* Clean out Tupperware cabinet
* Clean out my purse!
* Show you my Mom's idea for littles shoes!
* Get ready for our trip and try to leave our house somewhat orderly!
How about you? What are you working on this week? Don't forget to come back Friday and link your post!
The shoe idea must still be working!?! :) Love you, Mom
Hello! Your May Day cans were so cute! I love pansies, too.
As far as restoring order, I need to finally get the winter clothes packed away. This is our first year doing this in years, because we lived in Florida, where our "winter clothes" consisted of a couple of sweaters each, and all of it fit in one Rubbermaid container in the bottom of our linen closet. Now that we're back in Connecticut, that is no longer the case, and I'm quite overwhelmed! I think the first order of business is to get some more Rubbermaid containers. As of today, most of the winter clothing is in baskets on my bedroom floor. Ugh, I can't wait to get this chore taken care of!
Besides that, I am back to planning my weekly menu. I took a hiatus from doing it, and sure enough, we started eating some convenience foods and relying on takeout more often than we'd like to. I have my menu plan done for this week, and I'm committed to continuing to do this. It worked so well when I was in the habit of doing it.
Have a great week!
Glad to see the series back!
This week I'm going to try to clear off everyone's dressers. I'm also organizing some things for our move in 6 weeks.
Yippee for restoring order! I am hoping to sort through and organize piles of paper that are located at various areas of our home. :)
This week I'm going to work on getting all of my magazine and newspaper articles that I've clipped over the years cleaned out and organized into binders that I'll actually use. I'm also working on re-organizing and cleaning out the basement. This has been an ongoing project and my goal is to have that pretty much done by next month!
As I prepare to move my family to our new home in a week. I have been thinking about "Restoring Order" quickly once moved. I look forward to sharing my plan soon.
I am also pairing back and being more realistic about time spent on the computer and other things.
This week I'm trying out a new housecleaning routine, based on the book, "Home Comforts." I love not having a schedule, but it's not working for keeping my house very clean :) So no real projects for me, just trying to get a little bit better disciplined!
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