Monday, November 17, 2008

Becoming a Pearl & A Giveaway!

I'm so excited about this fun giveaway! Lisa generously contacted me about giving away one of her lovely creations here and I'm thrilled to host the fun!

First of all, let me show you my piece:

I love this because it is simple, inspiring and meaningful! I chose to get a charm with each family member's name on it: David, Emily, Rachel and Samuel.

I also love that it has a pearl charm because this is what I want to be like - a pearl. Being shaped and molded into something valuable and beautiful. To be looking toward Heaven where pearls will adorn the gates and being reminded of seeking Heaven as in seeking a pearl of great price.

I want this to remind me of the influence I can have for His glory in my own home and family and to inspire me to be devoted in allowing Him to shape me as a pearl is shaped.
Matthew 13:45-46, "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Now, for the fun part! Please hop on over to Lisa's site and browse her beautiful creations. I think you will really enjoy seeing what she has to offer. Let us know what your favorite piece is by leaving a comment here and you will be entered into a drawing to win that piece!

Comments will be accepted until midnight (EST) Tuesday and we'll be giving away one piece (up to $54 in value) on Wednesday! I look forward to seeing your favorites!


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pizzlewigg said...

What a wonderful give away!
Thank you! I would pick the family tree as my favourite

Mary Ann said...

I like the Faith, Hope, Love necklace. Thanks, Monica!

Anonymous said...

I love the "Tiny Initials" Necklace. It's just so beautiful and I would love to win it! It would be so special to have it with a M&D (my husband's name is Martin) and have it close to my heart. Please enter me in the drawing. Debbie (

Kimberly said...

My favorite is "Sparkle" because I'm always reminding my children that we are to sparkle and shine like stars for God.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the Family Tree necklace! That would be my first choice. She has a ton of cute designs though and her little lovebird is adorable too.

Jeremiah and Stephenie said...

I really like the "Bloom" necklace. It looks like it could accomodate 5 little flowers. :-) Thanks for the giveaway!


Laine said...

Good Morning! I'm so excited about another opportunity to win one of Lisa's necklaces! I've tried so many times to no avail. Oh well! This has been on my wishlist for SO long...maybe I'll win this time! Thanks Monica!

April said...

Wow, such beautiful items! I love the wire charm bracelet as well as the necklace with little hearts and itials on it. Thanks for showing us the website. :-)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Lovebird necklace on the front page. I think it is so sweet. But I also LOVE the family Tree necklace. It is a sweet reminder of what I hold dear.

Stephanie said...

I have liked the same one that you have picked for some time now. :) I think I may have to break down and actually get one of these necklaces (or ask for it for Christmas)!

Christi said...

My favorite one is the 'tree' pendant shown at the top of this post. Ohhhh, I want it!

Angela - Life w/ Two Busy Boys said...

The stuff on her site is so cute. I like the heart shaped pendants w/ the attached pearl.

Katy said...

Oh! What beautiful stuff she has there! I kept looking and just couldn't decide at is so hard! But, if I won...I think I would like the "find joy" necklace!!!! Thanks so much for the chance! :)

Mrs. J said...

I really like the open circle. She has gorgeous pieces!

Milissa said...

There were a few pieces I really liked...the finding joy necklace, the freshwater pearl earrings, and the leaf ornament...pick me, pick me. :)

Jessica said...

Lisa is very talented and I wish I could order several of her necklaces! The riveted flower is one of my favorites.

Tracy said...

I would choose the "find joy in the unexpected". It is simple and sweet. I am constantly reminding myself to seek God in all things unexpected- the sweet 3yo interruption when I am working on something "important" or the midnight cry from my baby. Part of the journey- these unexpected joys.

Anonymous said...

I have loved her work for some time now!! Everything is beautiful! My favorite...tiny squares. :o)

tamara_parlor at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the Find Joy in Unexpected Places. It is beautiful and I loved your Making your Home A Haven series. Please do it again sometime! Thank you! Dianne

Wendi said...

