Note: It wasn't very conducive to take pictures with three little ones and so many other people around - but we did take a couple. Above, sheep in a pen in the marketplace of Bethlehem and below - the stable scene.
Upon arrival, we were assigned a tribe - the tribe of Benjamin. And, names and occupations. My name is Abigail for the evening and I assist my husband in his profession of tent-making. In my hand, I held my citizenship papers and a coin to pay my taxes. I knew that the Roman Centurions awaited.
A soldier burst in to the tent our tribe was in and startled my sweet baby to tears (Samuel was in the wrap) - at first I was very upset. How dare a "pretend" soldier come in and scare my children. I don't want them to remember this experience as frightening. Then in my heart, I paused and realized that no soldier in that circumstance would have done any different. Jews were all the same to the Romans and so they told us over and over. Staring us down, speaking brashly and hurrying everyone along or stopping us at their will. I had a tiny glimpse of what it felt like to be belittled for what you believe, for being a despised people - regardless of age.
They told us we were like sheep - smelled like sheep - acted like sheep and how foolish we were for being "dreamers" and following to Bethlehem in hopes of seeing a baby prophesied 800 years previous.
The soldiers moved us along at their desired pace through the woods. We were traveling to Bethlehem to pay our taxes and to be counted for the census. Along the way, we saw Scripture come to life as we watched an angel appear to Mary, Mary's visit with Elizabeth and Joseph's dilemma regarding what to do regarding their circumstances, the wise men planning their journey and Herod's evil plan to kill all males two and under - I clutched my little Samuel a bit tighter and struggled to explain to Emily who wondered why he would do that.
We moved through the woods - it was dark and late. We must cross the Sea of Galilee to reach Bethlehem. So, we boarded a boat and crossed the "sea" ~ the soldiers talked of lightening the load and tossing someone over (of course, they did not!).
Citizenship papers were scrutinized and some were questioned about their identity when we arrived at the other side. Roman soldiers towered over us on large white horses whose noses were above my head. Arrogant, uncaring and self-centered, the soldiers ruled by generating fear in those under them and they let you know you were under them.
We saw a scene of Zachariah being unable to talk and still we traveled on to Bethlehem. Each of us were tightly clutching our citizenship papers and coin for taxes. We knew we would not be able to get into Bethlehem without it. Some of our tribe talked of trying to overtake the soldiers - I think this was more of a modern day idea as I'm not sure it would have worked out very well in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.
Finally we were at the gates of Bethlehem where a greedy tax collector was arrogantly counting his coins and demanding his pay. It was at this point we were required to surrender our citizenship papers and pay our tax upon entering Bethlehem. There were people everywhere, the town was brimming with out of town visitors.
We found ourselves immediately in the marketplace, each one trying to sell us his/her wares. One was selling doves for the sacrifice, another fish or salt, there was a woodcarver, potter, etc... And, we found ourselves outside the inn where the innkeeper informed us he had no room. He offered food and drink, but nothing more. As each merchant worked at selling me their wares, I realized I had no money - I had just spent all I had to get to Bethlehem and pay my tax. One offered to sell me a candle for my baby - unthinkable to me - but would someone in Bethlehem have considered such an offer?
Through the marketplace again, we saw sheep, chickens, ducks, small ponies, candle makers and herb/spice sellers. Exiting Bethlehem at the other side, we found ourselves in a big open field where a fire crackled warmly. We gravitated to the fire and nearly stepped on two sleeping shepherds who lie nearby. They were unhappy that we were there and disturbing their precious sleep. Suddenly, they received a special visit from an angel declaring that they were invited to see God's Son - Jesus - who was in a stable nearby. We ran with them to hurry and find the place of the birth.
Lord, You came into a harsh place. The surroundings were unwelcoming in the least. The sacrifice made by God to send You - how can a father send his child into something so undesirable. Love.
How could You respond righteously in such surroundings? When treated as the lowest of the low by the Roman soldiers - You remained perfect and sinless. Love.
