Every time I look at this little sprout, I cannot help but see what eagerness it is reaching toward the light with. It's goal and mission is to grow close to the light. This plant knows that light means life, food, energy, surviving and thriving.
Hmmm, is that how I live my life? Growing upwards in full surrender of anything else except getting as close to The Light as I possibly can? With my full posture straining ahead to Him?
Thank You, Lord, for teaching me from Your creation about how to live for You! Always reaching, stretching, growing closer to Your precious light! I want to draw from, live, feed and thrive on Your Light and Your Word!
What a perfect picture and perfect post! We should all be leaning, and yearning and growing towards that Light. I *heart* your blog, and wish you a belated happy anniversary! In Him, Lynnebee
Great post.
Amen to that. If we(me) would concentrate on our(my) growth, and not worry about others(my husband)maybe God would show us(me)how to grow with him and let God take care of others (my husband). Do you ever get frustated with your husband's growth? I mean, watch God do miracles in our husbands life, and watch our husbands back down? Sometimes, I hinder myself with my husbands growth. Maybe God just wants me to grow and let God deal with my husband.
That post reminds me of that song, I think its by The Newsboys...I want to be in the light, cause you are in the light, I want to shine like the light in the Heavens. I think that is how it goes.
Neat to see how things reach towards the light. I have a shamrock and it leans to the light, also.
I just found your blog and love it! :) Thanks for this lovely reminder.
I am in awe. That was a beautiful lesson. Thank you so much for writing that.
What a good word picture...I also love the idea of the wax & the flame...how when the wax gets just a little bit away from the flame it hardens instantly...thanks for sharing your thoughts! Great reminder to keep pressing into God! :)
I want my eagerness, my goal to be toward God's light. "Growing upward in full surrender of anything", WOW! I pray that God will work that in my heart as well. Angelia in TX
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