First of all, I must share the history:
When we got married, I said that every year on our anniversary I would wear my wedding dress. I never did - I always found some excuse or reason not to or wasn't confident enough to do it. Until this year, that is!
Yes, I did wear my wedding dress out for dinner - put a 3/4 sleeve sweater over it and it was really fun to wear it again! I still love this dress!!! It was quite snug when fully zipped - so perhaps in five more years I'll have to have it let out a bit?!
While I was nervous to wear my dress in some ways, when I walked in the restaurant - the hostesses realized that I was and that it was our anniversary and commented on how neat it was and how they want to do that! So, I was encouraged!
We went downtown to a neat newish restaurant that I'd never even heard of. I loved the name and how it was decorated! The walls were gray, burlap curtains, black and white and galvanized - loved the colors!
They served water in neat bottles with little flip glass top lids and their logo decal on the bottle:
We had a delicious dinner of filet mignon, yummy garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus and crispy onions. I brought about half of mine home and had dessert - brownie torte! Yummy!
It was a wonderful night out and so much fun to be with my sweet hubby! You can see what I gave him here and what he gave me here. Maybe I will make it a tradition to wear my dress every five years!
Would you consider wearing your wedding dress again? Or, have you ever worn it again? I can't wait to hear!
You look beautiful. Sounds wonderful. The restaurant sounds like one that I would love.
Before we were married, I thought about how my wedding dress could be used for a special occasion. It is two-piece so either the top or skirt could be worn again with something else and not look so bridal. But, of course, we really are not formal people and have not had any reason for formal wear.
I love the idea of re-wearing your wedding dress. I think I'd be nervous about it like you were, though. I would have to lose a few more pounds to fit into my dress again and I haven't even had 3 children! You look great!
No, I can't imagine wearing it again. I do however want to try it on to see if it fits! See, I have lost, and I think I am slimmer now then when I got married but dh doesn't think so! :( LOL! My dress is too foofy and formal to wear out anywhere. Yours looks so elegant and simple, I wish I had gone that route, but I am southern belle, and well, you could tell by my wedding dress! :) You looked very beautiful. Happy Belated anniversary
For quite a few of our anniversaries I have pulled out my wedding dress and worn it - but just at home. It hasn't always fit as nicely as the very first time I wore it :) Now it's packed away up high and not easy to access - so I tend to forget about it.
Where did you eat? It looks like a neat place to try in maybe five years if we weather this financial storm!
I've never thought about wearing my dress. I got married in the 80's and there is no way I could pull it off. When I had girls I thought it would be neat if they wore my dress. But I got married in the 80's and there is no way they could pull it off!
Wow, Monica, I have to say that I'm impressed that you were able to wear your wedding dress after three children! Good for you! :)
Sounds like a nice time for everyone. I love when restaurants give you the seasoned olive oil with the bread... it seems as though more of them are doing that. Yum!
Happy Anniversary!
Looks like you had a lovely evening. I wore my wedding dress on our first anniversary. I doubt that I could fit into now. It would be neat to wear it out again.
What a lovely evening you shared. I haven't worn my dress again. I would love to, but I know it wouldn't fit, something to strive for. It also had a huge tulle skirt so it wouldn't be the most practical to wear :) I do love it though, it was the first dress I tried on too, and still remember feeling like a princess almost 17years later.
My wedding dress? Ah.. no. I was a pretty skirt with a short sleeved yellow sweater. I don't even have it any more! Yikes!
You do look beautiful in your dress.. wonderful post. Thanks for sharing such a special moment.
What a wonderful evening! So glad you both had a nice time! ;)
That is fantastic!!! How awesome that you wore your dress and that restaraunt looks like something I'd love, especially that bread in the tin
As for wedding dresses. I still have mine, never got it cleaned. By now (10 years) I will probably never have it cleaned, but I do want to do something fun with it. I have plans to ski down a hill in my dress and William in a tux, and get pictures done--complete with goggles. Obviously details have to be worked out, but I think that would send my dress out with a bang.
I should note that I don't have any real sentimental ties to my dress or I'd never think of doing something so crazy.
I love that idea!!
I would love to wear mine again...just never thought of it! Our 4th anniversary is in two days but I will have to remember this idea for next year- because I am 8 months pregnant right now with our 2nd! lol Next year will be our 5th so it might be really special to wear it again. :o)
I was taken aback when I saw that photo, then I had an "aha" moment!! That is a great idea!!
I don't think I could even get my dress on, but I might would wear it again. It certainly cost enough!! Maybe next year!!
Forgot to add...That restaurant looks very cool!! Love the glass with the birds!! Wonder if they sell them...
