First up, two new Chicken Soup books! Like Mother, Like Daughter and Moms and Sons are both available now at Target - but I have a copy of each to pass on here!
And, you love to take pictures - but would you like to have them "fiddled?" Submit your photo and see what the Photo Fiddle folks come up with - choose your favorite and it will be made and shipped promptly - mine was all done within a few days! Great for Mother's Day gifts - I have a $50 gift certificate to give. When you click over, you can see some of the lovely ideas for Mother's Day.
Everyone will receive 15% off by using code heart15 on the shopping cart page under promotional code.
I submitted a spring bloom photo and here is my new canvas hanging in our bedroom:
Thanks for joining in the fun!
I love my mother's warm hugs.
Well...I love my Mother because she taught me that biology is not what makes a good mother, its love! And because of her, we were able to adopt our oldest son, Christopher. Christopher's birthmom was a patient in my mom's Nurse Midwife practice...
so, essentially, God used her as the direct link to help us get our own family started!!
Fun! I love that my mom never gives up or lets anything stop her. She has survived breast cancer and currently has a broken foot. It has been three days since she broke her foot and she has managed to go grocery shopping, on a day trip out of town and plant her garden! She sets an amazing example that no matter what you just keep going!
Oooh, Monica, what nice goodies for spring! :)
Something I love about my mother is the way she passed on her love of reading to my brothers and me. She would take us to the library every week, or more often in the summer, and challenge us to read books that were longer and harder than what we were reading in school. I still love to read, though I don't have as much time anymore in this season of my life. :)
My email is
Beautiful pic!
I love the canvas. It is beautiful. I can't wait to check out their site. Happy Mother's Day to you!
I love that I can tell my mother anything, even when I don't need to. She's always been there, even when no one else was.
What an opportunity - thank you for these great giveaways!!!! I love my mother for so many reasons but since becoming a mother I have come to appreciate the heritage she passed on to me/us. A heritage of joy and hospitality and hard work and Jesus and many things. I haven't had to overcome my childhood but instead try fervently to continue on with what my parents gave to us. What a gift!
My mother is an amazingly strong person. She has been through so much, yet she can still enjoy life.
I love how my mom needs just the smallest amount of sleep to keep on going. While I need about eight hours, she can go for days with just a few hours a night.
I also love how she's a little (4'10") tornado. She's all over the place in the kitchen. Sometimes all her movement flusters me because I'm much slower and cannot keep up, but usually I just clean up the mess in left in the tornado's wake.
Hey there,
Please enter me. What I love about my mother is her self-sacrifice. I am not as selfless as she is and she's a good example of that.
My sisters and their families are spread all over the country and my mom calls her grandkids EVERYDAY to chat with them about their day. We live about a mile from her and she calls my kids too. She is a great help to me and I am very thankful for her.
By the by...I love the sring bloom canvas. Beautiful.
My mother passed away 6 years ago, and there is so much I loved about my mother. The biggest thing would be her love for the Lord. She had cancer and every time she was in the hospital or in hospice everybody that came in she would tell them about God's wonderful grace and love. Not only was she my Mom, but my best friend. This is a great giveaway.
The canvas is beautiful! I love how much my mother loves my children;-)
Love the photo that is now in your bedroom! :)
One of the things I love and appreciate about my mom is her servant heart -- for as long as I can remember, she has been doing things for other people -- and especially how long and lovingly she cared for her own mother in her final years. :)
Love you, Mom
My Mom is always there for me! Even though she lives far away, I can always count on her! She would be here in an instant if I needed her and is the best "Nannie" to my kids that anyone could ever ask for! She is also my very best friend!!
My mom is very far and I miss her a lot, she put me into that world and I am very thankful to her.
I just really love talking to my mom. She always raised me knowing that she wasn't just available to talk with me but that she really *wanted* to talk with me. I hope I can give my kids a similar sense of my wanting to share thoughts and ideas, struggles and problems, hopes and dreams with them.
My Mom is an amazing artist and can sew or make anything. I am so grateful for all the lessons she has taught me. I am especially grateful that I am not afraid to try new things because of her example.
I sooo appreciate the way my mom made sure I had the skills to manage my own home.
I loved that my mother was my biggest cheerleader. 20 years later and I think about her every day. I miss her...
My mom is one of my best friends. We live only 4 miles apart and we still gab on the phone every day. I miss her if a day goes by without a phone call.
