Thursday, December 04, 2008

Cookie Jars

Last year, I had so much fun pulling out all my fun jars and using them to display Christmas cookies on the down the counter top. It was so festive and pretty! I can't wait to do it again! I usually use most of these jars for other things - but just transferred their contents for a few weeks!

Sugar Cookies and Icing
Candy Cane Cookies
Peanut Blossoms
Russian Tea Cakes
Sugared Pecans

How do you store or display your Christmas goodies? And, what is your favorite Christmas cookie? Mine is definitely a sugar cookie - but one that has been frosted and sprinkled and then put in a container for a little while to get nice and soft and chewy - yummy!


Angela - Life w/ Two Busy Boys said...

Looks beautiful but, how long do your cookies stay fresh that way?

basketlover93 said...

Mine are definetly Sugar Cookies too!

Monica Wilkinson said...


Since they all have lids - I did not have any trouble with them getting stale. I don't remember exactly how many days they were there - but we ate them all within their time of being fresh.

I keep my cookies in one of those jars all the time and don't have any problem with them getting stale. Maybe we just eat cookies quick around here! :)

asnipofgoodness said...

So pretty Monica,and so festive! We don't display our cookies, perhaps because there are those around here with no self control (that would be me)!

Wendi said...

That is a great display idea! My favorite cookie is the mexican wedding cake same as russian tea cake. I only have them at Christmas and they are such a treat!

Carol said...

I have several old Mason jars I like to use. And my favorite Christmas cookie is probably those Italian anise cookies. So festive with the candy sprinkles on top, and the glaze reminds me of snow :-)

Carol said...

My favorite is Italian anise cookies! Although, the Hershey kisses cookies (like in your photo) are a close 2nd :-)

homeschooldawn said...

Nice idea! The cookies look delicious. I'm going to try this. My boys will think I'm the best mom ever. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

I always hide mine, bucause my children would be eating on them before dinner. There would only be a line of empty jars with crumbs to admire. I think it has to do with a 16 year boy who eats all the time.

Edi said...

I try NOT to display my Christmas goodies - b/c out of sight out of mind (at least for awhile)! Much too tempting for me to have to look at all those baked goods. Into the freezer they go!

Anonymous said...

I have to keep my Christmas cookies in the freezer, or I will eat them all before I have a chance to give them away or put them out for get-togethers.

letterstoelijah said...

store cookies? we just eat them!
when I was a kid my mom would put them in the freezer until christmas.. but my sisters and I had no problem eating them frozen. lol we were desperate for sugar!

Unknown said...

It looks beautiful, Monica! What a wonderful idea! They almost become part of your decorations then! I love the candy canes pretty! I haven't made as many cookies in past years...usually just before Christmas I make a big batch of sugar cookies and we decorate them! I do make gingerbread as least once during the holiday's...which I did yesterday! :-) I usually just give fudge for my baked gifts! I was getting too stressed out every year making 5 or 6 different kinds! HEEHEE! So, my hubby suggested that should be one of the things to let I listened to him! Thanks for sharing!!!! :) Can I have one of those candy canes? :-P

Unknown said...

Oh...and sugar cookies are my favorite too! ;-)

Tracey said...

It's looks like a candy store counter!! Very cute...can you really eat all those before they go stale though!

Brie said...

Looks great! Two of my favorite cookies are my mom's peanut butter balls and savannah bowties (hubby & I got that recipe from Paula Deen a few years ago).

I normally only bake them a week or so before Christmas so that we have enough left to enjoy on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Step said...

I don't display our cookies either, but my favorite is a plain, old shortbread cookie that I've been making for many years. I just looooove the buttery goodness and simplicity of them. Sugar cookies rank high for me too.

Elise said...

That looks so pretty all lined up!! I love sugar cookies too, but mostly make either the oatmeal creme pies or oatmeal chocolate chip pecan cookies. I also like what you are calling Russian Tea Cakes(I think we call them almond crescents, since they are crescent shaped).

Anonymous said...

The candy cane cookies are my favorites! I love them cause they aren't super sweet, but then I also love sugar cookies, because they ARE super sweet! :O)

gail said...

love your display! looks so festive. my fav is snickerdoodles. and i don't display as they get eaten too fast!

Debra said...

Cute idea - I bet it looks great on the counter. My fave cookie is a 'chocolate snowflake' that I make. It's a chocolate cookie rolled in powdered sugar before baking. Yummy & easy. I make several batches every year.

Jenny said...

Store Christmas cookies? We never have 'em around long enough to store them in jars! Who could ever resist grabbing one (or two) while walking by those cooling racks?

This is such a great idea, Monica! Once again, you inspire me.

We enjoy Martha Stewart's Chocolate-dipped shortbread cookie recipe at Christmas--mostly because the recipe calls for 3 1/2 sticks of butter. :)

the voice of melody said...

Your sweets look great! When I make a big batch, it's usually for giving away so I don't actually have them long enough to display them.