It is hard to pick just one! I like the Itty Bitty Hearts necklace.

wycountrygirl said...

Oh,let's see....teeny, tiny initials, the wish necklace, or the stackable rings or....all of them! They are so cute! I've been reading your blog for awhile now and so enjoy all the things you do with your kiddos. And I am looking forward to the Rusty Robin sale! Thanks so much, Monica and Lisa!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous selection of necklaces. I found it soo hard to choose, but settled on the My Heart one which I should give to my dear daughter. Gill.

Amanda Roby said...

My mother deserves so much more than I can give her. She lives in Hawaii, while I am in Kentucky. She and my dad do a lot for us, and I'm so grateful. I would love to gift her with the Riveted Flower necklace, with her three kids names around the sides. Thanks so much for this giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What beautiful pieces of art. I believe my favorite item is the family tree. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Char in NC

Anonymous said...

It is a toss up between the Open Circle and the True Love necklaces. Both are simply beautiful!

Lisa said...

I like the Tiny Squares necklace like the one you picked out. I would love to have the names of my hubby and 2 sons on each square. Thank you for having the drawing.

Anonymous said...

What unique pieces! I like the Bloom necklace. :) Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

what an absolutely beautiful and original necklace, I would love to win this one and wear my family's names around my neck with the pearl to remind me of what I am striving to become while serving them.


Taylor Design said...

I love Lisa Leaonard! I love the silver rings and would get one with my husband's name and my new son's (set to arrive in 2 weeks) name. Her jewelry is stunning and so meaningful! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Lori said...

I have been admiring Lisa's work for many months now. Thank you for this fantastic giveaway! The "Making Your Home A Haven" week was wonderful. Thank you, Monica!

Ruth Ann said...

I like the riveted flower or teeny tiny initials or . . . I'd better stop there! I could go on and on.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is so difficult to pick just one favorite!!! I think I will have to go with the Mini Circles as my number one choice.

Anonymous said...

I love the tiny squares necklace like you have!!! so awesome with the kids names on it!!!
Thanks for putting me in the hat!!

Kimberlee said...

These are soooo great! I love the tiny squares necklace! Thanks for sharing!

Annette said...

Beautiful pieces, so hard to choose. But I think I like the teeny tiny initials the best.

Anonymous said...

I like the baby spoons and the neclace you picked. If I win, my email is:

Anna said...

Oh, they are so beautiful! The two that stood out to me are the true love hearts and the tiny squares. But, I would enjoy almost any of them. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Once again you have touched my heart. I love how you tied a message of hope into something you can really treasure. As a reminder of who you are trying to be.

Zaankali said...

Oh I am so excited! I love her jewelry. I would pick the family tree or a necklace like yours.

Anonymous said...

Everything is so wonderful but I think my favorites are the Bloom necklace and the Sweet Simple Bird necklace.Either one would be great with me! :)
Thank you and God bless,

Amy said...

I love all of these! However, I kept coming back to the piece "Find Joy in the Unexpected." My sister was suddenly killed in a car accident last month, and yet God has been teaching me to have joy through it all. I would love to win this necklace!

jodi said...

I love it all, but my favorite is the Concentric Circles Necklace. Thanks!

Tracy said...

How wonderful! I love this necklace:

itty bitty hearts necklace. two itty bitty hearts (1/2") are stamped with the initial of your choice and strung from sterling chain with a freshwater pearl. absolutely darling! click 'add to basket' to choose chain length. $48.00

Not for me though. I'd give it to my daughter who just got engaged with her initial and her beloved's.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the "sweet simple bird" necklace. Her creations are beautiful.

Bridgett said...

I like the polish cloth... no I'm totally kidding. A hard choice but I think The sweet simple bird necklace may be a future gift for me. :) Also, the keychain for daddy is absolutely adorable!

Amy said...

What a great giveaway. I love the Tiny Squares one and I counted the letters and Ethan & Emily would fit perfectly on each square. Fingers crossed! That would be a cool present!!

I saw these on Simple Mom too so I have had a lot of time to think about my response ;)

sherri said...

