians 4:32
* Who does this verse tell us showed kindness to us? (God!)
* How did God show kindness to us?
* Learn sign for kindness.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Ephesians 4:32
* God was kind to us because He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins.
* When do we forgive?
* So, God forgives us when we do things that make Him sad.
* We are to forgive each other too!
* Let's practice:
- "I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?"
- "Yes, I forgive you!"
- "Thank you!"
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Ephesians 4:32
* This verse also says to be kind and compassionate to each other.
* What does it mean to be kind? (show that you care for others, show understanding)
* What does it mean to show compassion? (sharing someone's sadness, share an example)
* Sing
* Pray for a kind and compassionate heart.
Day Five:
* Pray
* Read Ephesians 4:32
* Journal
* Review
* Sing
* Pray

Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:15
* This verse says to make sure not to pay back wrong for wrong.
* Do you know what that means?
- If someone takes your toy, should you take something of theirs? No, that would be paying wrong for wrong. How should you act?
- If someone pushes you, should you push them back? No, that would be repaying wrong for wrong.
- I'm thankful that God does not do wrong to us when we disobey!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:15
* This verse says to always be kind!
* Does that mean just on Mondays?
* Does that mean just when the sun in shining?
* Does it mean only when it is easy?
* It says to show kindness to one another which means other people who love God!
* And, it says to be kind to everyone else which means just that! ALL people need our kindness!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:15
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read 1 Thessalonians 5:15
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Nineteen: Kindness
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 12:25
* The beginning of this verse says that an anxious heart weighs somebody down.
* What does it mean to be anxious? (worried, afraid)
* Why does that wear us down? (because it takes our eyes off of God)
* What does it feel like to be weighed down? (put a bag of flour or sugar or some canned goods in a backpack to demonstrate.)
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 12:25
* Yesterday we talked about how it felt to be weighed down with fear or worry, but guess what? There is a way to feel cheerful and happy again!
* What is it? We can say a kind word to a friend! Let's practice!
* If your friend is afraid it might rain and they won't be able to go to the park - what are some kind words you could say?
* If a friend or your brother or sister isn't feeling good or is afraid to go to the doctor - what are some kind words you could say?
* Can you remember a time someone said something kind to you? Share that.
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 12:25
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

* Pray
* Read Proverbs 12:25
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Week Twenty: Patience
Day One:
* Pray
* Review
* Sing
* Pray
Day Two:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 14:31
* The beginning of this verse means that if someone is not kind to those who are in need, they are showing God they do not love Him.
* What does it mean to be poor? (someone who does not have very much - maybe they don't have many clothes or maybe only a little bit of food to eat)
* Who made all of us? (God)
* Sing
* Pray
Day Three:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 14:31
* We learned yesterday that those who do not show kindness to those in need are showing God they don't love Him.
* This verse also tells us how we can make God happy - it says whoever is KIND to the needy honors God!
* How can we show kindness to the needy?
- taking food to the Food Pantry at church
- packing shoeboxes for children in other countries
- cleaning out clothes or toys you don't need to share with others
* Sing
* Pray
Day Four:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 14:31
* Do something to help the poor!
* Ideas:
- Go through pantry to find food items to donate.
- Choose toys or clothes to give.
- Make a card for someone who is sick.
- Come up with your own idea!
* Sing
* Pray
Day Five:
* Pray
* Read Proverbs 14:31
* You made God happy by giving to someone in need!
* Journal
* Sing
* Pray

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