These gifts are so exciting. I love my mom for giving of herself and never asking for anything in return. I am recoving from knee replacement surgery and she comes over at least once a week and helps me around the house.She is 83 years old and still tries to help when she can. Happy Mother's Day to you and everyone out there.
I love how supportive my mom is (even when I know she thinks I'm a little nuts)!
I love that my mom has overcome so much in her lifetime and is constantly growing.
I love that my mom is still energetic and fit in spite of her age. That's an inspiration to me! Also, she is always willing to help.
leekat6 (at) verizon (dot) net
*lol* How fun! :D
What I love about my mom.... well.. the fact that she's able to adapt to whatever culture she comes across!
She married an italian and cooks his favourite dishes.. she will try and communicate with my caribbean in-laws that don't speak dutch and she will almost blend in when she's in a chinese dim sum place (were it not for the western hair and eyes.. *lol*)
Greetings from the netherlands :D
I love the way my mom has always encouraged me and pointed me to the Lord.
Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful picture! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! What I love most about my mom is her strength and self-sacrifice. I was able to appreciate all that my mother did for us when I myself became a mother. I wish I had been a better daughter for her!
Hi Monica! One of the many reasons I love my mother is her sense of humor. We can both start laughing at something that no one else understands or thinks is funny. It's our own "secret language" to communicate to one another. I think I may have passed on her silly sense of humor to my son as well :)
My mom makes everything special. She doesn't do anything half heartedly. She has truly shown me what a great wife and mother looks like. What great giveaways! Lura
I love my mom's helpfulness! I'm having a difficult pregnancy this time around, and I brought my laundry to her house last weekend so I could catch up on it while we visited (something I've NEVER done before, but I was desperate!) - I had to go out for a couple of hours, and when I got back, she had it almost completely done and folded! I'm heading home this afternoon and am so excited to be able to put baskets full of clean clothes in everyone's drawers. What a blessing!
I love that my Mom always had time to snuggle with me and read.
My mother is the best cook I know. She can make a homemade meal out of practically nothing!
My mom always has a warm cup of coffee ready for me. She knows just how I like it. She also always has animal crackers for my babies.
Oh, there are so many things that I could list--how to pick just one.
My mom has endured more than her fair share of trials (Thanks be to God for his sufficient grace!) But rarely, if ever, have I heard "Why me?" from her. She adjusts her life to suit the circumstance and moves on. I am so proud of her!
Monica, I love, love,love the spring blooms print that Fiddle did! Gorgeous! I loved my Mom's creativity & how to make normal events/days extra special. One of my favorite things was to craft &/or write books with her on our patio. Then we'd have a little tea party in the garden when we were thru. She did a lot of fun things with her girls like you do with yours. :) I can truly appreciate her so much more since having my little boys. I pray that she is enjoying watching them grow & giggling at me from heaven's front porch. She is loved & missed much.
I love my mom for many reasons, but probably the most important would be that she loved me unconditionally and prayed for me faithfully through my rebellious years, which in turn was what helped me see my need for a personal relationship with the Lord!
Thanks for the fun link! I had a great time "fiddling" around with my pictures...definitely something I need to do after the kids go to bed tonight!
I love my mother's sense of practicality. Everyone needs a woman like my mom in their lives.
My mom always folds laundry or washes my dishes when she comes over. Usually I love the extra help, although sometimes I wish she would just sit down and relax with me.
The picture you had made for your bedroom is SO pretty. Thanks for doing this giveaway. What great ideas for Mother's Day.
What a fun contest! Thanks! My mom is my best friend and I love that she is always willing to listen to me.
That canvas is lovely...I took some pictures of my tulips this weekend that would look great as a canvas. I will have to check it out!
I totally love your print!! Beautiful!! Um...about my mom, well, we have been told we sound alike. When I still lived at home and one of us answered the phone and it was for the other, whomever called talked to us as though it was the one they were calling for. We could have fooled many a person!!
Oh, and my mom is beautiful!!
I LOVE that my mom is my best friend aside from my husband. I am so thankful that God brought me past my silly teenage years! I am now a young adult who has a wonderful relationship with her mother! She's so great.
~Tina :)
tinabobena83 at hotmail dot com
How fun!!! Thanks so much Monica! :)
My mother is one of my closest friends. She is creative, loving, giving and caring. She goes without so others can have. She is amazing and I am sooo thankful for her!
I love the way my mother always could stop and pose for the camera no matter what.
