My Emily just loves fresh flowers! When we are at the grocery store, she often asks for some flowers for her room! I've tried to make room in our grocery budget to allow this as I feel that if it is important to her - I should cultivate that! Shown here with some clearance roses from Wal-Mart!
Recently, she's been eying the zinnia's in our garden! I did make her wait until her previous set of flowers had run their course, but she had fun cutting our first bouquet of the season!
Just before we cut the flowers, I was pulling a few weeds and handed Emily my camera and told her to have fun taking pictures of anything she wanted to in the garden. She had a ball! Here are my favorite pictures she took:
We've never grown zinnia's before - but I'm hooked! I love how each flower is a surprise - I don't know what colors I'll be getting before they bloom, but they all look so beautiful!
I carried this beautiful bouquet inside and Emily arranged them in a canning jar - we added a bow and placed them on a small cake stand! What a lovely table arrangement!
Zinnias are some of my favorites- they are practically impossible to hurt, and such nice, colorful, cheerful bouquets! I have lots in my veggie garden.
This post could be my daughter. She is always cutting some roses or hydrangeas as well as dandelions, evening primrose, verbena etc... My sweet girl sees the beauty in all flowers!
What a lovely lesson for your daughter. Several lessons in fact. Great photos too. Love of flowers and gardens give such internal peace. A lovely, lucky little girl. Blessings QMM
How wonderful that you are allowing Emily to nurture her love of flowers!!!!! God created this love in her!! Reading this post transported me back in time... I have LOVED flowers ever since I could remember, and loved gardening, too. One of my FAVORITE things about summer is having a jar full of fresh flowers from the garden on my table... I try to have flowers in bloom from spring to fall. Please continue to encourage this love in Emily's life.... maybe next year she could have her 'own' flower garden!!!
How beautiful Monica! I just love how you make such special memories for your children. No doubt you have indeed blessed them. The roses and zinnias are just beautiful! I can still remember when I was a little girl, once the lilacs were in full bloom my Father would let me cut bouquets for my bedroom :)
have a blessed day and thanks so much for sharing :)
My daughter also loves flowers, from roses to dandelions. In fact, she doesn't like me to call anything a weed that has a colored top on it. You've reminded me to purchase a bouquet for her recital this weekend. You may want to check out soulemama's post today(the purple post) about planting a purple garden for her daughter. Perhaps Emily could have her own flower garden to tend.
It is a ritual at our house to plant a row of zinnias in our vegetable garden so my girls can cut flowers for bouquets~otherwise my landscaping does not escape the scissors;)
The Zinnias are beautiful! I am so glad that you are able to share the love of gardening with your daughter! She will grow up and cherish those special times with her mommy! Thanks for sharing a priceless moment in life!
I can't wait to show this post to Mother....she has grown zinnias for years. You are SO right...they are ALWAYS such a pleasant surprise! You will find that they last for quite a while in a table arrangement also. If you put a little bit of "flat" sprite in the water...that extends the life of fresh flowers. You don't even have to buy the real Sprite...just a little of the store brand lemon lime soda will do....just let it go flat first. Tell her to keep the great photography coming! She really has an eye!
LOVE zinnias!!! Your little gal sure took some great pics when it was her ture with the camera!! I too love bringing some of my flowers inside so I can enjoy favorite.....hydrangeas!!!
I know what you mean about allowing room in the budget for the important extras - my daughter LOVES store bought cards, and will put them where she can reach them, then pull them down often to read them, so even though I personally feel that cards are silly and frivolous, and will toss mine within days of receiving them, my husband and I will often buy her a card for Valentine's Day, her birthday, when she's sick, etc. just to make her feel special.
I think it's great that you're allowing room for a small extra in your budget :-) And she did a fabulous job taking pictures!
Great post and photos! I'm impressed with Emily's photos -- she already has a good eye for what will make a good photo (wonder where she gets that?!? :) Lots of "cultivating" going on here -- in your garden and in your daughter! :) Love, Mom
I don't know if this will help but my grocery store will give my daughter a broken flower if we ask. And sometimes if they can't find a broken flower, they give her a beautiful full flower. It is a blessing!
