My project for this week was the linen closets ~ here are the embarrassing, yet realistic, before pictures of both our linen closets:
Hall Linen Closet:
Hall closet was done while littles were in tub right there - perfect way to be with them and have them contained while I worked on this one! I moved all the sheets to the very top shelf because I realized they had a prime location but I never use them. I always put the same sheets back on after washing them. I moved all unsafe items to higher shelves. Put some frequently used items in a small plastic box, etc... So far this is working out great!
I put all of the boxed medicines in one container and all the bottles into two containers hanging on the wall behind the curtain that acts as the door to this closet. Before I'd even had a chance to mention what I did to David and show him where certain things were - he mentioned that he liked the new organization in there and had found what he wanted without me even saying anything. I love that!!
Great job! My linen closet was on the list for this week, but I didn't make it to it. I'll get it tackled next week.
Have a great weekend!
Monica, it looks GREAT!!!!!!!!
I love using containers/baskets to group like items..... ENJOY your organized closets!!!
Very nice...good job, Mon!
Looks great! It's nice when a small job makes such a big difference!
That looks great!!
That looks so much better! I just reorganized our hall closet recently and I don't have any before pictures, but it was sooooo messy! The door kept coming off the track because it was too full and I couldn't find anything.
I finally decided to organize it and now it makes me smile every time I open the closet door. :-)
great job getting your things organized and using your time so wisely... I don't have any linen closets, for me the issue is always the cabinet under the sink. I always seem to have a hard time keeping them cleaned and organized.
YOu wanna know something funny. The bottom shelf or my linen closet looks just like the bottom shelf in your first pic. The rest of mine is pretty organized but that bottom part that is made up of the floor space to the first shelf is just a disaster. I keep rags down there and beach towels and... and.. oh who knows? LOl
I need to tackle my husband's bathroom closet. Putting the kids in the tub nearby is a great idea! If I break out some colored bubbles, it's a win-win situation.
Monica, I don't comment often but I want to thank you for all your quiet inspiration. I know I am a better homekeeper because of your sweet posts.
Looks GREAT!! I am an ORGANIZING freak! I drive my family nuts. And I have always found that sheet sets are a pain to store. Until.......I had a friend who told me she stored them BETWEEN the mattress and box spring on whatever bed they were meant for!! VOILA!!! It's amazing. They are always where I need them to be and when I don't need them, they aren't taking up other valuable storage space!
Enjoy your blog and reading about your sweet family!
Wow! What a difference! Love your before and after pictures. My "cut in half" linen closet is on my project list as well. I may tackle it next week. Great job, Monica, and thanks for the inspiration!
Good Job! It looks fabulous! Can't wait to see you next week! :)
What a nice job on your closets!!My closets are a mess. You've inspired me to do some spring cleaning and organizing.
I just wish I had a linen closet to organize. :) You did a great job though on yours.
Thanks for doing this series. Your improvements look great and have encouraged me (at just the right time) to restore order in our home, one room at a time. The whole process also made me recall a great little book I loved in my teen years, called My Heart Christ's Home. Have you read it? It's just a little booklet but with such wonderful insight as it goes through Christ at home in our heart - room by room. I really encourage you to pick it up if you are not familiar with it. I'm going to go find a copy and read it again, restoring order in my heart as well as home! Blessings!
Great job! I just cleaned out our linen closet a few weeks ago -- and each time I open it, I'm so happy to see how tidy it is! :) Love you, Mom
You guys are rocking this!!! I have GOT to get in gear.
It's so wonderful when you can see what you have and get to it quickly. My linen closet is definitely in need of some TLC. Thanks for the inspiration!
Way to go! Your linen closets look great!
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