While working at Glen Eyrie, our director ordered a copy of the One Year Bible for each of us to read through together. I had tried reading through the Bible in a year before, but it never really worked for me. Using the One Year Bible, I have done it twice since then.
It was always a goal of mine to read through the Bible in a year - because I knew I never wanted to arrive in Heaven knowing God had given me those words and have to admit that I had never read all of them! I've pulled my One Year Bible out again to read this year for a third time.
I also received this for Christmas and have started listening to it in the car - I'm hoping to listen to the entire set this year.
These are just some initial ideas - I know that God will teach me new ways of saturating myself and using my time more wisely. How do you immerse yourself in His Word?
That's a great idea! It's something I've always wanted to try myself! I want this year to be one of growth and maturation in my walk with GOD as well, maybe I'll join you! :0)
I am starting a similar one year bible this year. I actually started 2 days ago, figuring that I would probably miss a few days here and there.
"I never wanted to arrive in Heaven knowing God had given me those words and have to admit that I had never read all of them!"
Wow -- you really challenged me with that thought. Thank you!
Hi Monica,
A tool that I've used for years is a book called Discovering the Bible by Addington, (newly re-published by NavPress). It's a through the bible in a year, along with commentary to help one understand what you are reading. I just saw on Amazon that it's in pre-order status, but I have an advanced copy, so I know it's out there. I'll be reading the bible through myself along with you this year! Deb
I'm (once again!) undertaking a read-through of the Bible. I haven't succeeded yet (!!!), much to my own disappointment and embarrassment. I'm definitely trying, though, and only by God's grace I'll make it.
Meditation is key for me in terms of saturation. I hope to really do more of that this year.
It's been over 10 years since I read through the Bible in one year. I should really do it again. But I hesitate to start this year since I am due with my first baby on Feb. 1 - I'm afraid I would get behind too quickly! Right now I am trying to read through the N.T. every 2-3 months by reading 5-10 chapters a day.
I like the audio Bible idea. For those who don't have one, esv.org has the entire audio Bible online, so you can listen to it for free on the computer. My husband and I like to do this.
I am planning on doing this, this year as well! how neat! I love the fact that you actually have the Bible in a Year bible. it looks really neat.
I have tried to do this for several years. I hate to admit I have never completed this. I love the idea of the audio Bible.
I read through a One Year Bible several years back, and have been thinking about doing it again ever since. My husband and I thought it would be a great thing to start one year on our anniversary, reading through each day's passages together.
I noticed yours is an ESV. We've really been enjoying that translation, too.
The Bible in audio version is great! Even when you don't think you're really listening to it, your sub-conscious mind is still absorbing it, and the Word of God heals. Just playing audio Scripture has a huge impact on life. It creates a more peaceful atmosphere, leading to a more peaceful home and outlook on life... rather than stressed and frazzled. I have also used a One-Year Bible at the breakfast table. One of my favourite ways to saturate myself with Scripture is to post Scriptures around the house to memorize. There are memory verses on the fridge next to my stove so when I'm stirring and cooking I can memorize Scripture... Some posted on the wall across from the toilet, so when you're sitting there, you're memorizing Scripture... I also periodically have them above my kitchen sink for when I'm washing dishes. Great challenge to refocus our thinking on saturation of Scripture! Thanks!
I am also going to read the Bible in a year. I don't have the Bible in a Year, but I do have a reading schedule that I plan to follow. I love your comment about getting to Heaven and not knowing His words. How inspiring!
"Saturating myself with God's Word" - what a wonderful way to state it! I've also been challenged to read through the Bible. Recently I started Professor Horner's Bible Reading System (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46416541831 - it's completely free). I am enjoying it so much more than the Read The Bible In a Year programs that I've tried. I read 10 chapters a day, but they are from different books of the Bible, so I don't end up getting bogged down in Numbers or burning out on Isaiah. It's interesting to also see how the Bible fits together - something I've missed from other Bible in a Year programs.
I have read through once and was thinking about doing it again this year, but I have never done a Bible study in depth on my own. So I'm not sure which would be better. I read through the Bible one and a half times using a chronological list, and I loved that. When I get to the New Testament and read about the sacrifices of the first Christians, I feel so sad for them. And so unworthy to be called a Christian with the minor struggles I have a hard time fighting.
My more definite plans are to pray more, journal more, and keep working at establishing my morning quiet time. I want to memorize more and in the Noel swap my partner sent me some magnetic picture frames that will be fun to put verses in.
I have an awesome kids Bible that is quite comprehensive and written in comic book form that I read a lot with the kids. My son is in a Bible quizzing leaque too, so we are always studying that. I try to read a proverb a day most days to the kids during breakfast and lunch. We have just started Upward Basketball, too, and I cannot believe the sweet way they have incorporated scripture memorization!
I have a pretty and calm Sing the Word CD that is so peaceful that I love to play.
I used to sometimes think my walk with God was a very abstract thing, but I was so wrong. The Bible is really a very concrete letter from God to us!
I have enjoyed your blog very much. God has gifted you in so many ways!
Here's a Happy New Year to you! May the coming year be filled with amazing adventures, laughter and joy! May God give you strength and peace through the hard times. May happiness be your reward.
Like a few other commenters, I too have started several times and never finished. How do you discipline yourself to do this? And, how do you make it through the more difficult passages in the Old Testament? Please share wisdom - I could use it!
I love reading your blog and keep up with you on a regular basis. Wanted you to know that I just ordered my One Year Bible. I so need to saturate myself with God and His word. Thank you!
What a great way to start off the New Year!! I hope 2010 is filled with many blessings for you and your family.
I too am going through the Bible in One Year. I'm doing it by audio though and listening to free podcasts daily at the Daily Audio Bible.
Thanks to your encouragement--I found the ESV One Year Bible is available to read & listen to online, and have started that. It's something I'd been thinking about doing and your post reminded me and gave me the extra impetus I needed to begin.
Thanks. :)
Great encouragement! We have the Word of Promise kids edition and it is a neat to listen to.
I found a place online where you can read and listen to the bible for free- so cool! They have many many different versions too, which is really nice.
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