Zinnias are some of my favorites- they are practically impossible to hurt, and such nice, colorful, cheerful bouquets! I have lots in my veggie garden.
This post could be my daughter. She is always cutting some roses or hydrangeas as well as dandelions, evening primrose, verbena etc... My sweet girl sees the beauty in all flowers!
What a lovely lesson for your daughter. Several lessons in fact. Great photos too. Love of flowers and gardens give such internal peace.
A lovely, lucky little girl. Blessings
How wonderful that you are allowing Emily to nurture her love of flowers!!!!! God created this love in her!! Reading this post transported me back in time... I have LOVED flowers ever since I could remember, and loved gardening, too. One of my FAVORITE things about summer is having a jar full of fresh flowers from the garden on my table... I try to have flowers in bloom from spring to fall. Please continue to encourage this love in Emily's life.... maybe next year she could have her 'own' flower garden!!!
I love the zinnias - they are such perfect cutting flowers. I wish I had more sun in my yard so they would grown better. Lovely!
How beautiful Monica! I just love how you make such special memories for your children. No doubt you have indeed blessed them. The roses and zinnias are just beautiful! I can still remember when I was a little girl, once the lilacs were in full bloom my Father would let me cut bouquets for my bedroom :)
have a blessed day and thanks so much for sharing :)
My daughter also loves flowers, from roses to dandelions. In fact, she doesn't like me to call anything a weed that has a colored top on it. You've reminded me to purchase a bouquet for her recital this weekend.
You may want to check out soulemama's post today(the purple post) about planting a purple garden for her daughter. Perhaps Emily could have her own flower garden to tend.
Beautiful flowers, niece and photos! And she'll be a flower girl again soon. =)
Miss you already . . .
It is a ritual at our house to plant a row of zinnias in our vegetable garden so my girls can cut flowers for bouquets~otherwise my landscaping does not escape the scissors;)
Such a sweet post. Your garden looks beautiful, Monica. I love the pictures that Emily took.
Emily has GREAT taste! If I could afford it, I would have fresh flowers all over my house ALL the time! And I love zinnias too!
How incredibly sweet! I love that she has a love for flowers and I love all the pics!!! :)
The Zinnias are beautiful! I am so glad that you are able to share the love of gardening with your daughter! She will grow up and cherish those special times with her mommy! Thanks for sharing a priceless moment in life!
Oh, that is so sweet!! Emily looks like she has some great photography skills.
Those zinnias are so pretty!!
I can't wait to show this post to Mother....she has grown zinnias for years. You are SO right...they are ALWAYS such a pleasant surprise! You will find that they last for quite a while in a table arrangement also. If you put a little bit of "flat" sprite in the water...that extends the life of fresh flowers. You don't even have to buy the real Sprite...just a little of the store brand lemon lime soda will do....just let it go flat first. Tell her to keep the great photography coming! She really has an eye!
LOVE zinnias!!! Your little gal sure took some great pics when it was her ture with the camera!! I too love bringing some of my flowers inside so I can enjoy favorite.....hydrangeas!!!
How sweet!
I know what you mean about allowing room in the budget for the important extras - my daughter LOVES store bought cards, and will put them where she can reach them, then pull them down often to read them, so even though I personally feel that cards are silly and frivolous, and will toss mine within days of receiving them, my husband and I will often buy her a card for Valentine's Day, her birthday, when she's sick, etc. just to make her feel special.
I think it's great that you're allowing room for a small extra in your budget :-) And she did a fabulous job taking pictures!
Great post and photos! I'm impressed with Emily's photos -- she already has a good eye for what will make a good photo (wonder where she gets that?!? :)
Lots of "cultivating" going on here -- in your garden and in your daughter! :) Love, Mom
I don't know if this will help but my grocery store will give my daughter a broken flower if we ask. And sometimes if they can't find a broken flower, they give her a beautiful full flower. It is a blessing!
perfectly fancy and beautiful
You are raising a fine lady! What a beautiful child.
Are these from THIS year? We don't have any blooms yet. Of course, we still had snow on our front lawn in April.
That is so sweet! I love zinnias, too!
What a beautiful post, Monica. You have such a lovely family (including you)!
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