I left the little ladies with a few cans of flowers to deliver to neighbors since we wouldn't be together to deliver them as usual. And, I asked my Mom to save me a few cans at her house so I could easily prepare the flowers along with a very busy wedding schedule!

She had the cans ready and I had brought a few sheets of scrapbook paper which were easy to tape around the cans. I went to the closest home improvement store and found some pretty Pansies. I think pansies should be the official flower of May Day, you can't get them where I live at May Day since they are considered a winter flower in the South. But, I only used pansies in Colorado and they are so very friendly and happy little flowers!

My Dad drove Samuel and I around on our route and it was fun to deliver the flowers all together! As far as I know, we were not spotted anywhere and while a couple of the recipients did figure out they were from me, I haven't heard from the others!
I wanted to deliver one to my yellow apartment - but it was empty and being painted. So, I left it in the hallway for the other few residents in that hall.

Did you deliver flowers or goodies for May Day?
I did not deliver May Day flowers this year, but I was the recipient! And I did not figure out that it was my OWN daughter and granddaughters that did it (embarassing!)Amy is 30 weeks pregnant, Em is 4 and Sarah 17 mths...I didn't think they would be out delivering surprises. Em waited all day for Gramma to call and say how surprised I was :-(
I received a bag full of cookies, ginseng tea and flowers (I DID call the next day and tell her how happy I was!)Lynnebee
Thank you for the May Day flowers! It was especially fun that you were here on May Day. :) I agree that pansies are very happy flowers :) Love you, Mom
I DID do something for May Day. It was a little unorthodox though!
When I was little (as in 4 or 5) I would always make a basket out of two paper plates and fill it with lilacs from our lilac bush and pieces of candy. I'd put it on our neighbor's doorknob, ring the bell and RUN!!
I kept that up until I was a teenager or so!
And as it happens, you get older, you get busier, you quit doing those things.
This May Day though, it struck me that I wanted that same neighbor, who always exclaimed over my May Day baskets (and you can picture just how "lovely" they looked-paper plates and yarn!).
I called my mom-my parents still live in the same house, as does this particular neighbor-and asked her if she could go get a small plant from the store and attach a card that said "Happy May Day" and sign in from me.
She did just that and left the plant on their front porch.
Well, from the neighbor, my mom got a phone call and I got a thank you note within a couple days. My thank you note was a general "I really appreciated you thinking of me note"-very sweet.
The phone call to my mom though-this neighbor has struggled with depression the past 5 or so years. Sometimes to the point she can't function. She's doing much better these days (I'm told) but still has the occasional bad day. May Day was one of those.
The neighbor told my mom that the flower and card were exactly what she needed at just the right time-to know that somebody 200 miles away was thinking of her and remembering a tradition that we started over 20 years ago meant the world to her.
Sure it took some effort on my mom's part, but just that little bit of time really helped out a person who was struggling.
You never know how just the slightest little gesture can dramatically change someone's day!
My kids surprised me with a May Day basket... My dd crafted a basket and filled it with some flowers from our bush - she had her brother take it outside and ring our door bell. When I saw him scampering from the front door I was a bit irked at him ringing the doorbell and running "for fun". Then I saw the basket hanging from the mailbox :) It was a cute surprise from them.
I didn't do anything this year, though I had intentions. Just need to work on the details earlier than the day before!!
I didn't do May Day flowers...but I will plan ahead and do that next year with my girls.
I did do the cans of flowers for Teacher Appreciation week. And they were a big hit not only with the teachers, but my kids had a great time crafting them.
We used paint, fabric, buttons and ribbon. There were so cute and a great idea...which I got from you. Thanks!
The first time I read your blog, I said I would do this. I didn't. It is not too late, since I have the flowers now.Blessings to you.
We didn't deliver any May Day baskets, but we did receive one! It was such a lovely surprise! There was a little corsage, some yummy zucchini bread, and two lollipops for my little girls.
It was such a joy to receive, I think we'll deliver some next year.
It's so fun to hear and see what you did!
We love doing this. My husband and I were out of town this year and so I wasn't able to do it. (Though I wonder what other people in the hotel in Washington DC would have thought if they would have found a May Day basket at their door?) Our kids were staying with my parents and so my oldest daughter carefully made baskets there and delivered them to their neighbor as well as everyone in the house. I also had one waiting for me when I got home.
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