I diced one up and spread it on a baking sheet. Slid the whole thing into the freezer and then when frozen, scooped them into a jar! These are now individually frozen (rather than a big chunk) and will be perfect for any recipe calling for diced green pepper or sprinkling on pizza.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Preserving the Harvest: Green Pepper
I diced one up and spread it on a baking sheet. Slid the whole thing into the freezer and then when frozen, scooped them into a jar! These are now individually frozen (rather than a big chunk) and will be perfect for any recipe calling for diced green pepper or sprinkling on pizza.
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Wow, you are really growing lotsa good stuff. Love your ideas so that you have poritioned out servings to use in different meals.
I love to use peppers in an easy chicken stir fry. We also like to eat stuffed peppers as well.
I stuff them with rice and ground meat and spice. It is pretty good!
I also make ratatouille
Nice pictures!
I recently cut up 3 green peppers (not from my own garden--sigh) that I knew I would not have a chance to use. I froze them in individual baggies inside of a cool whip bowl. I didn't think to freeze them on a cookie sheet first. Surprisingly they really don't come out in a clump. I just used a baggie full in chili yesterday. It has been so nice to chop once and benefit many times over. I wish I had known these time-saving tricks when my kids were little. Of course, now is when dinner has to be prompt since we have an activity almost every evening.
I'm glad you mentioned that you put a jar into your freezer. I have often wondered if you can freeze in glass.
I use diced peppers in egg salad.
Also, I make pepper and egg subs, Scramble eggs with some peppers, onion, and cheese, then stuff it in a hoagie roll. Heaven! :)
hanks for the reminder baout freezing peppers. I love eat them just regular but always forget that when they are on sale I can stock up and freeze them for later.
Neat idea about freezing on a tray. I love them for stuffed peppers, and use them with red peppers with chicken. Blessing
My family loves green peppers! We throw them in everything... scrambled eggs, with onions in ground beef, stir frys, salads, and pretty much any casserole you can think of! Enjoy :)
I love the idea of freezing the pepper and onion slices together for easy fajitas!! I do chop and freeze peppers and onions for future recipes. I also slice pepper strips to throw on the grill.
I was going to say to PLEASE make sure you are using freezer-safe glass. I didn't one time and froze some cooked and cooled taco meat -- the glass broke in the freezer, rendering the meat useless. Zip lock bags, though at times pricy, can be reused and are safer.
I LOVE your blog and you have given me lots of ideas for my garden harvest.
Do you think you could freeze zucchini? How would you do that?
Last summer I had great luck with green peppers--not so now. I just bought a bunch of big red and yellow ones from the market on SHI. I'll freeze them. Today I had a veggie wrap on a whole wheat tortilla with feta cheese for lunch.
I like to slice them and dip them in garlic hummus...yum!
How wonderful it will be to pull this from the freezer this winter! I remember my mom making stuffed peppers. She would hollow out the pepper and stuff it with the meat mixture and freeze. She would then pull them out during the winter for a summertime treat!
I have had a hankering for bell peppers lately. I can hardly get enough of 'em! Your wonderful photos are making my mouth water...
I enjoy making stuffed peppers. Sautee ground beef and season, mix in some cooked rice, grated cheese (parmesan is good)and pack into peppers that have been sliced in half. cover with tomato sauce and bake covered in the oven for an hour (or until the peppers are soft).
Could you write a post on how you create a garden? I have no clue to how start and what sort of time/money is needed for upkeep, but I know it would benifit our family.
Love stuffed peppers!! Also, use them with onions for fajitas like you do. Great idea to slice/chop and freeze!!
Hello Monica- LOVE this blog! I have used so many of your ideas.
I use peppers in pepper steak.
stir fry beef
envelope of onion soup mix
corn starch to thicken
You add 2 cups of water to a large skillet- mix in onion soup packet- add beef and boil until beef is nearly done- add 1-2 green peppers cut in to strips- medium yellow onion wedges- put lid on until veggies are tender. Add a little corn starch and water to thicken sauce. Serve over brown rice.
I discovered your blog some months ago and I simply love it !
This is a summer receipe of mine: green pepper, zucchini, onion, some tomatoes sauce, salt, olive oil, cook it for 15 minutes and then put it on cooked spaghetti...my family loves it !
Cinzia from Italy
I have never thought of using jars before! I have used baggies before and ended up with a freezer that smells a bit of pepper...and that probaby doesn't happen with the jars- so cool! Maybe, though, I am doing something wrong with the bags?
Someone asked about freezing zucchini- to freeze mine I throw it through a food processor to shred or finely mince, then pack into bags and freeze in stacks. You can use for zucc. bread, brownies (which are good!) or whatever else. J just make sure that the amount I am freezing in each bag will match a recipe, so I don't waste what I thaw. Good luck!
How smart- never thought of storing them frozen in a jar! I'll have to try that one.
Love your way of doing green peppers. I sliced mine and put them in freezer bags but I like the idea of cubing some. I freeze corn and lots of things by spreading them out on a tray and then placing them in freezer bags. Then you can take out just the amount you want. Gardens are great, aren't they!!!!!!!!!!!
You have an award!! Come over to my blog and pick it up!! :D
I don't think I have commented here before, but I found you a few weeks back & really enjoy your blog!! ;D
I love to freeze my peppers from my garden also. I bought a banana box full of green peppers at a farmers market last fall for $5.00 and diced and froze them. We are almost used them all.
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