Even on the worst day, I could get a great picture of her. Right now I am glad that I have them.
i love that my mother is never too proud to say she's sorry. that's a wonderful lesson for me with my little ones. saying your sorry doesn't show them you don't know what you're doing, it shows them we're all figuring it out as we go!
How very generous! I love that my mom is so generous with her time and talents. Sometimes it comes across as if she doesn't know how to say "no" but when I see how many people benefit from her generousity it makes me realize what a gift it is.
I love my mom because she never stopped loving me even when I was most unlovable. She just patiently waited for me to see the light and loved me through some of the hardest darkest times of my life. She never judged just loved. I only pray I can be the same kind of mother to my little ones.
I love that my Mom brought me up to love Jesus, that I was saved as a young girl and we were baptized together on Easter Sunday many years ago.
I love that my mom got to be a stay at home mom withmy brother & sister and I.
Lisa M
Great giveaways and comment idea!
One thing I really love and admire about my mother is that every morning, I knew I could find her sitting at the kitchen counter having a devotional time with the Lord. She never put it in our face or nagged us about doing the same, she just provided a living and consistent example about how important and special that time in the Word is.
I love that my mom is always there to listen.
My mother is a blessing to all of her children and grandchildren, not only for her strong Christianity but also because of her wonderful homemaking skills. She continues to counsel and teach me constantly, as I tread the waters of homemaking & mommying now. She is always available, ready with Scriptures and hugs and sometimes a slap on the hand -- whatever is necessary. She is not afraid to speak Truth to me. I love that. I love that she loves me enough to give me Truth on a daily basis. God is so good.
mjbc07 at yahoo dot com
I love my mom's adventurous spirit.
That canvas is so pretty. I've been wanting to get something like that for my upstairs hallway from one of my favorite photos.
My mother is so generous with her time and I love that about her.
What I love about my mom is that she is what I want to become someday! Self-sacrificing, joyful, honest, perservering...a lot to live up to! I enjoy your blog!
I don't have a mother, but I do have a mother-in-law. She is wonderful. She answers my questions, and is in everyway a mom to me! She has brought me to Christ, and I am grateful to have her in my life.
I love that my mother is helping me navigate the strange waters of motherhood. It is so wonderful to have her wisdom!!!
I love how much of a hard worker my mom is. I am always amazed at how she was able to raise 3 kids, be a wife and have 2 jobs!
I love that my mom is ALWAYS willing to help out with anything. She is so giving and would drop anything in a heart beat to help out.
I love my Mom so very much, and even more so this year. My family and I have recently moved closer to my Mom and sister. Just after the move, my Mom was diagnosed with cancer of the bladder. She has started radiation and will finish with chemotherapy eventually. We have high hopes that she will be healed and we'll have many more years with her. However, we are trusting in Him no matter what. She is a very strong woman and survived my Dad's passing and her own health battles with Crohn's disease. She has shown me how to persevere through the tough times.
My e-mail is
My mom is creative and artistic and always trying new things. I love that about her!
Thanks for this special giveaway!
Love that picture. I love my Mom. She did the best she could.
What wonderful giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win.
I love that my mother is continually growing in the Lord. She contracted polio when she was seven years old and has faced a lot of difficulty living life with paralysis. She rests in God's sovereignty and finds her hope in Him. What a great role model in the faith!
What a nice giveaway opportunity that you are offering.
I love that my mother is lways so complimentary to us girls. I love that we can openly talk with her & she is not judgemental. I also love the fact that she instilled in us girls the morals that she did.
mommybirdto4girls at yahoo dot com
Mom struggled with so many issues during her life, but the one thing she had was an amazing sense of humor. It's been 2 1/2 years since she passed and I still miss her laugh.
I love my mother's willingness to listen to me when I need to talk. I also appreciate her prayers for me. I know I wouldn't be what I am today without that!
My mom is strong, hard-working, giving, creative.... She has been through a lot, but she keeps going. I love her for many reasons.
Wonderful giveaways! My mother passed away two years ago this week and she was such a wonderful woman. I love that she taught me about Christ and his love for us through her words and her examples. She gave so much of herself for me and I miss her dearly.
I love my mother's servant heart. She has been a special olympics coach since she was 13 years old...and she's 52 now! She gives up every sinlgle Saturday to minister to and spend time with her athletes.
I love my mother's never-ending friendliness and her example to reach outward and make a difference.