What a lovely and generous offer! I'm enamored of the "Mini Open Circle Necklace". It's a charming way to wear my loved one's names near my heart. Thanks for the opportunity to win this creative and memorable design.

Anonymous said...

Hi Monica, this was a hard decision but I really love hearts so I would chose itty bitty hearts necklace. I really enjoy your blog.
Blessings, Monica in S. Texas

Carol said...

I like the tiny squares necklace. I would pick my kids names. Thanks for the chance to win a great necklace!

Anonymous said...

Wow do er only have to pick one! That was a hard job because everything on her website was so beautiful. But I think I like the finding joy one the best. To remember to put Jesus first Others Next and You Last. I also love all the family tree and initial necklaces. Thank you for your website.

Kimmon said...

I love looking at Lisa's designs! The single tag necklace caught my eye today.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Monica! My favorite is the Open Circle! LCD

Rachel said...

Oh wow her work is beautiful! As the mommy to a beautiful little girl named Pearl, I loved your analogy about the Pearl and becoming something beautiful.

As for my favorite necklace it is so hard to choose, I guess if I can only pick one it would be the tiny hearts necklace with my girls initials on it I would have to soon get a third heart for the little one in my tummy!

PS I just found your blog this weekend and am gong to go back and do your Home is a Haven Challenge this week.

Sarah said...

I love the find joy necklace. Totally beautiful!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the "Find Joy" necklace. I'm trying to learn to be happy about little surprises and changes in our plans. What a great reminder to wear!

Everything looks fabulous, but I also especially love the "Wish" necklace, the "Tiny Squares," and the wire charm bracelet.

Thanks so much for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I love her jewelry! My favorite is the "Bloom" necklace. Thanks for the fabulous give-away!

Paige said...

OKay, I have a necklace from Lisa already, so I'm picking one I'd give to my mother. So I let the boys pick for her.
Sam likes "Lovebird Necklace".
Max likes "Concentric Circles" and would like it to say "love"and "family".
Noah likes "Delux rectangle" and wants it to have the 6 grandsons names.
I like the "find joy" necklace, and I know mom likes red things so she'd be pleased as punch to get this.
Whoever wins will be a lucky gal!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just realized there's more. I love love LOVE the tag key chain! I just decided:

That's my new favorite.

Julian said...

i have always wanted one! Thanks for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! The jewelry is beautiful!

I love the "Find Joy in the Unexpected" necklace. What a great reminder of living with a positive attitude!


Ellie said...

My favourite is the Bloom necklace. I like this one a lot, as we have moved so far from home, and I am always reminded that I need to "bloom where I am planted" or specifially, where God has planted us as a family.

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

Oh, my! I'm usually not a jewelry person, but I could become one with these creations. They are simply beautiful. I don't know how to pick a favorite....bloom...hope...little birdie.... Love 'em all!

Monica said...

Like many, I LOVE the family tree, but I'm not sure all of our names would fit. So if that wouldn't work I would choose the simple bird necklace since that is my last name:)

Great giveaway, Thanks.

angie said...

I loved the itty bitty hearts, amongst many others. I envision this piece of jewelry as something I would wear always, not just saved for special occassions.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Just checked out the site. I like the Leaf Ornament. My husband is in the tree care business and has a degree in forestry, so I'd really like to win this ornament to give to him for Christmas.

melissa said...

I like "the bloom" necklace, because it reminds me to be rooted and growing where I am, and how God plants me where he wants me.

Michelle said...

I would pick the teenie tiny initials. It is darling! Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa said...

I love the "Tiny Squares" - precious!

Sheila said...

I would love to win this...I was thinking of asking for this from my hubby for Christmas. I love the open circle and would love to have my kids names on it.
THanks for hosting!

Lura said...

I like the "Love w/ your whole heart" necklace. Very pretty stuff!

Anonymous said...

How breathtaking! I really loved the tiny squares necklace.



Anonymous said...

I love the "True Love" pendant. Thanks a lot :)

being molded said...

