I know, this is extremely early to be talking about Easter dresses - but since I found cute fabric and had time in CO - I made them one snowy afternoon!
A long time ago, I bookmarked
this pattern and have been anxious to use it! After finding cute fabric at Hobby Lobby - I was ready to go!
ADORABLE!!!! Wonderful job Monica! And you did that all in one afternoon??? WOW!! That is fantastic!!! :)
How perfectly lovely is your handy work!! Your little ladies are blessed!! Safe travel prayers to ya'll.tammyp
That is the reason I need to have girls...Oh well...I bet you could make yourself a cute skirt to go with that! I do love patchwork! Its probably good that I can't sew!
They are ADORABLE, Monica!!
How cute!
Wow Monica,
I didn't know you could sew! It's never too early to talk about Easter. The fabric is so darling. You did a great job on the dress.
Those are very cute :) Great job and I love the fabric! Glad to see you guys had such a good time in Colorado.
Those are so adorable! You are so talented. The material is really cute...so springy! Are you going to make matching hats or purses.....a patchwork purse would that matches the front would be really cute!
So cute, Monica! I love your fabric choices!
I LOVE them, Monica!!
That is a super cute dress! I love it, really nice colors too. {note to self: I really need to learn how to sew, lol}
Soooooo cute!!!!! :D
I wish I could properly sew.... those are just too lovely!
greetings from the netherlands :)
What a cute little dress! How fun!
It's kind of nice to sneak in some Spring fun in the midst of all this snow.
Someone mentioned you in an email so I decided to pop over and say hi! Your Dress turned out beautifully! I need to check out my Hobby Lobby, I love that green dot! I had some a while back but I have used every last scrap of it, and the shop where I got it stopped selling fabric. Good work mama :) Have a nice day!
OMgoodness! What an adorable dress. Reminds me of Matilda Jane styles. If you've never heard of MJ, definitely check it out...if only for the patterns and styles of clothing.
the photographer in me soooo wants to photograph your littles in their new dresses too.
Gosh, I want the dress in an adult size. Super cute. Way to spend a snowy afternoon for sure.
So sweet! You did a lovely job.
Very cute!
I love it! The fabric is perfect for an Easter dress. One of my goals this year is to teach myself how to sew. Seeing that little dress has inspired me to get busy learning!
That is SO cute!
So cute, love the materials.
What an adorable dress! The colors are so springy and very Easter-y! You did a fabulous job - your girls will be the envy of everyone, including myself. Do you think you could make me an adult version? :)
Adorable, Monica! :)
Oh my gosh love those dresses.
Cute dresses -- and I'm sure they will be even cuter on the little ladies! :) Love, Mom
Monica, that is such a sweet dress. When we were growing up, my mother always made our Easter dresses. My sisters and I were such girly girls that we would make my mother go to Goodwill and find a vintage pattern for a fifties dress. We loved dresses that required petticoats. My mother still has most of our Easter dresses and some have gone down the line of our cousins and their children.
Great job!
Deanna :)
That is one uber cute dress! I wish I had girls! :D (But I am still thankful for my boys :D)
Very sweet dress, love the fabric choices!
How very dear. And amazing to hear that you were able to sew 2 dresses in 1 afternoon. The ability to sew is such a gift.
Oh my gosh, Monica!
Those dresses are so cute!
You are very talented (and organized!)
I really enjoy your blog. I always end my nightly surfing with a visit here. You are very inspiring and I love the gentle tone of your blog.
Thank you!
This is so cute! I don't have girls, but I do have a niece. I'll have to try this.
Super cute. Hooray for hand-me-downs! =)
Thinking of you!
Not only are the dresses very cute, but you have so many people who adore you! What a wonderful example you are to others. :)
I love that dress style and fabric. I'm bookmarking that site too. I have a new little niece due in June! What fun!:-)
those turned out so cute!!! I wish I knew how to sew!
I am so impressed with your sewing! What cute dresses. I found this site with really cute Easter bows that could go with these. http://tinyurl.com/aplntw
Oh my goodness! I LoVe the dresses!!! This is exactly the type of things I want to make for my little girl.
I'm a beginner sew-er and am having a terrible time with my thread! If you have a spare minute, could you go to my Peterson Creek Primitives blog and check out my "sewing question" post and see if you can help? I need all the help I can get! LOL
http://petersoncreekmercantile.blogspot.com/ ~ My Selling Blog
http://PetersonCreekPrimitives.blogspot.com/ ~My regular blog
http://mydaisybelle.blogspot.com/ ~My Adoption Blog
Did you buy this pattern? I think it is very very cute! I am just wondering how easy it is to make...I am kinda a beginner at making clothes for my daughter.
Thanks for any help!
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branmaxson (at) yahoo (dot) com
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