Well back in 1998 the elegant simple look wasn't that in HAha!! so needless to say No! I wouldn't wear it again as it is way to froo froo and has a huge train. I still love it but my 31 year old self would probably choose differently then my 20 year old self of yesteryear.
Oh yeah what a neat restaurant! elegant/modern/primitive.
I think it is a cute idea to wear your wedding dress, but the reality for me is that I know I am about 2 sizes to big to fit into mine right now. Also, I had my dress dry-cleaned and sealed into a box that will keep it nice for many years to come. I guess my hope and dream is that my daughter will want to wear it someday, but I know that is more a hope than a reality. Maybe I will crack the box for our 25th anniversary instead. Who knows?! Thanks for sharing your fun night with us.
I have to admit that I didn't like my wedding dress that much. I could wear it again as it isn't specifically a wedding dress but I'd have to lose 20 pounds to fit into it again.
Oh, how special! I never thought to wear my dress again for anniversaries! But, I could! Mine is a lot like yours and would look cute with a sweater or shrug!
The eatery sounds wonderful! What a neat idea.
I'm glad y'all had such a wonderful time!
It sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary. I don't see me every wearing my wedding dress again... I mean, it was a pretty formal style - high lace collar, puff sleeves, lots of intricate details... and I was about 40 pounds lighter. Only one of my three daughters has mentioned wanting to wear it for her wedding, but she's only 7, LOL. I don't think there is any way one of my daughters will be able to fit into it (I think she's just going to be too big to wear it, it's a size 2petite, LOL), and the most petite girl has said that it's just not her style (she wants to be a fashion designer).
If it fit me! I had 4 kids in 3 years (including a set of twins).
Monica, I think you two are the sweetest couple. What a special evening for the two of you!
I had my train made into dedication outfits that our twins wore at church. I love the thought of using wedding dresses more than once! Your evening looks beautiful! That restuarant sounds really neat. I love the water bottle.
You look beautiful and your evening sounds enchanting! I got married in '95 and my dress is way too big and poufy and formal to ever wear again. Also, I'm not quite, slender as I used to be!
I so plan on wearing my dress again. It is a tea length linen dress that I still love. I haven't been able to wear it again because I've been pregnant/ postpartum for the past 13 years of our marriage. I have plans on our 15th to be able to fit in it again:) I want to go back to the same swing we had our wedding pictures taken on with all our our kids playing around us this time.
I also have thoughts of wearing it with a matching sweater or shawl to each of my kid's weddings. Maybe I'll dye it, we'll see.
That sounds like a fun idea. You looked great!! And the restaurant sounds wonderful.
I don't think I would wear it out. I would maybe try it on, but I don't really like it when people look at me, so I wouldn't want to wear it out. I had a hard enough time wearing a nice black dress, heals, and makeup for our recent 6th anniversary and I felt funny. I guess it's just my introvert coming out. ;)
I do put mine on every year. It's good accountability. This year will be a pass as I'll be having baby #4 right about that time.
I've thought about, but I think I'd be so nervous about the stares, especially since it won't be my wedding day - although I guess everyone else wouldn't have to know that, haha!
Our second child is due Aug 14, and our 5th anniversary is Aug 7, so that's definitely out for me this year :-) Maybe some day I'll get brave enough!
How lovely! I wore my wedding dress for my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, a month b efore our 2nd anniversary. DH wore his suit and tie from the wedding too. But my wedding dress was just a cotton frock, not at all a "wedding dress", iykwim, so it only "stood out" to the two of us, and to Nana and Grandad when we told them.
I think it's a really sweet idea...I am very impressed that after 3 kids it was only a little snug zipped up. Seriously that's wonderful.
I wore my mothers dress and would like it to be around for my girls to wear if they would like to, so it will stay put up.
Good excuse... b/c there is NO WAY I could get into it these days. :)
Happy Anniversary.
I would LOVE to wear my wedding dress again but there is no way I would fit into it : (
Maybe someday I will again.
I always said I want to renew our vows every 5 years. That is something we had stuck to. We did on our 11th anniversary go on a cruise and we did one night stand on the deck under the stars and said vows to each other.
We are only 3 years away from 20.....I would like to do it then (maybe I could work on fitting in my gown for then).
what a great idea! you looked very pretty ~ glad y'all had a fun time!
You looked absolutely beautiful in your dress - and so young!
No, I never wore mine again. It is hanging in my closet in a bag. Now, I think I will just keep it for the girls - maybe cut it up and make something for each of them to use in their wedding.
Happy Anniversary again. I would love to visit the restaurant you went to - it sounds wonderful!
I'd never thought of wearing my dress again--but it would be fun! And very special. Thanks for the idea.