What a blessing! I love your necklace, but didn't see it llisted on her site. So I would have to pick the original necklace.

Tammy said...

I would choose the sweet simple bird necklace!

Thank you! :)

Christiana said...

Thanks, Monica! I love the Freshwater Pearl earrings!

Anonymous said...

I would choose the Wish Necklace.
Beautiful pieces. What a talent.
Amy M

Elizabeth Sue said...

I love Faith, Hope, and Love. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

So happy to be able to visit you in this way again!!!! YEA!!!! tammyp

Unknown said...

What a neat post...
I like the Bloom necklace and the Oval Monogram necklace...basically I like them all! What a neat giveaway! Thanks, Lisa & Monica! :)

Mrs. K said...

I love them all...and I don't normally wear jewelry! I especially love the "Bloom", little birdie and the chick. So cute. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Elise said...

Great giveaway!! I like the tiny squares or sweet simple bird. I think if I were to have to chose one, it would be tiny squares since it is more personal.

Anonymous said...

These are really beautiful. I like the stackable rings the best. Thanks!

jen said...

So many beautiful necklaces! I would pick bloom or true love as my choice. They are lovely!


Wendy said...

I love the itty bitty heart necklace. I would get a heart to represent each of my three girls.

Molly said...

I love the open circle necklace! I would get it with my kids' and hubby's names on it. What a great giveaway! Thanks for hosting it.

McCraine Family said...

I love the necklace you have...I love that you can add charms as needed! :)

Cheyenne said...

I love the Tiny Squares necklace. It would be a sweet reminder throughout the day of my sweet new baby boy and my precious husband!

Delighted Mom said...

I would love the pearl necklace with our family members names on them! How perfect!

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

I LOVE Lisa's designs! I love the tiny squares and the teeny tiny initials! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

My Blessings From Above said...

What a wonderful giveaway. It was so hard to choose! I loved the petite circle neckless.

Andrea said...

I'm a new subscriber, and I'm enjoying your blog very much. Thanks!
I like the freshwater pearl necklace. Very classy.

Kim said...

What a wonderful gift. I like the family tree and ALL the others too!!

Thanks Lisa and Monica.


Lynette said...

What a great give away, I like the itty bitty hearts necklace. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What great pieces. My favorite is the open circle, not sure if i'd do a phrase or have my kid's names listed.

happyhubbub said...

I'm in love with the Family Tree and the Wire Charm's a tough call! ~vee

Sheila said...

While I liked several things, I like the Bloom Necklace most. I want so much to help my daughter's bloom into beautiful women of God.

Anonymous said...

I love the "Tiny Initials" Necklace, displaying the initials of my sweet family!

Heather said...

I have been admiring Lisa's jewelry for months! Thank you for this great giveaway. I think my favorite is the Tiny Squares necklace. So hard to choose, though. Thank you, Monica!

Lucky Mom said...

My favorite is the Open Circle...I just love what the single circle of life, circle of family (to keep them close)...circles are never-ending.

Suzanne (aka Rostov Mommy)

Marion said...

This is so sweet of you and Lisa. And what a great opportunity for us to get a chance to have something so beautiful. It's so hard to choose just one, but my favorite is the True Love Hearts pendant. Thanks for the contest!

Jon and Sarah said...

I love everything on this site! So unique and special. My favorite is the itty bitty hearts necklace.

Anonymous said...

I love the two key rings. What beautiful things. :)

Lindsay said...

I love, love, love these necklaces! Hands down the fresh water pearl necklace is my favorite!

Queen of the House said...

I love, love love the Teeny Tiny Initials!! Oh, pick me, pick me!! :-P

tnajk at cox dot net

Stephanie said...

So pretty!! I love the family tree!

Anonymous said...

They are all beautiful!!!!

I really like the "find joy" necklace.



Wendy said...

Great giveaway! The family tree is my favorite. What stunning jewelry.

Deeny said...

I love her pieces and would love to win one. I really like the true love piece. Once I have kids I see several others that I would love.
dmfitzpatrick16 @

Lola said...

