I am sorry that I even have to address this issue ~ but after repeated incidents, I have decided to enable comment moderation.
I will not publish any comment that defames my character, the character of God, questions His Word or is not glorifying to Him.
Currently, I am out of town - but will address this when I return home if necessary.
Thanks to all of you who do leave edifying and encouraging comments!
Monica, sorry about your commenter!!! If you just log in to your blog you will see a garbage can at the bottom of the comment. hit that then check delete permanently and then delete. You can do this from any computer. You just need to be logged in.
Sorry you are having to deal with this Monica. I hope you won't find it too discouraging. I enjoy your blog a lot. :)
I haven't left a comment before, but would like to now. I enjoy your blog very much, and visit daily. I think you are such a good example of a woman and a mom. Thank you for your uplifting and inspiring blog.
Monica, you are such a blessing. I am sorry you have had to deal with this. Thanks for all of the good you spread. I appreciate it much. And of course all of your many readers do.
Be encouraged sister. God Bless!
It is beyond me why some people have to comment in such negative ways, I've had many on my blog.
It isn't as if someone is being forced to read for there are thousands upon thousands of blogs out there for a person who doesn't want to hear that God inspires.
One of my favorite books is Edith Schaeffer's The Hidden Art of Homemaking. The entire book is about God inspiring her.
I truly enjoy your blog and your wisdom. :)
Good grief, it's sad that you even have to do something like this. I've seen a few of the comments that are less than constructive and it's amazing to me what people will say to each other on the internet. I hope it hasn't gotten to you too much. If people find your blog that irritating, why don't they just not visit any longer!
I am so sorry that you have had to do this, that you have received less than encouraging comments.
I fully support your switch and hope that it discourages anyone from further posting comments which are discouraging or rude.
It's sad that we have to do this but that seems to be how this old world is anymore.
I'm so sorry you have experienced this! (I haven't - but I don't have as many visitors as you!) Good for you for making a stand! It was the right thing to do :)
By the way I subscribe to your blog - it's just wonderful!
I am so sorry it has come to this for you, but I'm not surprised. In the past several months I have been disgusted to see too many nasty comments left on the blogs I read. I don't read that many, less than a dozen. Most of the time they always hide behind anonymous without leaving any names. I think it's a shame. My attitude is, if you don't like the blog, don't read it and don't leave nasty comments.
My theory for your situation is you are definitely making a stand for Jesus. You are a very encouraging young woman who has, without a doubt, given her heart to the Lord. The enemy doesn't like what you are doing and how it encourages others. The enemy is trying to discourage you. I know you won't let that happen. Keep being a warrior and standard bearer for the King. You are making more headway than you know.
oh my goodness!!! :(
I am so sorry you have had to do that. It's sad that people have to comment disrespectfully! :(
I can't imagine anyone wanting to defame your character...you have such a heart for God! But I know it does happen. :( I'm so sorry to hear that Monica, but I understand why you need to moderate!
It always makes me sad (and mad too) when I find out that people are disrespecting someones blog.
I'm sorry you've had to address this also. I love you!
Please don't be discouraged by this, Monica. Unfortunately, there are always bad apples who are looking to make things difficult for bloggers. I have always had commenting moderation on my blog and other than a couple of snarky comments, I have NEVER had anyone attempt to leave me anything unkind. I don't know if that would be the case if I wasn't moderating everything.
What a bummer. Sorry you had to experience that.
I look forward to your blog reading your blog everyday.
Monica, I, too am sorry you have been left some ugly comments. You always give me things to think about and cause me to reexamine myself so I can be a light in the Lords eye.
Thank you!
I'm so sorry about this! I cannot imagine why anyone would ever leave a nasty comment on your blog. :-(
I'm sorry that people are so mean! But, considered yourself blessed if you are attacked for your stance on your Lord and Savior! I look forward to reading your blog and find it a blessing! Thanks for all you do and all you stand for! God Bless!