You came so humbly. So purely. So divinely. Only God in His infinite love and wisdom could have orchestrated such an event.
And, now, dear friends - I wonder if you have this perfect love in your heart and life? Admitting we need Him to take away our sins and allowing Him to do so, receiving His free gift of forgiveness and salvation - accepting Him - these are all we must do to have eternal life with Him.
Forever with Jesus.
Thank You, Lord, for letting me come afresh to the manger and experience You anew this year. For the opportunity to experience the closest thing I ever can to the night You were born into this world. It was a hard road - just as following You can often be. But, it was a good road - just as walking with You and being in the center of Your will is.
What a wonderful experience this must have been. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Wow -- what a powerful experience -- I appreciate reading your account of this unique opportunity. Love you, Mom
Beautiful - Thank you.
Monica -
I would love to do something like this with my family. Thanks for sharing!
I'm sure this approach personalized the experience. Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts.
Our church performs an annual nativity drive-thru. It consists of 12 elaborate scenes with about 100 actors. Unfortunately, we were unable to get clearance to redirect traffic around the waiting cars this year. So for the first year in many, we will not be doing this outreach.
Last night, on our way home from dinner, we happened upon a living nativity. We had planned to drive around to see some neighborhood light displays, but this was much more meaningful.
Wow, Wow, Wow!!! What an amazing experience! What a truly awesome thing that must have been to experience. Heart wrenching, and humbling I am sure! That you for sharing this with us!
What a wonderful idea. It would be great for our church to do this. It must have taken a lot of planning! Sounds wonderful to worship with your family like that!!
what a wonderful experience! i have never heard of anything like this. thank you for walking thru it with us.
What a great experience. We did something similar also and the children are still commenting about it as we approach Christmas!
I am so glad I have found your blog this month, it is encouraging-a real blessing!
Oh my what a wonderful experience. That is a glorious thing to do.
Awesome, it is so amazing how God can reach through the ages to show ua the timeless truth of the love he has for us!
It sounds like it was such a moving and beautiful event. Thanks for sharing the details with us.
This sounds really awesome! Thanks for explaining it so vividly.
What a wonderful experience!
I totally agree with Katy. Thank you for sharing.
What a sweet experience. Thank you for sharing.
Wow--that's a really unique way to encounter the Nativity story. I'm glad your family was able to participate.
What a beautiful experience....I've never heard of anything like it!!
Jenn M.
Dear Monica~
Thank you for sharing your touching experience. Your details moved my heart and open my mind to reflect on God's amazing love. Thank you for taking the time to recording these events. Angie N TX
Our church is doing this for the first time this year, and we're all a bit nervous. How many people will come? How will the Baby Jesus actors do for 4 hours in the cold after their bedtime? (My 7 month-old is one of them!) Will people really feel (as you did) that this is how it must have felt 2000 years ago?
I have to say, though, that I am always amazed and touched and so incredibly humbled knowing how God has literally moved (as in, relocated) people to be here, at this time, in this place, to do this so that ONE person, even just one, may come to know Christ as his/her personal Lord and Saviour.
And we will rejoice with them in heaven.
THANK YOU for your account of this journey for you. I've sent it to a few friends hoping to encourage them in these last few days before our Big Event. :o)
What an incredible experience and the way you described it gave me goosebumps...what a wonderful way to reflect on what happened that night all those years ago...and just how relevant it is for us today still....thanks for sharing
Hey Monica,
Were you in Denver? A church here did the same thing and we'd planned to go, but then it snowed and was beyond freezing. With Emma fighting a cold, we decided to cancel. But we were so disappointed.
It's on the list for next year already!
There is a similar thing like this where we live... Called Bethleham Marketplace. It is just like what I would picture the streets of Bethleham being on the night. Busy, people trying to sell their goods, animals, soldiers... then a baby. It is such a great reminder of what things were like!
I stumbled upon your blog over Christmas break and have been enjoying it. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I would love to experience something like this someday although I am sure that I too would have many of the same reactions as you had. What a hard and yet beautiful thing!!! Kelly
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