"In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge;
let me never be put to shame.
Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness;
turn your ear to me and save me.
Be my rock of refuge,
to which I can always go;
give the command to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress.
Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked,
from the grasp of evil and cruel men.
For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord,
my confidence since my youth.
From birth I have relied on you;
you brought me forth from my mother's womb.
I will ever praise you.
I have become like a portent to many,
but you are my strong refuge.
My mouth is filled with your praise,
declaring your splendor all day long.
Do not cast me away when I am old;
do not forsake me when my strength is gone.
For my enemies speak against me;
those who wait to kill me conspire together.
They say,'God has forsaken him;
pursue him and seize him,
for no one will rescue him.'
Be not far from me, O God;
come quickly, O my God, to help me.
May my accusers perish in shame;
may those who want to harm me
be covered with scorn and disgrace.
But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.
My mouth will tell of your righteousness,
of your salvation all day long,
though I know not its measure.
I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord;
I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone.
Since my youth, O God, you have taught me,
and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.
Even when I am old and gray,
do not forsake me, O God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
your might to all who are to come.
Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God,
you who have done great things.
Who, O God, is like you?
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter,
you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
you will again bring me up.
You will increase my honor
and comfort me once again.
I will praise you with the harp
for your faithfulness, O my God;
I will sing praise to you with the lyre,
O Holy One of Israel.
My lips will shout for joy
when I sing praise to you -
I, whom you have redeemed.
My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long,
for those who wanted to harm me
have been put to shame and confusion."
~ Psalm 71 ~
Monday, October 06, 2008
Psalm 71
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Monica, praying all is well with you and yours. You are such a blessing! tammyp
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again..."
I went through a very difficult time in the late '90's and that verse was my rock. I haven't thought about it for a long time. Remembering the past didn't bring me down this morning. It lifted me up and reminded me once again that God is Good!
Have a wonderful day, Monica!
These verses are so on my heart. We're going through a major sale of our home that's been full of pitfalls and aggravation and are closing in on the completion of our new construction home...I just keep praying that it'll all work out and God keeps reassuring me that His plan is in work and is best.
Your post really reaffirmed my heart this morning. You're a treasure, mama!
Thanks for bringing this beautiful Psalm to mind today, Monica Dear.
Thank you too for putting so much thought and effort into your blogging and always giving God the glory for what He has given you.
I sm SOooo proud of you, Honey
Keep up the good work!
Love you, Grandma
Thanks for this reminder of God's unfailing love. :)
Thank you for that.
Monica, I LOVE it when you quote scripture because NO ONE can argue with that, can they? It's not your words, but God's.
Wow...I am so surprised by all of the negative comments Monica is getting. Sounds to me, some are jealous of her virtue.
Monica...I think there is an option of viewing all comments before they are able to be posted.
Thanks for all you do! =)
Oh, wow, not sure what is going on here. I pray and am certain that you seek God's face and you have a wonderful ministry thru your blog. Don't let anyone get you down. Thank you for all your encouragement, Monica.
I think it is bothersome that someone, an anonymous someone has a problem with you. You say countless times that God gave you an idea. You are NOT prideful in my opinion. To God be the glory...
in case you weren't aware...there is a place to delete comments after they are already posted. So..if you want to delete the rude ones that were left here...if you go under POSTING, then EDIT POSTS, then if you click on the comments...it will take you to all the comments that were left on that post and there is a lil trash can beside each one...so then you can delete any post you want to! :) I am sorry someone has gotten rude. We need to pray for that person and hope that maybe a seed will be planted in them! :)
It's such a shame that you have to monitor all comments especially since your viewership is wide - whew, what a task. But, I know it means everything to you for your blog to honor God and bless those that view it.
I know honoring God's Word is your number one priority and I am blessed to know you personally because of it. God has spoken to me many times through you, my dear friend.
Praying for you! Love, Melissa
How rude for people to leave ugly comments. I love your blog and what it all stands for. Thanks for sharing.
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