The tiny squares necklace is by far my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win!

Aubrey said...

I love Family Tree & The Teensie Initials. These are so sweet. Thanks for such a great give-away!

Lee said...

Oh, I love it all. Either the one you've picked or the open circle. Cute stuff.

glenna marshall said...

Beautiful work! Very unique, but very simple and elegant.
I love the "itty bitty hearts" necklace. So pretty. I would have an I and a W for my husband and my son's names. :)

Kellie said...

I had been admiring Lisa's work for a while! I think I would pick the same one you did -- so sweet and simple, and I would include my H and D's names with mine for the perfect trio!

Eight Is Great! said...

What a great collection. I'm a symbolic type of person. I love things that remind me of what I'm here for and what is most important. I think her whole collection is great. My favorite is probally the family tree.

Sugarcoma said...

wow! what beautiful pieces! i love the riveted flower. it would be perfect for my three kids' names. thanks for doing this giveaway.

Shannon said...

I love the True Love anniversary is right around the corner, too...

Kristina said...

I love the tree pendant! How lovely!

Amy R. said...

I love the oval monogram necklace!

Anonymous said...

I confess that I've had my eye on the sweet simple bird necklace for a longggggg time. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the sweet simple bird necklace! So cute for everyday!

Anonymous said...

I just love her designs I think I would choose the tiny squares necklace like you have with my kids and husbands name so I could always add another square later if need be:) What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

They are all soooo..cute! I really love the itty bitty hearts.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what a blessing this jewerly is. I loved the family tree, what a way to display the true blessings of family to wear around your neck for all to see~

Anonymous said...

I like the teeny tiny initials. I like them because my three year old is learning her letters and it reminds me of her!

Anonymous said...

I <3 Lisa Leonard Designs!!!!
The Wish Necklace is my fave - I love the Dandelion detail!
Thanks, Monica!

Anonymous said...

I have been admiring her work over the past month. It is so beautiful and simple. I love the tiny squares necklace. Having the names of my family close to my heart would be so sweet.

jayedee said...

love love LOVE the family tree necklace! please throw my name in the hat! good luck all!

Karen in Kansas City said...

Love that sweet simple bird necklace...maybe I have birds on the brain as our winter friends are now returning to our back yard feeders.

Anonymous said...

I love the True Love necklace!! My hubby would think that was awesome! Thanks Amber

Jennifer said...

Ooh, I can't decide between the teenie tiny initials, the stackable rings, and the baby spoon. If I had to choose right this very minute, which I suppose I do :), I would have to go with the tiny initials!!

Anonymous said...

there is a concentric circles necklace with the phrase "LIVE FULLY", which has recently become my motto - I love it
Thanks for such a great blog!
amanda b in nc

Sarah said...

Wow... I love the Petite Original Circle necklace, and the Teenie Tiny Initials necklace.

What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Trish said...

I couldn't stop reading Lisa's story... her honesty has blessed me today.

I'd choose the teeny, tiny hearts necklace.


kthilly said...

I love the tiny squares necklace, but would love any of these beautiful and unique pieces. Thanks for such a neat give away and introducing me to a new site to shop from!


homeblessings said...

I love the simplicity of the Single Tag Necklace. I would have a hard time choosing what word to put on it though. Ideas: Sparkle, Courage, Faith, Strength. I would pick one and make it my New Years Resolution.

Anonymous said...

I love the Itty Bitty Hearts necklace. How fun!


Tiffany said...

Hi! I don't think I've ever commented before but have been visiting your blog frequently lately! I have two little ones and am doing BFIAR with my two year old - so your great ideas inspire me! I have been eyeing Lisa's designs for a while now - they are beautiful! I love the "teeny tiny initials" piece and would have my boys' initials - a C & a G. I doubt I'll win but maybe my husband will get my *hints* for Christmas! God bless - Tiffany

ps. I would LOVE to hear more about how you schedule your day and keep order in your home. =)

fixedonHIM said...

They are all beautiful!!

