While we have received a general update from Compassion - we know that getting specific child information to sponsors could take a long time and there are so many pressing needs in Haiti right now. So, at this moment - we wait, we pray, we reach across the miles in our hearts to this precious child and trust her to God's care.
In the face of huge disasters like this, it is easy to want to do something - and also easy to feel fairly helpless. We are so far away and tangibly helping is difficult. But, others are already there and we can help ease their load by providing the finances they need to do their work.
Crystal over at Money Saving Mom is hosting a big link up today for all of us to join in and help! She is encouraging each of us to post about what we are doing to help and then link back up to her site where she will make a donation for each link left.
First thing yesterday morning, we donated both to Compassion and Samaritan's Purse ~ and have been praying especially for Christele.
So, what can you do? Crystal offered the following suggestions:
* Pray
* Give
* Blog
Read her full post here. While we don't feel we can offer a monetary amount per link - I do want to do something. I made this apron the other day and was planning to give it away in a post next week - but instead, am going to leave it up here.

I gave to Compassion International and the Red Cross. Thanks for doing this!
Very cool, Monica. I know--I was so excited to see the MSM post. Since I don't read blogs on Thursdays, I had no idea this was going on until after my post was up this morning!
love it.
Incredible effort. I linked up to you!
I just gave to Compassion. I find the blog community to full of kind, giving people. It warms my heart to know how our coming together can provide so much help.
our World Vision child is from Haiti...and we have been deep in prayer for him... thanks for sharing! I posted how to help on my blog, also!
Today is the first time I've been to your blog. Your site is beautiful as is the apron.
As I go through the blogosphere today, I amazed at the generous and concerned people I find.
Praise the Lord!
Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
Our church also took and sent contributions in.
My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!
Hi, this doesn't have to do with Haiti but I just wanted to let you know that I am also doing the One Year Bible and am loving it. It has enough OT for me to think on but still has NT,Psalm and Proverbs. Earlier I was doing 3-4 chapters a day and I did a lot of skimming but this way I am able to dig deeper. Thanks for letting me know about this:)
On another note, we are praying for the people of Haiti but I will look into how we can help them financially.
i am praying through out the day for the victims, and the helpers. may God's hands, feet, and words reach far and wide!
Hi Monica,
I too gave to Compassion International. The apron was such a great idea. You should put some of them on Etsy.
I donated all my swagbucks for the cause, posted about this drive on Facebook, and plan to donate money, though still deciding which organization to donate through. Thanks for doing this.
We gave to Red Cross via txt and YeleHaiti via txt. Thanks for your efforts!
My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.
Praying that your sponsor child is okay. We went through a similar thing when there was unrest in Kenya last year... one of our sponsor children lives near where that was happening. We haven't done anything to help out in Haiti yet... but reading your post has inspired me to do something... I have some friends that are making hand made items... selling them.. and donating the funds to Doctors without borders.... who will be helping out in the area...
I decided to donate to 'Doctors without Borders.' Thanks for all you are doing!!
I'm giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!
I'm giving $10 eCOUPONs to my online gift store Gifts For One Gifts For All (www.giftsforonegiftsforall.com) to those that have donated to organizations helping the Haitian earthquake victims. When the eCOUPON is redeemed, 10% of the purchase will also be donated to organizations helping Haiti. Read my blog for more details at http:/bit.ly/DONATE2HAITI.
We donated to Catholic Relief Services which goes directly to Haiti, and my 6 year old son wants to donate the charity portion of his allowance to Haiti. God bless you, you're doing a great thing!
I found you through Money Saving Mom. We have 2 Compassion children in Guatemala. Thank you for your generosity & that is a beautiful apron! Here's my post:
Pretty apron! You have such a good heart~
we are giving money to a sister church in haiti...blessings to you dear, monica! i love your heart of compassion & creativity!
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
I was just wondering if you have heard anything about Christele??
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