I'm sure that many books have been written on this topic. I know that any number of athletes could teach me a lot about discipline. However, I know that the Bible has the highest wisdom of all and that is the source I will choose to use for my training and instruction.
First, I went to my Bible Dictionary to see what information that would provide. I found the following very helpful:
"Discipline comes from a Latin word 'disco' which means to learn or get to know, a direct kind of acquaintance with something or someone. Discipline refers to the process by which one learns a way of life." ~ Holman Bible Dictionary, page 366It goes on to say:
"Discipline, biblically understood, results in blessing. God's people learn how to serve Him. Through praise and correction, their lives are shaped into a pattern of consistent obedience and love. Within 'the discipline of the Lord,' expressed in and through the Lord Jesus Christ, one can live the kind of life which is pleasing to God and of benefit to others." ~ Holman Bible Dictionary, page 367So what does the Bible really have to say about living a life of discipline? For the purposes of this study, I did not research the verses that use the word discipline in reference to correction or training of our children.
This will likely take me more than one post! Let's begin in the first book of Proverbs.
Wow - lots to think about there! What jumps out at you?Proverbs 1,
"The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young - let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance - for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."
"...fools despise wisdom and discipline."
I bet there are MANY people across this nation that would be stung if they read those words. It always amazes me how simply TRUE God's word is in all areas of our lives. Attitude, relationships, money...
ps. Anyone want some diamonds and rubies I have laying around? I have something worth far more.
How right is your husband. About the truth of God and about his sweet and wise wife :-)!! For myself, i am the fool if i do not welcome the opportunity to build discilpine in my heart(mind),and through my life. And the wisdom of teaching these things diligently to my children and talk to them when we sit in our house and when we walk by the way and when we lie down and when we rise. :-) I needed this post today, thank you.tammyp
Once again your post has touch a deep cord in my heart. Since you started this I have been doing alot of pondering upon my lack of discipline. I have come to know that if I seek out God in prayer I can be guided to improve my lack of dicipline.
Aaah! This is so timely for me. I've always struggled with self-discipline and I'm really working on it right now. Your post was a great reminder. Also, I know it's important that I don't try and muscle-up the self-discipline, but humble myself and ask the Holy Spirit to help me. It's such a spiritual thing as well as a physical thing.
Your posts on discipline have really encouraged me and have definitely challenged me. I feel that in many areas of my life I have lost control and it is due to lack of discipline. I'm so thankful for the Word of God to get me back on track :)
I've always thought of the Proverbs as being all about wisdom; I've never noticed that part about discipline. God showed me just this morning that discipline is lacking in my life right now. Thank you for a very applicable post.
Heather S
Thank you for starting this study on discipline. In many ways it is lacking in me right now, and God has been convicting me on this. I am glad to be learning and growing with other people at the same time! Kind of like a Bible study group where you are held accountable! Thanks for this. Blessings!
Monica, I am doing a Spring Clean Challenge on A Virtuous Woman... the study I wrote for this focuses heavily on self-discipline. Thought you might be interested!
Blessings, Melissa
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