Friday, January 15, 2010

Make Your Home a Haven: Start with God!

Good morning, ladies! Making my home more of a haven was on my list of goals for 2010 and I am so excited to be embarking on this journey today and in the weeks ahead!

As we think about our homes and what makes them into a haven, I think that each of us will have general similar ideas, but more specific details will vary home by home.

The challenges that I post here will be what is on my heart specifically for my home - but you know your home best! I hope you will freely follow the ideas that God is giving you for your home and join us in whatever way you see as the best fit for your home and family ~ your haven!

Feel free to use the button above if you'd like as well!

With that, let's get started! I can't imagine starting anywhere else than to start this journey with God. I know that I cannot do the things I want or need to do without His strength, leading and guidance! Because, I know for certain that if any of you walked into my house right now - you would know that I am not qualified to hostess this series - in my own strength that is!

I've been struggling to keep up with things at home - but I still have the heart to make my home a haven and to improve in this!

Challenge for next week:

* Establish a daily time with Him. For me, this works best first thing in the morning before my littles are up - but another time of day may work better for you. This year, I'll be reading the One Year Bible during this time and hope to begin incorporating some prayer time then as well.

* Write a prayer: I love to write prayers to God in a journal. It just is one of the things that is very meaningful for me to participate in. I'm planning to write out a prayer regarding making my home a haven this year.

* Prayer Walk: After reading this idea in Joanne Heim's book Living Simply, I've been wanting to do this and haven't gotten it done yet. No more procrastinating. This week, I will walk through our home - praying in each room for whatever God lays on my heart. Praying for those who walk through the front door, those who are fed at my table, thanking Him for many provisions and praying by name for the sweet ones who live within these walls. Here are some Scripture ideas to pray throughout the rooms.

* Re-read these thoughts on creating a haven and learn Psalm 107:29-32.

Many blessings to each of you this week as you endeavor to create havens in your homes and hearts! Linky will be up next Friday along with the challenge for the following week!


Lisa said...


This is so wonderful. I am going to love this series. I cannot wait to do my prayer walk today! Blessings for your weekend!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I am looking forward to this. You are right where my heart is. I really need to get my home in order and God is certainly the right place to start.

Tim, Allyson, and kids said...

I love the idea of a prayer walk. I think I will definitely add that in for this coming week.

Simple Life said...

What a great place to start! I will be joining in. Thanks for your ideas!

angela said...

I think you are the perfect person to hostess this because your heart is always in the right place.
I'll look forward to it each week.

Missy K said...

I love this-- to pursue peace and nurture, turn to the Author of both!

being molded said...

I am also excited about taking part in this. I am going to get things organized, well as organized as things can be in my life :) this weekend so I can put my whole heart into it next week.

Sarah said...

Thanks for sharing, Monica. May God bless this process - I'll be following eagerly!

Wendi said...

Great challenge for the first week. I certainly beleive that all things start with the heart.

Grace Halsey said...

This is beautiful! I am looking forward to joining you on this mission this year. I read the One Year (chronological Bible) last year and it was such a blessing. To God be the glory!

Lanette said...

I highly recommend "My Heart, Christ's Home" by Robert Munger. It's a very quick read but meshes very nicely with the "Home" theme as he walks through the 'rooms' of our hearts.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to take part as well. Grabbing a button, and joining in.
Have a great weekend!
- Kathi

Becky said...

I am so excited to do this! The idea of the prayer walk through the home is an excellent idea! My hubby and I have been talking about "blessing" out home, but we weren't quite sure on how to go about that.


Shannon said...

monica - what perfect timing you have! this is such a help for me, truly an inspiration!