Monday, March 02, 2009

Seeds, Dirt and other Garden Goodness!

I have been working hard on my garden these last couple of weeks! Broccoli, onions and potatoes have already been planted! And, I've been busy putting in a walkway to keep weeds more manageable and in the spirit of Square Foot Gardening!

David found the stones while I was in Colorado - an entire pallet for only $15! There is something wrong with them and they break easily - but for our purposes, they are going to work great. Can't beat the price!

I have high hopes for my garden this year and have found myself praying for its success while out there working on it! There are so many spiritual lessons we can take from cultivating the earth, pulling the weeds, planting good things and watching them grow. It is an experience that feels so pure and wholesome as well.

We had a fun experience getting our seeds and starter plants. I've always ordered my seeds through the mail, but after a friends' suggestion to try our local Feed & Seed - I did just that. It was sort of like stepping back in time. There was a neat wooden built-in behind the counter that had lots of compartments for all the seeds. We picked seed potatoes out of a bin and had fun watching the man scooping out all of our seeds! In the parking lot, we enjoyed hearing a rooster crow.

I've only had one bug experience with a large brown spider - but God is good and I just went to the other side of the garden to work for a while! My hope is that our family will enjoy having fresh veggies to eat, enjoy working on the garden together and have more than enough to share with friends as well.

Anyone else started any gardening? I know it is way too early in many parts of the country - it is hard for me to get used to the idea of working on my garden in February and even March!


Mary Ann said...

I have peas, spinach and two kinds of lettuce planted. The lettuce just sprouted this weekend. I was so excited!

Anonymous said...

We have a garden year round here in south Georgia. The heat of July is actually the worst time to grow much of anything which if opposite of where I grew up in Ohio.


jen said...

Well, My daffodils & tulips are sprouting, but as were are getting 10 inches of snow over the next few days I will have to wait a bit longer. I hope the flowers survive!

Ann said...

Good Morning, Monica,

My brother-in-law has a few acres at his home. Last year we planted green beans and corn. We are still enjoying the beans that we froze from the garden! This year I want to add potatoes and a few carrots, but we'll have to wait a little while longer (Ohio). I have not heard about square foot gardening, so I'll check into that. Thanks for sharing your garden blessings.


Nancy at said...

I've started some seeds indoors and they are just starting to sprout. I plan to put them out the first of April. One question, How do you keep your dog from digging in your garden?

April said...

I could only DREAM of planting anything this time of the year. Western ny is not ready for gardening until late May! (((Sigh))) I will admit to being jealous of your outdoor adventures with your kids--with light jackets on! :P

Wendi said...

We usually head out to the country and find a feed & seed store. I love the way they smell and also feel like I am stepping back in time. It is much to early for much gardening around here. I am going to try my hand at growing some of my flowers; petunias & impatients from seed. I will be starting them very soon.

Good luck with your garden!

Kisha said...

I would love to be able to garden right now. Unfortunately it's to cold, but one more montha and we'll be at it.

Unknown said...

Great job, Monica! WI weather isn't quite ready for gardening, but I will be starting green peppers and tomatoes indoors soon! :) I can't wait! :)

Lee said...

Boy we must all be on the same wavelength, Monica! :)
My husband spent a good potion of his free time this weekend reading about seed starting. Here in Western MI, we won't plant until Memorial Day, but we love the short season while it lasts.

There are just so many blessings that come from digging in the dirt. So many spiritual lessons. This might be a good time to read Luke 8 to your girls, Monica...the parable of the sower was never more appropriate.
Blessings today!

Laurie said...

Wish we could be planting our garden. Unfortunately, Mother Nature has dropped another 15" or so of snow! You never know in New England what the weather will be like. Enjoy the veggies!

Linda said...

We sowed a couple of seeds (zucchini and peppers) which are now indoors, in the window sill. All other seeds will go outside in either march or april..

Holland is ccccc-c-c-old! ;)
I wish we had a more tempered climate.. I know my grandma in Italy will have her plants out by now!

Greetings from the netherlands!

being molded said...

I use pots because we have a very tiny yard. I'm not thinking about it too much yet. We're in NJ and got about 18 inches of snow last night :)

Anonymous said...

Well, we're going to be digging out from under a foot of snow today, so no gardening yet! ;)

We are renting an apartment right now, after being homeowners for several years. Therefore, we've had to get used to not having our own yard... there is a large driveway that the kids can play on, but the landlord asked us to stay off of the side and front grass as far as playing goes, so I imagine that digging it up and starting a garden is out of the question.

We do have an area off to the side in the back that I could put large pots, though, and I'd like to look into doing some container gardening. Even just tomatoes and peppers would be great!

Elise said...

I sometimes think about having a garden, but am afraid I would kill everything.
Maybe this will be my year...

Shannon said...

We just started our seeds inside in an egg carton. I thought I was the only one who prayed over my garden:)

Tami said...

It's still a wee bit early to start a garden here in southwest WA. I've been dreaming about it though. Within a couple weeks I'll put lettuce, spinach, sugar snap peas, broccoli and maybe some cabbage in the ground. This years garden will be different because I am used to having a large garden. Now that we are on a smaller city lot, my garden will have to follow suit.

LynnMarie said...

Oh How you made me laugh. You're planting a garden and I'm shoveling 15 inches of snow. Thanks for a glimmer of what is to come! Lynn Marie

More than Survival said...

How exciting! We can't plant anything until April, but I do have an inside garden going! I planted a flat of lettuce and a flat of spinach. Both are doing well. We will be starting our seedlings inside by the window in the next couple of weeks. I LOVE to garden!! ENJOY yours and being OUTSIDE already!!! I can't wait!! We are still in the 30's!!!!!

The Gaertegang Homestead said...

I am only wishing to be starting my garden!!!! So I am enjoying the planning stages right now. Here in the midwest it's May before we start planting. I am SOOO looking forward to spring!!! We have had a teribly cold winter with lots more snow than usual..

Christy said...

We just received 6 lovely inches of snow! I wish I was gardening instead :)

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been getting ours ready so we can start planting. I hope to have some stuff in the ground by next week!

MARGE said...

I have started my container garden. I live in an apartment, so I am able to have an indoor garden until it gets warm
I planted marigolds and chives.

Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

How fun! My gardening right now consists of cucumbers, basil, and parsley. Oh, and bananas, papayas, and star fruit, but I really had nothing to do with those, they come up on their own! :)
You are so diligent, I hope that you are blessed with much fruit of your labor (or veggies, for that matter)

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

I'm from Colorado - you can't plant there until Memorial Day! But in Houston, my garden's been in the ground for a while. I was shocked to read in the gardening section that it's too LATE to start tomatoes from seed now! LOL!

We're doing sq. ft. gardening and it's going well so far!

*carrie* said...


E went to that community garden meeting on Sat, and we're pretty excited about it. I'll tell you more soon.

Terri said...

I wish I could garden now but we got about 10 inches of snow last night so that won't happen for awhile.

I like your blog! :-)

Renee said...

Wow I can't even imagine working on a garden now. I would so love to have warm weather right now in Wisconsin. I am working on how I want to go about doing my garden this year. I am thinking about starting my own plants from seed. We will have to see how that goes. I know the kids would enjoy watching them grow. Especially my 4 year old daughter. Love your blog:)

GranthamLynn said...

I am gardening too. I got lettuce,onions,spinace and peas in. And some tomatoes that I am babying. I have green beans and tomatoes growing in my bathroom! Thanks for sharing your garden with us. I really enjoyed to post on discipline. Very great observations. Thanks for sharing God's words on this subject.
Have a Blessed Week.