Monica ~ I think you are GREAT!! You have been such a blessing to me! Woo~Hoo for taking a stand! I LOVE your blog!!!
Oh Monica,
That's so sad and ridiculous. I pray that your nobility in this situation brings this hasty and unfeeling commenter into a closer circumspection of him/herself and then closer to the Lord.
I am sorry that you have had to deal with rude and insensitive people. Good for you with the decision you made. I would also like to say that you are a major blessing and inspiration to me :) You are such a Proverbs 31 woman and I love how the Lord Jesus comes first and foremost in your life. Thanks for all you do, you are very much appreciated.
I am sorry that some people were being unkind. You don't deserve that. You are so inspiring to me as a mother, homemaker and Christian. I hope you don't let these people/person bring you down.
Monica, may God bless you and your family for standing up for what is right. You are a blessing to so many and I know God has used you in a mighty way with this blog.
All I can do is echo what the other commenters have said (the nice ones) and offer hugs.
I think you're great and I enjoy reading about your faith and trust in the Lord.
It is sad that you must do this - but I would rather that than not being able to read your blog at all. I visit daily and love your blog.
It is too bad that we have to do this, but I'm with you. Our blogs are our own and it is our job to make sure they bring glory to God, even in the comments. I've deleted my fair share of comments that didn't sit right or made me feel bad. I'm sorry you are having to deal with it too. I always enjoy your posts and have tried several of your craft ideas. I'll have to get a post up sometime soon about the Garland of Praise I did for my husband this summer. Thanks for your creative heart... and for sharing it with us!
Wow - I have a hard time accepting someone who leave an unkind comment on your blog as well! You are such a kind and caring person and it really shows in what you share! I enjoy reading your blog and love to see how you incorporate your faith into everyday.
Monica, I'm so sorry you've had a bad experience with comments. You are such a sweet, humble, and wise young woman and you are giving us a gift by sharing your life with us each day.
My mama always said that when somebody is mean, picks on you, makes fun of you, belittles, defames, etc., it means that he or she feels bad about themselves and they are trying to give themselves a boost by hurting others. Hurting others may make sense to a first grade bully who hasn't been taught any better but when it comes to adults, I say they need to get a life. Let's pray for those people who feel so mean & ugly & bored that they have nothing better to do than act like childish bullies.
Your positive attitude is great. Don't let this discourage you as you shine God's love into the darkness!
Monica, every time I think I can stop moderating comments, someone leaves a very weird one. I guess there are just some people with nothing better to do. I feel better being able to reject those bad comments, too.
Hugs Monica!!
I had to double check my feed reader and make sure it was your blog I thought I was reading. I cannot imagine ANYONE saying something about your character. Your blog brings me such a feeling of peace. I don't often comment, but I read every post.
I'm sorry people have been less than kind, but I know you won't let it get you down.
Dear Sweet Monica:
I too, am so sorry you have to address this issue. I agree with what Valerie has said about the Enemy trying to discourage you & block your witness for the Lord.
Just remember that Scripture tells us we WILL suffer persecution if we are witnessing for the Lord and try to keep your eyes on Him, rebuking the Enemy. I know it isn't easy, but that's what we are admonished to do in the Word.
You are doing a FANTASTIC job of mothering and blogging, Honey. Just keep looking up & trusting HIM.
I trust you & Samuel are home safely.
I love you dearly, Grandma
Lucky for you that you can review the comments before they are posted...it's just sad that it will never stop you having to read the negative comments first before deleting them.
Like the others posted here, I'm sorry for the problems you are having to deal with. I too think that if you can't say something nice. don't say anything. I hope and pray that you don't stop blogging over this. I love your blog.
Go ahead on with your brave self! It's ok that you don't permit trash-talk...it's more than ok; it's great!
I am so sorry that you have to deal with such negativity.
I'm lifting you up in prayer!