I would especially love to have a photo "Fiddled"! That one you had made looks lovely! Thank you for a fun drawing.
Angela (buttercup)
I love my mom's "recipes." Thanks for the giveaways!!
I love that my mom is funny and she loves to laugh!
I love my mom for always being there - to keep our home clean, to read to us, to bake for us, or just to listen. When I was growing up, I knew that we were the most important thing to her.
Love your canvas! So pretty!
My mom passed away when I was 17, (I am a 37 year old mom of three now. :) but I remember her kindness the most. She was kind to everyone who came across her path. I strive to live up to her legacy.
I am thankful for being able to speak with my mom - as a friend.
I loved my mother's strength and courage, her wisdom and kindness. I loved the way her skin smelled when she got out of the bathtub-like Dove soap and warmth. I loved to watch her with her grandbabies, cuddled up together watching Godzilla movies. I love the way she loved everyone, like everyone was equal and good in her book. She believed everyone deserved a little love and she gave hers freely.
Hi Monica,
I would love the be entered—thank you. :0)
The Moms and Sons would be great, as my son is readying to enter the mission field for two years.
The photo fiddle would be awesome for Mom or for me! (I could tell Hubby that it could be his gift to me ;)
My mom is the best cook around. She always served three squares a day, which are wonderful memories for me. I still call up my mommy, as I did last night, just to talk to her and hear her voice. I am blessed to have a mother.
My mother...Hmmm...I lost my mother as a answer is about our amazing Father,Almighty, Creator God...I KNOW that He is not a woman or a mother. But WHENEVER I have a gaping absence where a mom *should* be He fills it and me. So many woman have drifted in and out of my life and provided me with so many lessons on nurturing, selflessness,love....and now I have the opportunity to grow into the mother that I never had.
I love my mother because she is the most selfless person I know. She is always ensuring everyone else is taken care of before herself. I can count on her no matter what.
I love my Mum because she gave me my first bible, even though she wasn't and still isn't a believer. I love my Mum so much I want her saved. Her and my Dad, who is currently in hospital from a heart attack. I am a grandmother myself and my Mum is coming up 69 on mothers Day! I come from New Zealand and this is the first time I have visited your blog. I know the competition is a long shot living so far away but I still wanted to say how much i love my darling mother. My love longs for the day I can sit with her and pray, to share the Word of God, and know that no matter what I would see her again. I am thankful I will have her for another birthday...........that gives her time to come to know our Lord and Saviour.
hugs Sandra nz
My mom has taught me a lot about being giving, gracious and organized. She is the most earnest and trustworthy person I know!
I love my mom's baking. She is always baking treats for others. She still does all she can to take care of us and help us when we need it.
bkdevore @ windstream . net
I love that my Mom laughs easily!! Thank you for the giveaway Monica. tammyp~
I love being able to call my mom for help or advice at any time, day or night!
One thing I love about my mom is that she instilled in me the knowledge that I can be or do anything I set my mind to!
AND after 15 heartbreaking years of infertility, I'm celebrating my very first Mother's Day this age 38...thanks to the miracle of adoption!!
I love my Mom because even though I was not a very respectful as a teenager she still loves me. I often tell her, the older I get the wiser she is. She did understand those rough teenage years.
I love your spring picture.
richshelpmate @ yahoo dot com
I was raised by my great-grandma, so this is about her... She was a very strong woman & I never doubted that she loved me dearly. I'm so thankful for the way she raised me.
I appreciate how my mother respects my marriage to my husband. She knows I love being with her, but is very sensitive to make sure to honor my relationship with Jacob as my first priority.
Also, she is lending us her vehicle since both of ours died at the same time, an inconvenience to her but done of love. Otherwise Jacob would be biking everywhere in the chilly MN weather!
My Mom is such a blessing.
Thanks for doing this giveaway, Monica!
Sorry I forgot--you can contact me at my email, blessyourfamily at gmail dot com.
I love that my mom is always there for me, no matter what. Big things, small things ~ it doesn't matter. She always gives me her unconditional love.
Wow that pic is awesome, great job.
I lvoe me mom cause she is always there when you need someone to talk to.
I love how my mom made time to make memories with us kids. Happy Mother's Day!
Ooh, almost at deadline! I love how my mother is the life of the party. She's so great at making friends and all my friends loved coming to my house when I was a teenager.
Mom's LOVE giveaways!!
Heather Cinotto
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