My favorite would be between...the teenie tiny initials, the riveted flower and the family tree. If I were blessed with this giveaway I would love to be surprised!

Thanks Monica & Lisa :)

Carly said...

My favorite is the tiny squares - I would get my husband's name on one, and our wedding date on the other.

I would not only always have him close to my heart, but it would serve as that extra momento of the day that we were joined by G-d, and as an additional reminder to honor and serve him the way G-d intended.

Anonymous said...

JaneThe WIRED CHARM BRACELET does call my name. :)
I have been reading your blog daily for some time now, it is so very encouraging, Monica. Your energetic spunk for the Lord is a blessing... keep letting your light SHINE!

i_am_4given said...

Oh, Lisa has so many awesome designs and she does such awesome work. I think what I like the best is the stackable rings!! I love them and they are beautiful!!


Elaine said...

The Open Circle would be my choice. The constant reminder to give my whole heart is needful.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love the "Tiny Initials" necklace- it's very simple, yet so elegant. I'd have my boys' initials added- what a great way to keep them close!

Kate said...

I would love to have the Bloom Necklace and for my favorite niece, the Single Tag Necklace with her name. Great giveaway, hope to win!

Carolina Mama said...

Love the "Tiny Squares" with family names as well! Too cute! Lisa's talented.

Bay said...

My favorite is "teeny tiny initials". Thanks so much for the entry! -Bay

chunnym said...

I absolutely love the "itty bitty hearts" necklace! Thank you~ Philicia

April said...

Thank you for this opportunity! I'd choose the tiny initials necklace. However, boy did I have a hard time choosing through all the glamorous items! Warm wishes!

Unknown said...

Her stuff is beautiful! My favorite is the "Family Tree" or the key chain.

But it was so hard to pick because I LOVED them all!

Thanks for sharing!

Genesa said...

I really like the open circle! What a great giveaway!

Heather said...

I think that the Family Tree necklace is my favorite. Such a neat idea and lovely items to choose from. Thanks for the chance to win.

Leanne said...

teenie tiny initials.
that's my favorite! what a generous give away!

Melissa Joy said...

the Dog Tag Necklace is my favorite, because each charm would be a different length, according to each of my childrens' names.
what a precious gift for someone!
thank you, and many blessings to you.

Jill said...

What a great giveaway!! I LOVE the itty bitty heart necklace!! The lovebird is also adorable.

Erin said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I love the family tree necklace.


Jessica said...

I like the "teenie tiny initials" necklace. I love the idea of a fresh water pearl and the significance in the meaning. Thanks!!

Lucy said...

If I won, I would like the Open Circle pendant with my children's and husband's names or initials.

karri said...

her designs are all so lovely!
i especially
the tiny initials necklace,
find joy in unexpected places,
and the tiny squares necklaces.
i've seen her work several places
recently and i just love all her designs!!!
would be so fun
to win! ; )

Heather said...

I love the baby spoons and leaf ornament, but my favorite is the "We Love Daddy" keychain! Daddy's the hero of our two girls, and it would make a great Christmas present from them.

Thanks for doing the giveaway, Monica!

Anonymous said...

I love love love the sweet simple bird necklace. I am so excited about this giveaway.Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I would choose the itty bitty heart necklace!!
Sharon L

Shiloh said...

I have too many favorites! I love the itty bitty hearts necklace, the stackable rings,the key chain and the baby spoon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Monica
I love either the teeny tiny initials or the dog tag. we hope to add to our family through adoption so it would be nice to have the option of adding another name later.

Anonymous said...

I would pick the Open Circle necklace. What precious jewelry!

Ruthanna said...

I like teeny tiny initials or the riveted flower. Would someone please just tell my husband to get me one...I can't seem to win one.


homeschooldawn said...

What a great giveaway! I like the "Sweet, Simple Bird" necklace.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the family tree pendant is also my favorite!!!!! Great giveaway!!! robyn

Jenny said...

Ooh! Please count me in! I browsed through her website, but I couldn't find the name of the necklace you have pictured third.

Rachael said...

