Monday, January 19, 2009

A few little updates...

Thanks for all the great post ideas you shared recently - they are simmering in my mind and I'll be posting as I can on those topics.

We leave tomorrow morning for a loooong drive home - we have had such a good time in Colorado and are anxious to see Daddy!

It has been so fun to meet several of you during my visit in the Springs!

Heather: Thank you for the wonderful family photos and for the great experience of working together with you - we love the pictures and memories! Any of you who may ever need a photographer in the Springs area - I highly recommend Heather!

Paula: Thanks for meeting up at the mall and sharing a wonderful little store with us and your sweet family! We were so blessed by being with you.

Lynn: Thank you for your faithful service in Emily's Sunday School class while we were here! I appreciated your sweet smile each week!

Phebe: You can imagine my surprise when I was recognized in the Wal-Mart restroom! I was a little sheepish as I had gone in there to give some discipline! So nice to meet you and your very sweet little ladies! Thank you so much for kindly introducing yourself!!

Amy: It was fun to meet Isabelle and enjoy Odyssey with you!

Rebecca: A long time friend - neither of us live in the Springs any more yet it was so nice to have a chance to visit even for a short time. You are a kindred spirit!

Several of you have asked how my Dad is - Carrie recently posted a little update - but here are a few observations of my own.

He is feeling good and seems, to me, to be his normal self!

After x-rays and meetings with a great doctor - they do not feel that radiation would be beneficial to him right now - his bones are strong enough as they are!! This is great news for a marathoner! Yes, he is planning to run a marathon this June!

Here's how I look at it: he's much younger than most patients with this diagnosis and much more physically fit and strong. I have this analogy in mind ~ you have a savings account with quite a hefty amount in it. Something comes along that is expensive and must be paid. But, since you have it in your account, it is not the end of the world to cover it. My Dad has a lot in his "account" stored away - his age, physical shape, attitude and strength. So, even though this has cost him - it hasn't depleted him the way it would some.

Speaking of his attitude, it has rubbed off on me. I could hardly talk about his diagnosis before we left to come out to Colorado, but I have caught his content and positive attitude! One of his x-ray technicians asked if he had considered a support group. My Dad was thoughtfully quiet for a moment not sure what to say to which the tech responded, "Oh, not for you! For the other people in it!" My first response to that was, "well, you've already done that for me, Dad!"

With all of that good news, the diagnosis still remains that his case is incurable. While doing everything they can, it does not feel like enough and will not cure his cancer. We are thankful for this time where he is feeling pretty good and able to continue working, running and enjoying life.

We appreciate your thoughtfulness to be thinking of and praying for all of us. And, we are so grateful for the encouragement we are feeling right now. Thank you!


Wendi said...

I am so pleased that your dad is feeling so well. Attitude does make a huge difference!

That is funny about meeting someone at WalMart... it seems we are always running into someone there!

Have a safe trip home. I can imagine how excited you all are to see David again.

Christi said...

Monica, I'm so happy to read of your dad's positive attitude, and that he's doing well as of now.

Hope you have a safe trip!

Grace said...

I am glad you got to have such an encouraging time with your mom and dad! I went on Heathers blog and saw some of your pictures. can I just say AWE!!! I love them. How neat that you were recognized. you must feel like a celebrity hee hee!
I know you are anxious to get home. be safe. I will be praying for you.

Elise said...

Glad your dad is feeling well and is able to run a marathon!! And you know God is bigger than any doctor!! Hope you have a safe and fun trip back home!!

Paula said...

What a blessing that you have had the opportunity to lay up the priceless treasure of making many memories with your dad and girls over the last few weeks. Have a safe trip home!

Anonymous said...


Thank You,

Rebecca said...

It was so good to see you to friend! It sounds like you've had a great time in the springs - I hope you have a safe trip back home. I saw some of your pics on heather's blog and they turned out great!
Love you!

Leanne said...

I will be praying for your dad...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your dad is feeling well. Just a thought, has he looked into a raw food diet or herbs to help in his healing or at least to help slow the cancer down?
One great raw food site is the owner had colon cancer and went 100% raw and was cured! It did take some time and giving up all of the cooked foods he loved. A great herb site is they have great info. I think your dad keeping up his normal life as possible will be a huge help! My prayers are with you and your family!

Deanna said...

An awesome man ..
with awesome strength.

Have a wonderful trip home Monica.

Deanna :)

Tammy said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi and to encourage you and your family to speak life over your dad. There is power in our words and in spite of what the doctors say, you can speak life over him in the name of Jesus - He is bigger than any doctor anyway! I will remember him in my prayers as well! Take care and be safe!

Mom2Drew said...

Oh man...I'm SO blessed to have met you and your wonderful family. Truly a God ordained moment that I hope can be replicated again.

I pray the trip home will be uneventful and quick. There's nothing like being in your own bed.

Continued prayers for your dad!

Me said...

Hi Monica,

Thank you for sharing. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. You are all in my prayers.

Jenny said...

Oh Monica, thanks so much for this update. I'll be sure to pray for you as you travel. May God bless you and keep you safe...

Anonymous said...

Dear Monica,
The analogy of a savings account is a good one to describe Dad's situation. We are so thankful for the time with all of you during the holidays and beyond! Thank you for coming! :)
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed having Emily in Sunday School. She is so... sweet. It was so nice to meet you and your family. You are such an inspiration to me. Your blogs really encourage and inspire me to be a better wife, mother, and godly woman.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed having Emily in my class. She is so...sweet. It was a pleasure to meet you and your family. I love your blog and was inspired to start my own.