Sugar cookies are terrific this time of year, with lots of icing! But I like many others so I'm afraid I can't narrow it down to just one favorite. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful and so festive. I love the idea. Reminds me of an old fashion candy store. Love the tea cookies. I have to start making mine. Monday night 8 ladies from church are coming for an ornament exchange at my house.


Amy said...

I adore sugar cookies with frosting on them. Anything that reminds me of those sugar cookies that I get at the mall ;) We made ours this week and I am having trouble resisting them.

I put mine in a covered clear cake stand and tie Christmas ribbon on the top. I love your jars, but lack counter space so displaying them higher saves a little room for all the other stuff.

Your display is beautiful!

Patty Williams said...

I love all of your jars , Monica!

Ours wouldn't get stale either.

During the holidays when I make so many different kinds, I usually put them in tupperware type containers and set them out in the garage where it's cool. Then haul them all in each time I make up a tin/plate!

Elizabeth said...

That's funny. I do the same thing. I've been saving all our pasta sauce, jelly and relish jars for months. They all sit on the counter with candy in them.

It kind of makes me feel like I have an old fashioned candy store.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea...everything looks so scrummy and pretty too! :)

joysmallpack said...

Mmm, Christmas cookies! Among my favorites are Snowball Cookies with chocolate chips, Santa's Whiskers, and Cherry Chocolate Surprise cookies... and I guess I also have to say the Candy Cane twist cookies as well. Oh, and then there's this Lemon Peppermint Cookie Crisp I love as well. Not to mention Christmas candy... caramel corn, white chocolate with almond bark, homemade toffee... Oh, how does one keep the favorites to a short list?! :-)
IF you re-open orders on the Names of Jesus garland, I would be interested! I was not quick enough last time. No problem if I need to wait till next year. I'm sure you're working hard! Thanks Monica!

Unknown said...

My favorite is a Russian Teacake. I need to get jars like yours, though! What a cute idea to display the cookies!

Tracy said...

Those Candy Cane Cookies are my favorite from childhood:) I

Debra said...

store cookies....i am lucky if the dough makes it to the oven. :-)
I have too many favorites...but I love the cookie cutter sugar cookies to decorate!
(Do buckeyes count as cookies?)

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

You are so creative... I love your ideas... I dont really have any jars but I just finished baking my husbands favorite Christmas time cookies (my blog will be updated shortly) and I would love to have a jar to store them in and put the on the counter. I will have to keep my eyes open for some. I love how all of yours are all unique.
Thanks for sharing such great ideas!

GeonHui's Bakery said...

Love this! So pretty!

Carolina Mama said...

Monica, beautiful! I was wondering how to get that many beautiful things baked at one time. I would love to have variety though I tend to make one thing at at time. Kinda boring. Any hints to help? :)

Anonymous said...

Monica, my favorite Christmas cookie recipe is the Spritz cookies with homemade icing. My mother and I always made them growing up. It was not Christmas without them.

Mom to Five said...

I was so blessed to have my 2 year old neice over today. Along with my 4 year old daughter, the 3 of us made my favorite holiday cookies: spritz dough and an old fashioned cookie press (it belonged to my great grandmother). They are so simple but so good!!!

Pamela said...

I love this, but oh my that's a lot of cookies and I would probably wind up eating most of them, lol. My favorite Christmas treat is my mom's peanutbutter fudge!

Michele said...

Your Russian Tea Cakes are what we call Pecan Balls. Whatever one calls them, they are gone in no time. I have absolutely no self-control with them around. I try not to even make them, but get my fix at my sweet mother-in-law's!

I had to laugh at the first comment. With a teenaged boy and my lack of Pecan Ball self-control, our sweets don't even make it off the cooling racks!

Sarah said...

I also LOVE sugar cookie, and another favorite is peanut butter balls... you know peanut butter yumminess dipped in chocalate. You cannot go wrong with that!

I also love pulling out all of my pretty snowman dishes. I also have one little fat snowman for our cookies... although you can't see them in there, I still love my little snowmen!

Anonymous said...

Unless I'm giving them away, I wait until Christmas Eve to bake our favorite cookie, red velvet with cream cheese icing and sprinkles. That way they don't get eaten up before Christmas Day!

Joy @ SAH Missionary said...

very cute! I would love to display mine like that, but alas, ants somehow manage to get into my jars! So, ours are stored in the fridge...not very exciting. My favorite Christmas cookie would have to be a Russian Tea Cake, although sugar cookie with frosting are a close second! :)

*carrie* said...

Yum--wish I could help myself to that buffet! Especially the Russian tea cakes. I was just thinking that I need to do some cookie baking soon . . .

Anonymous said...

Your jars (and cookies :-) ) look beautiful!!tammyp

Farmhouse Blessings said...

What a perfectly beautiful display! I just love clear jars to store everything ... my noodles, my beans, my cookies ... you name it ... I have it in a jar in my panty.