'find joy in the experience' speaks to me (loudly!). Thanks for putting this out there!

Jamie said...

What a great give away!

My favorite is the tiny squares necklace. Simply beautiful.

Thanks Monica!

amybee said...

I like the new lovebird necklace.

Anonymous said...

I would love the one shown, with the family name charms. They are all beautiful, though! What great gift ideas! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

My favorite is the "Live Fully" necklace. It's too cute and a great reminder!

Anonymous said...

I like the tiny saquares and the tiney initials necklaces.

Anonymous said...

I really like the Full Circle necklace. Thanks for hosting this nice give away.

Amy said...

I have ADORED these necklaces for so long! It would be such a blessing to have one! My favorite is the Original Necklace....thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think the breast cancer necklace was really neat. I've been looking for one for my mom (just diagnosed with breast cancer) and most of them are too cheesy looking-not something for my cool mom!

Tamra said...

I love all of Lisa's jewelry. But I think I would pick the find joy necklace. what a fun giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Lovely things! Wow! We would love to enter the contest for the family tree necklace for our mother. Thank you!

Jodi Rae said...

I love the Itty Bitty Hearts necklace! how precious!!!! <3

Thank you for the encouragement of last week's series on making your home a haven!

With Love & Blessings,


LS said...

I like the Live Fully necklace best or the teeny tiny initals necklace.

Carly said...

I like the itty bitty hearts necklace. Great giveaway!

Melissa said...

What a sweet gesture! I like the "sweet simple bird necklace".

Anonymous said...

Lisa's work is amazing. I have browsed her site many times and entered many contests. I'd love to win one of her necklaces!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What beautiful jewelry! My favorite is the Tiny Squares necklace. I've been wanting to get jewelry with my children's and husband's names on it for a while. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love them all! If I must choose I guess it would be the Find Joy. I enjoy your blog so much.

Paul Barber said...

Such beautiful pieces! I think I would choose the wire charm bracelet. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love the tiny squares and the riveted flower necklace. Oh, actually, I love them all!

Michele said...

Oh to have talent like Lisa!
I like the faith, hope, and love.

Beth said...

They are all lovely pieces! As a gift, I love the baby spoons - our dear friends had twins in September and engraved spoons would be a perfect gift. For me, I would have to choose Tiny Squares-with my kiddos names, of course. Everything is gorgeous-thank you so much for the chance to win!!

Jessica said...

It's such a hard choice, but I think I would go with the itty bitty hearts necklace. Thanks for the giveaway!

Stephanie Seccareccia said...

I hope I win! I hope I win! I just love her pieces. I have 4 boys and just won't spend the money on myself! I love the teeny hearts on the pearl strand...what a talented artist! God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I Love the "Tiny Squares"!!! I love love love these necklaces. They are so unique!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing designs. My favorite is the wish necklace. But it was a hard choice.

Mary Jo said...

I love the Open Circle because it contains a saying I also love. But everything is sooo pretty.

Rachel Boldman said...

What an amazing giveaway! I just discovered Lisa's designs last week and LOVE them. It was a hard decision, but I think the necklace I would pick is either the itty bitty hearts necklace or the wish necklace. See...the decision was so hard I had to pick two to post about. If I won (crossing fingers) I would probably go with the wish necklace :)


racheeb at gmail dot com

Megan said...

I love the tiny squares necklace!

What a fabulous give away!

DESJ and Company said...

What a great giveaway!
I can't tell you how many times I've been on her site and considered buying a piece with my kids' initials. I love the teeny tiny initials-my blogger name is desj and company-desj are my kids' initials, including my eldest, Dovi, who has a life-threatening genetic disease-hop over to my blog at
to read about him.
It would feel very special to me to wear their initials close to my heart.

Rachel Boldman said...

My post about your giveaway is here:

Anonymous said...

I love this jewelry! It is hard to choose a favorite, but I would have to pick "tiny squares"...I have two great loves in my husband and daughter! Thank you Monica and Lisa for the chance to win such a wonderful piece of art!

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