You two look absolutely beautiful! :D
You look very nice in your wedding dress.. I wouldn't dream of wearing mine again, as it's one of those BIG dresses.. wayyyy too showy for a 'normal' day, or even an anniversary, hehe..
Greetings from the netherlands!
I'm so glad you were confident enough to wear your wedding gown again. I'm sure David felt a bit of the same way he felt when you walked down the aisle 5 years ago! He looks dashing for your night out, too. And how did your girls react to seeing their mommy in such a beautiful gown?
My wedding gown is preserved in a box in my closet. I think it would be too poofy to wear anywhere else. Also, the train, even when bustled, is cumbersome. Yet another reason I wish I had chosen to do my wedding much more simply. Well, thankfully, I have no regrets about who I chose to marry! We went on a trip together for our 10th anniversary. After that, we vowed to get away every year together, if only for one night. It has only happened once in the 3 years since. But with no family near us, it is difficult.
Happy Anniversary!
I wore mine on our 25th! Hope to do it again!
Yeah! So glad you wore it! I know it will be a fun memory. Go for it every five years!!!
Although I still like my dress, I don't think I could wear it out. It has a lot of "pouf" - definitely too big for a restaurant in our area. Styles have sure changed since Brian and I got married, and that was only eleven years ago. Maybe Jane will want to recreate it and wear it on her wedding day?!?! My mom made fancy table linens from her dress - clever!
I actually did wear my Wedding dress again, but it was only one year after my Wedding and I wore it in a fashion show at my church for a ladies banquet! It was fun to put it on again! You looked great in yours!
Your ways of being simply special are the neatest. That's what I find myself inspired by the take traditions and make is so uniquely special and in a simple way.
You both look so in love and it is evident that happily ever after does exist. I have my wedding is discolored and wonder if I could make something out of it. Any ideas?
I love the idea of re wearing your wedding dress on an anniversary and never heard that before. That is such a great idea, adds a reminder of the special day "recapture the moment".
Hope you felt like the beautiful Bride you are. smiles, Angelia in TX
Cool idea ( my dress turned brown with age so I threw it out!!) It still fit too ;-(
You go girl! If I could wear my wedding dress today, I just might. But it sits in my parent's attic. You guys look adorable. Happy Anniversary!
How lovely, Monica. You two are indeed blessed by each other--the pictures tell the words. :)
I have ALWAYS wanted to wear my wedding dress again. When we got it, however, I had just gotten out of the hospital and was 10 pounds under weight. At that age, my face was more rounded, so I looked o.k. being that thin in my torso/stomach area. Now, though, that low weight is really not good on me. I got down there one other time several years ago and got comments that I looked gaunt.
So…it was on sale; it was beautiful; but, alas, I’ll never be able to wear it again. Kinda breaks my heart. :(
Thank you for sharing your lovely anniversary evening with us, Monica. You’re a treasure. :)
P.S. I think that I need to get my beautiful dress out of its box. You've made me miss it, Monica! What good is it just sitting perfectly wrapped and waiting…We celebrated 25 years last summer, and it would be nice just to look at it again after all.
My sissy had a “puffy” glamorous dress. I had often wished afterwards that I would have gone that route but am truly glad that I went simple and elegant. Mine was a lace, high-necked, Victorian style. Hmmm…wonder if it could be reworked a bit. It would have to be redone from waist to neck though, and with the netting/lace, I’m not sure if that could be accomplished.
I cannot BELIEVE you got 43 comments on this post! lOL!! But then again, you are VERY LOVED!!! :) You look amazing! How wonderful and fun for your anniversary!
I am planning on wearing my wedding dress again in a year (maybe two). I am going to trash my dress. It isn't as bad as it sounds. Brian and I are going to renew our vows. I plan on taking LOTS of pictures with each of the girls trying on and playing in the dress. Then we are going to trash the dress. Do a google search (or look on my blog). It is basically committing to your man saying "I am YOURS!"
Some other lady on the blog takes a picture every year of her daughter in her wedding dress (there is a link on my blog SOMEWHERE). Her daughter is so cute enveloped all in that dress.
Happy Belated Anniversary!
I LOVE that you wore your wedding dress again.. and you look especially lovely and happy in the photo.
I made my wedding dress into a First Communion dress for Daughter #1. This year Daughter #2 will wear it for her First Communion.
My favorite "re-wear the wedding dress story" is from a kindergarten teacher friend who
reviewed the letter "B" with her class by taking them all on a Bus ride as a Bride. The kids and everyone else loved it!
I visit your blog daily.
Thank you for everything you do here. :)
You have inspired me, I haven't even tried in on since out wedding day, it might fit, though!
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