Your blog has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me.
As Valerie said, you are taking a stand for Jesus. And this reader thanks you!
thanks for keeping your blog upbeat, true & encouraging! and as far as the wrong comments...too bad some folks have to stoop so low! i am blessed by your testimony!!!
I just wanted to chime in and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. It has been such a blessing to me.
Best wishes!
What a shame that people actually go out of their way to be rude by taking the time to read a blog that doesn't line up with their worldview, log in, and then ponder something mean or sarcastic to post. Talk about poor time management!
Good idea...you shouldn't have to post that stuff...I'm with you! Hope your out of town trip is fun. God Bless!
Oh Monica- Im so sorry. I'm glad that you are dealing with it though :) You (through your blog) are a blessing to my life and Im sure many others.
Monica, I don't comment often but I want you to know that I LOVE your blog and it is a great encouragement to me! Thank you for doing what you do, and bless you for standing up for yourself and especially for our awesome God! (keep in mind, whoever made whatever negative comments likely does not know Him)...
With thanks and encouragement,
monica- i just wanted you to know that i look forward to reading your blog every morning. you are such an encouragement and example to me as a young mom. i'm so sorry you have to deal with this negativity. please don't let it discourage you, God is using you in so many lives, certainly in mine! God bless you and your precious family.
Dear Monica,
I too am sorry about this comment business. I am not sure why someone would want to be unkind, I am sorry this has happened to you. You are precious and always an encouragement, I am so thankful for you and this blog. I did want to let you know there is another way i have seen for posting comments. I saw it on the Maxwell's blog (so appritiate them too), the first time you leave a comment it has you type in the name you want shown and also the email address (it is not published). Each time you leave a comment afterward it recognizes the computer (I guess) so you don't have to retype the info. I hope this may help and hope you can understand my explaination. Again i love you and am so thankful for all you do. tammyp
Monica, I'm saying a prayer for you because I know rude comments can hurt us even when we know they are untrue. I am blessed by your blog like so many other people, and I pray that you will continue to let the Lord use you through blogging despite this challenge.
I didn't see the comments themselves but from what you said they sound terrible.
It's amazing to me what people will say on the internet. I doubt if they would ever say such things in person.
Dear Monica, what lovely encouragement has been left here for you by all of the above commenters! Love you, Mom
I rarely comment on my favorite blogs.
I do feel it necessary today.
I don't know why some people are hateful and rude.
I do think that how you respond to these negative posts; shows your true character and models forgiveness. With that said, it doesn't mean you have to read the garbage people spew. Just delete away!
Hugs and keep being your sweet self!
Monica, I found your blog a few weeks ago via a link on Amy's blog. I love your blog! :-)
Dear Monica:
I say that your lovely blog sparkles with such joy and encouragement to each and every Christian reader with each and every 'read' Monica.....so I will just pray that good conquers all as know it will hedge in this gentle spot where so, so many of us enjoy a little respite of Godly kindness Monica.
God's Blessings this night,
Hi Monica,
I read your blog a lot, and my Mom does as well. It is really sad when a person feels that they have to leave negative comments, especially when they do not have the courage to show their name.
I had the same problem on my blog that was involving some family issues. I even had to disable the comment option for a while. However, I learned that everyone would have their own opinion, and I can always choose which posts to show.
Keep posting your great crafts and inspirations! We love your blog!
I just wanted to send you a hug Monica. You have such a loving spirit and I can feel your sensitivity toward your family and others in every word you write here. I know that it must break your heart to read negative comments. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. Keep going though; you are such an encouragement to other women!! Your posts inspire me to draw closer to the Lord and to thoroughly and creatively enjoy being a wife and mother.
I just wanted you to know that your blog inspires and encourages me in my desire to create a peaceful, loving, Christ-centered home for my family. I enjoy reading your blog daily. You are such a genuine person and wonderful example. Thank you so much for sharing your life.
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